HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Arevaci Tribal Council (Hannibal at the Gates) / Household / General Household Members & Objects
Arevaci Tribal Council (Hannibal at the Gates) Arevaci Tribal Council (Hannibal at the Gates) Household

General Household Members & Objects

Generals and admirals are used to command armies and fleets in battle. Their command rating influences the effectiveness with which their army or fleet fights. Generals can be assigned useful skills and household members or objects as they gain experience in battle and increase in rank. They can also be assigned Cursus Honorum offices to convey additional bonuses.

No. Ancillary Transferrable Unique to World Unique to Faction is Wife Ancillary Effects
1 Siege Engineer General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_master_siege_engineer)
Siege Engineer
"We'll have those walls down, sir, no trouble."
True False True False -1 enemy siege hold-out time
(double for city-ports) (this_force_general)
2 Desert Scout General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_scout_desert)
Desert Scout
Trackless wastes are not for the faint-hearted.
True False True False +1 line of sight (this_general)
+2% morale for all units during ambush battles in the desert (army only)
3 Barbarian Pirate General / (r2_sp_anc_all_barbarian_pirate)
Barbarian Pirate
He couldn't make it as a bandit.
True False True False +1 zeal (this_agent)
4 Christian Priest General / (r2_sp_anc_all_christian_priest)
Christian Priest
This man always turns the other cheek.
True False True False +2 public order per turn (local province)
5 Crisis Manager General / (r2_sp_anc_all_crisis_manager)
Crisis Manager
If there's a crisis that requires management, he's your man.
True False True False +2 public order per turn (local province)
6 Ex-Slum Lord General / (r2_sp_anc_all_ex_slum_lord)
Ex-Slum Lord
Out of work following the demolition of the slums, this one seeks adventure and, hopefully, a fortune.
True False True False +1 authority (this_general)
7 Treasurer General / (r2_sp_anc_all_govt_money_treasurer)
Counting money is always a pleasure.
True False True False +5% tariff income from trade agreements (factionwide)
8 Wise Man General / (r2_sp_anc_all_house_wise_man)
Wise Man
"Wisdom? Wisdom? I do not have wisdom! I have age!"
True False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
9 Local Bandit General / (r2_sp_anc_all_local_bandit)
Local Bandit
"Long live the, er, revolution... or something."
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
10 Soothsayer General / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_soothsayer_1)
"By the Gods, I speak sooth, not honeyed lies!"
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
11 Soothsayer General / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_soothsayer_2)
"Grant me visions, O Gods!"
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
12 Berber Minx General / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_berber)
Berber Minx
"I'm quite worn out. She's an in-tents lover. Oh, please yourself…"
True False True False +1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+5 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
13 Floozy General / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_floozy)
There's nothing quite like a really cheap floozy to brighten up the place.
True False True False +5 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
14 Pilot General / (r2_sp_anc_all_navy_master_pilot_1)
The right man can read waves and coasts like a book.
True False True False +2 authority when leading a fleet (when admiral)
15 Pilot General / (r2_sp_anc_all_navy_master_pilot)
To read the wind and waves is to read the thoughts of the gods.
True False True False +2 authority when leading a fleet (when admiral)
16 Seamaster General / (r2_sp_anc_all_navy_master_seaman)
A lifetime of skill in reading wind, wave and tide.
True False True False +1 authority when leading a fleet (when admiral)
17 Shipwright General / (r2_sp_anc_all_navy_shipwright)
This man has a talent for seeing a ship within the wood.
True False True False -5% ship building cost (this_general_force)
18 Barbarian Philosopher General / (r2_sp_anc_all_thinker_barbarian)
Barbarian Philosopher
"I called him a ponce and I'm calling you one too. Perfumed ponce!"
True False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
19 Master Trader General / (r2_sp_anc_all_trade_expert)
Master Trader
Wealth is always a practical matter.
True False True False +10% tariff income from trade agreements (factionwide)
20 Gallic Turncoat General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_barbarian_gaul)
Gallic Turncoat
"I still have pride. You would not understand."
True False True False +5% melee attack skill for all units during battles against barbarian tribes (this_general_force)
21 German Turncoat General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_barbarian_german)
German Turncoat
"My people will see me as their leader!"
True False True False +5% melee attack skill for all units during battles against barbarian tribes (this_general_force)
22 British Turncoat General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_briton)
British Turncoat
"Sodding woad. Always brings me out in a rash."
True False True False +5% shots per minute rate for all chariot units (this_general_force)
+5% melee attack skill for all units during battles against barbarian tribes (this_general_force)
23 Eastern Turncoat General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_eastern_generic)
Eastern Turncoat
"Gold? Is that why you think I...? No, no. Not that."
True False True False +5% melee attack skill for all units during battles against Eastern factions (this_general_force)
24 Ambachus General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_ambassador)
A man fluent in Latin and Greek can discuss terms with the vanquished.
True False True False +10% income from looting settlements (this_general_force)
25 Hearth-friend General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_guard)
"I carry his sword. I keep his back. He is my warlord."
True False True False +5% chance of wounding enemy agents in self-defence (this_agent)
26 Heroic Warrior General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_hero_celt)
Heroic Warrior
"Kiss my axe!"
True False True False +5% melee attack skill for all units (this_general_force)
27 Heroic Veteran General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_hero_old)
Heroic Veteran
"Remember, if your head comes away from your neck, it's over."
True False True False +5% melee attack skill for all sword-armed units (this_general_force)
+5% melee defence skill for all sword-armed units (this_general_force)
28 Sword-bearer General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_swordbearer)
Why should a great commander carry his own sword?
True False True False +5% weapon damage inflicted by the commander's unit (this_general_force)
29 Longsword General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_sword)
