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Boar's Head Formation Marcomanni (Empire Divided)Marcomanni (Empire Divided) Battle Tier 3

Boar's Head Formation

There are two rules - stand close to one another and follow the leader.

The 'boar's head' was a tactical formation widely used by Germanic barbarians, both when fighting on foot or mounted on horses. It was either wedge-shaped or rectangular, with its flanks and rear well protected. The leader of the formation usually marched in the front row of the boar's head and the rest of the warriors followed his movements. The main advantage of this formation was its compactness, which in turn granted it a fair degree pf manoeuvrability on the battlefield. Charging an enemy line yielded one of two possible outcomes. First, the formation could punch through the enemy and disperse them. In case the enemy line held, however, the boar's head stopped and expanded as Germanic warriors from the rear rows moved around their frontline brethren to engage the enemy.

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Boar's Head Formation

Node Set

Battle Tier 3






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