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Spear Training 道爾西道爾西 戰爭練習 Tier 1

Spear Training

Before you can defeat the greatest warriors of the age you must first learn their ways.

Several centuries of conflict with their Greek and Macedonian neighbours led the Illyrians to adopt much of their enemies' martial acumen and tactical skill. The old-fashioned heroic charge, favoured by barbarian cultures throughout the world along with the traditional warrior-hero ethos, was gradually replaced by a more Hellenistic order of battle, eschewing individual heroism for mass action as part of a hoplite phalanx. This required the Illyrians to learn a different way of fighting. Traditionally, spears were for throwing; the individual hurled a spear or some javelins before charging into battle to engage the enemy with his deadly sica sword. Now, it was to be used as a thrusting weapon whilst part of a tightly-packed body of men all fighting as one. Eventually, this new spear training proved highly successful, leading to a brief conquest of neighbouring Epirus and even the defeat of the regional Hellenic super-power, Macedon, under the aging Illyrian king, Bardyllis.

繁體中文化: 巴哈姆特全軍破敵板


Spear Training

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戰爭練習 Tier 1






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