"I've paid for this privilege with my blood!"
True False True False +1 zeal (this_agent)
30 Famous Warrior General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_warrior_famous)
Famous Warrior
Every hero is his own story.
True False True False -5% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
+2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
31 Personal Bard General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_arts_bard_biographer)
Personal Bard
Heroes must be celebrated in song and rhyme.
True False True False +1 authority (this_agent)
32 Epic Bard General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_arts_bard)
Epic Bard
Awesome deeds by great men need an epic retelling!
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
33 Astrologer General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_astrologer)
Much can be learned from this man's speculations from the stars.
True False True False +1 cunning when leading an army (this_general)
34 Astronomer General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_astronomer)
"It's definitely moved. Last month it was over there. I've got an idea..."
True False True False +1 cunning when leading a fleet (when admiral)
35 Bard General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_bard)
"Lemme sing you a story…"
True False True False +5% chance of evading enemy agents (this_agent)
36 Black Cauldron General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_black_cauldron)
Black Cauldron
Whoever owns it shall rule the world. Or destroy it…
True True False False +2 cunning (this_agent)
37 Childhood Friend General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_childhood_friend)
Childhood Friend
"Are you mad? The Alliance!"
True False True False +10% chance of wounding enemy agents in self-defence (this_agent)
38 Smooth-tongued Bard General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_govt_translator)
Smooth-tongued Bard
"My master does not care for your soft-tongued babble!"
True False True False +5% tariff income from trade agreements (factionwide)
39 Hazel Shells General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_hazel_shells)
Hazel Shells
"I have eaten the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge!"
True True False False +5% research rate (factionwide)
40 Historian General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_historian)
"My father was told by his father, who heard it from his father, who heard it from his father…"
True False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
41 Harpist General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_house_musician)
Music soothes the savage brow.
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
42 Old Man General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_house_old_man)
Old Man
"I have seen seventy long winters, so you listen…"
True False True False +5% chance of successfully launching an ambush (this_general_force)
43 Bronze Mirror General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_bronze_mirror)
Bronze Mirror
"You see that beard with a gob… that's you!"
True False True False +1 authority (this_agent)
44 Caliburnus General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_excalibur)
"Behold…the sword of power…forged when the world was young!"
False True False False +5% chance of evading enemy agents (this_general)
45 Garum General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_fish_sauce)
"It's made of rotting fish bits! And they call us barbaric!"
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
46 Hearth God Statue General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_god_hearth)
Hearth God Statue
"Ancestors mine, give me your help!"
True False True False +5 zeal when leading an army (this_general)
47 Dried Heart General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_heart)
Dried Heart
"It was still beating when I took it…"
True False True False -5% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
48 Hunting Horn General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_horn)
Hunting Horn
When the horn sounds, the hunters awake!
True False True False +7% shots per minute for all units (this_general_force)
49 War Helm General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_war_helmet)
War Helm
"Impressive, but why give your head handles for a foe?"
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
+1 authority when leading an army (when general)
50 Jeweller General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_jeweller)
"Torc, anyone?"
True False True False +1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
51 Cackling Crone General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_magic_crone)
Cackling Crone
"Hahahahahaha! The bones! The bones!"
True False True False +1 line of sight (this_agent)
52 Tribal Midwife General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_midwife)
Tribal Midwife
"Drink this. Now bite down hard on that."
True False True False +2 growth per turn (local province)
+10 to chance of having children (this_agent)
53 White Stag Pelt General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_pelt_white_stag)
White Stag Pelt
Is he a messenger from the Otherworld or just a loony with a deer on his head?
True False True False +1 line of sight (this_agent)
54 Poet General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_poet)
"I need something that rhymes with Roman bastards…"
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
55 Shaman General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_religion_shaman)
Walk bravely into the shadow world.
True False True False +1 to morale bonus while defending settlement (local province)
56 Road Builder General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_road_builder)
Road Builder
"In years to come people will think the Romans built this road."
True False True False +1 line of sight (this_agent)
57 Storyteller General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_storyteller)
"It was a dark and stormy night…and Britomaris said to his men, 'Men… and the story began…'"
True False True False +2 Celtic cultural influence (factionwide)
58 Priest of Belenus General / (r2_sp_anc_briton_religion_belenus)
Priest of Belenus
"Bow before the Shining One."
True False True False +1 food (factionwide)
59 Carnyx General / (r2_sp_anc_celtic_army_trumpet)
A harsh sound to suit the tumult of war.
True False True False -5% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
+5% charge bonus for all units (this_general_force)
60 Shield Biter General / (r2_sp_anc_celtic_army_young_warrior)
Shield Biter
True False True False +5% charge bonus for all units (this_general_force)
61 Enslaved Greek General / (r2_sp_anc_non_greek_slave_greek)
Enslaved Greek
"He's funny. He can run, and jump, and do things with olives."
True False True False +1 authority (this_agent)
62 Gutuatri General / (rr2_sp_anc_barbarian_priest)
The old ways still mean something.
True False True False +1 public order (local province)