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Reinstituted Republic Gallic Rome (Empire Divided)Gallic Rome (Empire Divided) Governance Tier 6

Reinstituted Republic

The true glory of Rome lies in its roots - the honour and stability of the Republic.

The Roman Republic was a beacon of civilisation in an otherwise wild and barbaric world. Its constitution divided the people into three main branches – the Assemblies, the Senate and the Magistrates. Power was distributed between the legs of this tripod, thus keeping every ruling party in check and preventing the rise of centralisation and dictatorship. However, the principles of the Republic crumbled as provincial governors seized more and more power for themselves, culminating in the assassination of Julius Caesar and the subsequent transformation of Rome into an autocratic empire. As the Empire fractured during the 3rd century AD, some people believed that the stability and social justice of the Republic could serve as a foundation for a new Roman state, one that would endure for centuries.

繁體中文化: 巴哈姆特全軍破敵板


Reinstituted Republic

Node Set

Governance Tier 6






  • +15%稅率
  • -12 Banditry (in all your provinces)
  • +15 loyalty for all political parties while your faction is a republic
Requires Technologies Improved AdministrationImproved Administration