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Assume Power Gallic Rome (Empire Divided)Gallic Rome (Empire Divided) Governance Tier 1

Assume Power

The path to the purple is fraught with treachery and peril.

The capture of Emperor Valerian in AD 260 delivered the single blow that fractured the Roman Empire, causing Palmyra and the Gaul to secede and declare autonomy. In Rome, Aurelian was hailed the new Emperor by the troops, due to his illustrious career as a soldier and commander of the cavalry. The western provinces, however, elected Postumus to lead a new Roman state. He remained on the throne for ten years, before being murdered by his own troops. The reigns of his two successors, Marius and Victorinus, were short and insignificant, but then Gaius Tetricus, a capable statesman, took over. In Palmyra, the mighty local king, Odaenathus, was initially loyal to the Roman Empire, but his assassination left the power in the hands of his queen, Zenobia, as regent. She then seized her chance to conquer Rome's eastern provinces for herself and her son Vaballathus.

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Assume Power

Node Set

Governance Tier 1






  • +5%稅率
Enables Technologies City PlanningCity Planning Construction ProjectsConstruction Projects Consolidate AuthorityConsolidate Authority
Enables Buildings Vigiles UrbaniVigiles Urbani
Civil ColoniaCivil Colonia
Garrison ColoniaGarrison Colonia
Civil SettlementCivil Settlement
Farming SettlementFarming Settlement
Market SettlementMarket Settlement