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Conscripted Germanic Soldiers Gallic Rome (Empire Divided)Gallic Rome (Empire Divided) Military Tier 1

Conscripted Germanic Soldiers

They used to dream of the demise of Rome, now they shed blood for her cause.

The Batavians were a Germanic tribe who dwelled on an island in the Rhine delta. Impressed by their military skill, the Romans did not demand that they pay monetary tribute, but instead provide soldiers for the army. Along with their ability to keep formation – unlike many other barbarians – they were known for the ability to swim while wearing full armour. Batavians were enlisted in the personal guard of several of the first Roman Emperors, and saw action all over the Empire. During the tumultuous 'Year of the Four Emperors', the Romanised Batavian leader, Civilis, incited his people to revolt and managed to exterminate two entire Legions before succumbing to Rome's superior military prowess.

繁體中文化: 巴哈姆特全軍破敵板


Conscripted Germanic Soldiers

Node Set

Military Tier 1






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