HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / ​イ​ケ​ニ

Campaign Map


Faction Name








Military Group


Faction Group


Faction Group

Britannic Tribes Britannic Tribes
Described by Pytheas as "Pretani", the "painted ones" are a fierce and independent people.
[NOT DISPLAYED] +3 ​権​威​に​基​づ​く​工​作​員​の​行​動​に​対​す​る​警​備
[NOT DISPLAYED] +2 ​狡​猾​に​基​づ​く​工​作​員​の​行​動​に​対​す​る​警​備
[NOT DISPLAYED] +4 ​熱​意​に​基​づ​く​工​作​員​の​行​動​に​対​す​る​警​備
​英​雄​文​化: ​戦​闘​時​に​攻​撃​側​の​場​合、​全​部​隊​の​突​撃 +20%
​戦​士​社​会: ​戦​争​相​手​の​国​が​増​え​る​た​び​に​治​安 +2

Political Parties

Angry Beast Clan Angry Beast Clan
By age and experience the elders in the council are the wisest men, and therefore the most qualified to rule and provide counsel when necessary.
Playable: False
Initial Power: 45
No Effect
​他​の​酋​長 ​他​の​酋​長
By age and experience the elders in the council are the wisest men, and therefore the most qualified to rule and provide counsel when necessary.
Playable: False
Initial Power: 45
No Effect
Hill Warriors Clan Hill Warriors Clan
By age and experience the elders in the council are the wisest men, and therefore the most qualified to rule and provide counsel when necessary.
Playable: False
Initial Power: 45
No Effect
Iron Axe Clan Iron Axe Clan
By age and experience the elders in the council are the wisest men, and therefore the most qualified to rule and provide counsel when necessary.
Playable: False
Initial Power: 45
No Effect
​大​酋​長 ​大​酋​長
The Iceni are a proud, fierce people from the flatlands of eastern Britannia, and among the toughest tribes of that mist-wreathed island.
Playable: True
Initial Power: 65
[NOT DISPLAYED] adds subsistence wealth to faction capital only / scope: faction
​文​明​へ​の​憧​れ: ​全​て​の​非​蛮​族​勢​力​と​の​外​交​関​係​に​中​ボー​ナ​ス
​伝​統​的​な​農​法: ​農​業​施​設​の​収​入 +20%
Warhorse Clan Warhorse Clan
By age and experience the elders in the council are the wisest men, and therefore the most qualified to rule and provide counsel when necessary.
Playable: False
Initial Power: 45
No Effect
Wooden Shield Clan Wooden Shield Clan
By age and experience the elders in the council are the wisest men, and therefore the most qualified to rule and provide counsel when necessary.
Playable: False
Initial Power: 45
No Effect
20 Chariots
160 Heroic Nobles
Heroic Nobles
80 Heroic Riders
Heroic Riders
160 Ambushers
160 Chosen Sword Band
Chosen Sword Band
80 Druidic Nobles
Druidic Nobles
160 Heroic Nobles
Heroic Nobles
160 Painted Ones
Painted Ones
160 Sword Band
Sword Band
120 Briton Skirmishers
Briton Skirmishers
120 Briton Slingers
Briton Slingers
160 Chosen Spear Band
Chosen Spear Band
160 Farmers
160 Spear Band
Spear Band
160 Levy Freemen
Levy Freemen
80 Heroic Riders
Heroic Riders
80 Briton Scout Riders
Briton Scout Riders
80 Veteran Riders
Veteran Riders
20 Chariots
40 Briton Giant Ballista
Briton Giant Ballista
40 Briton Bastion Scorpion
Briton Bastion Scorpion
40 Briton Scorpion (Fixed)
Briton Scorpion (Fixed)
40 Briton Bastion Ballista
Briton Bastion Ballista
40 Briton Ballista
Briton Ballista
40 Briton Scorpion
Briton Scorpion
40 Briton Heavy Onager
Briton Heavy Onager
40 Briton Bastion Onager
Briton Bastion Onager
40 Briton Onager
Briton Onager
40 Celtic Warhounds
Celtic Warhounds
120 Heavy Raider - Painted Ones
Heavy Raider - Painted Ones
100 Medium Missile Raider - Briton Slingers
Medium Missile Raider - Briton Slingers
120 Heavy Raider - Painted Ones
Heavy Raider - Painted Ones
120 Persian Assault Teteres - Spear Band
Persian Assault Teteres - Spear Band
100 Medium Assault Raider - Sword Band
Medium Assault Raider - Sword Band
80 Assault Raider - Levy Freemen
Assault Raider - Levy Freemen
140 Greek Missile Penteres - Briton Slingers
Greek Missile Penteres - Briton Slingers
100 Medium Missile Raider - Briton Slingers
Medium Missile Raider - Briton Slingers
80 Missile Raider - Briton Slingers
Missile Raider - Briton Slingers
40 Roman Light Artillery Quinquereme - Briton Ballista (Ship)
Roman Light Artillery Quinquereme - Briton Ballista (Ship)
40 Roman Artillery Quinquereme - Briton Onager (Ship)
Roman Artillery Quinquereme - Briton Onager (Ship)