HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Viesul (Rise of the Republic) / ​家 / Common Household Members & Objects
Viesul (Rise of the Republic) Viesul (Rise of the Republic) ​家

Common Household Members & Objects

All character types available

No. Ancillary Transferrable Unique to World Unique to Faction is Wife Ancillary Effects
1 ​未​婚​の​叔​母 Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_family_aunt_bully)
True False True False
2 ​悪​意​あ​る​義​母 Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_family_mum_in_law_evil)
True False True False -2 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+2% ​全​部​隊​の​士​気 (this_general_force)
3 ​最​愛​の​母 Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_family_mum_mental)
True False True False
4 ​霊​媒​師 Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_religion_prophet_mad)
False True False False
5 Brutal Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_brutal)
Brutal Husband
I've had all the slaves flogged. One died out of sheer spite. I need money, dear. I'm off to the slavers'.
False False True False +1 ​奴​隷​の​不​満 (​現​地​の​州)
+2 ​権​威 (this_agent)
6 Educated Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_educated)
Educated Husband
Women, my darling, do not look at a man's mind first. And I have a sharp mind…
False False True False +3 ​狡​猾​に​基​づ​く​工​作​員​の​行​動​に​対​す​る​警​備(​狡​猾​ボー​ナ​ス) (this_general)
7 Efficient Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_efficient)
Efficient Husband
Within these doors, I run the household. You have enough with everything else!
False False True False +5% ​交​易​協​定​に​よ​る​関​税​収​入 (​勢​力​全​体)
+1 ​権​威 (this_agent)
8 Flirtatious Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_flirt)
Flirtatious Husband
She has eyes for me. This will work to our advantage, my darling…
False False True False -1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+5 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
9 Handyman Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_handyman)
There's no such thing as "broken". Just pass it to me!
False False True False +1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+2 ​熱​意 (this_agent)
10 Intelligent Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_intelligent)
Intelligent Husband
We can turn this to advantage, my love. Just let me think…
False False True False +5% ​研​究​速​度 (​勢​力​全​体)
+2 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
11 Mean Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_mean)
Mean Husband
And why do you need another sandalium pair? You're my wife, not a traveller…
False False True False -2 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
12 Brutal Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_brutal)
Brutal Husband
"I've had all the slaves flogged. One died out of sheer spite. I need money, dear. I'm off to the slavers'."
False False True False +1 ​奴​隷​の​不​満 (​現​地​の​州)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+2 ​権​威 (this_agent)
13 Educated Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_educated)
Educated Husband
"Women, my darling, do not look at a man's mind first. And I have a sharp mind…"
False False True False +3 ​狡​猾​に​基​づ​く​工​作​員​の​行​動​に​対​す​る​警​備(​狡​猾​ボー​ナ​ス) (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
14 Efficient Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_efficient)
Efficient Husband
"Within these doors, I run the household. You have enough with everything else!"
False False True False +5% ​交​易​協​定​に​よ​る​関​税​収​入 (​勢​力​全​体)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+1 ​権​威 (this_agent)
15 Flirtatious Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_flirt)
Flirtatious Husband
"She has eyes for me. This will work to our advantage, my darling…"
False False True False -1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+5 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
16 Handyman Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_handyman)
"There's no such thing as 'broken' - just pass it to me!"
False False True False +1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+2 ​熱​意 (this_agent)
17 Intelligent Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_intelligent)
Intelligent Husband
"We can turn this to our advantage, my love. Just let me think…"
False False True False +5% ​研​究​速​度 (​勢​力​全​体)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+2 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
18 Mean Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_mean)
Mean Husband
"...and why do you need more sandalium? You're my wife, not a traveller…"
False False True False +3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-2 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
19 Political Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_political)
Political Husband
"No, no friends - everyone at the table tonight can be used. It will help us to better things..."
False False True False +3% ​汚​職 (​勢​力​全​体)
+1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
20 Protective Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_protective)
Protective Husband
"I've hired six new bodyguards, dear. All strapping fellows..."
False False True False +5% ​敵​の​工​作​員​か​ら​逃​げ​ら​れ​る​確​率 (this_general)
-1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
21 Sharp-tongued Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_sharp_tongue)
Sharp-tongued Husband
"She may be my wife, but she's still an indolent, pathetic, little, horse-dung excuse of a woman."
False False True False +3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-1 ​権​威 (this_agent)
+3 ​駐​留​軍​に​よ​る​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
22 Opportunist Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_social_climber)
Opportunist Husband
"You get over there and you say something NICE to HER husband! Ingratiate yourself, fool!"
False False True False +3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-2 ​権​威 (this_agent)
+2 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
23 Spendthrift Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_spendthrift)
Spendthrift Husband
"What do you mean? Of course it's my money. I'm in charge! Really! Women!"
False False True False +5% ​税​率 (​現​地​の​州)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-2 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
24 Superior Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_superior)
Superior Husband
"Do we have to entertain those awful, little people again? I hate wasting wine on them."
False False True False +1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-2 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
25 Unfaithful Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_unfaithful)
Unfaithful Husband
"Yes, I flirted with her - and more! Of course I did - I thought it might help your prospects."
False False True False -2 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-10 to chance of having children (this_agent)
26 Unsuitable Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_unsuitable)
Unsuitable Husband
Some women marry for love... and others call them fools.
False False True False -1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-5 to chance of having children (this_agent)
27 Wealthy Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_pol_wealthy)
Wealthy Husband
Some women marry for gold and silver... and others envy them!
False False True False +10% ​全​収​入​源​の​収​入 (​現​地​の​州)
+2 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
28 Political Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_political)
Political Husband
"No. No friends. Everyone at the table tonight can be used. It will help us to better things."
False False True False +3% ​汚​職 (​勢​力​全​体)
+1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
29 Protective Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_protective)
Protective Husband
I've hired six new bodyguards, dear. All strapping fellows.
False False True False +5% ​敵​の​工​作​員​か​ら​逃​げ​ら​れ​る​確​率 (this_general)
-1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
30 Sharp-tongued Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_sharp_tongue)
Sharp-tongued Husband
She may be my wife, but she's still an indolent, pathetic, little, horse-dung excuse of a woman.
False False True False -1 ​権​威 (this_agent)
+3 ​駐​留​軍​に​よ​る​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
31 Opportunist Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_social_climber)
Opportunist Husband
You get over there and you say something NICE to HER husband! Ingratiate yourself, fool!
False False True False -2 ​権​威 (this_agent)
+2 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
32 Spendthrift Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_spendthrift)
Spendthrift Husband
What do you mean? Of course it's my money. I'm in charge! Really! Women!
False False True False +5% ​税​率 (​現​地​の​州)
-2 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
33 Superior Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_superior)
Superior Husband
Do we have to entertain those awful, little people again? I hate wasting wine on them...
False False True False +1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
-2 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
34 Unfaithful Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_unfaithful)
Unfaithful Husband
Yes, I flirted with her! And more. Of course I did. I thought it might help your prospects.
False False True False -2 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
-10 to chance of having children (this_agent)
35 Unsuitable Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_unsuitable)
Unsuitable Husband
Some women marry for love, and others call them fools.
False False True False -1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
-5 to chance of having children (this_agent)
36 Wealthy Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_husband_wealthy)
Wealthy Husband
Some women marry for gold, and others call them enviable.
False False True False +10% ​全​収​入​源​の​収​入 (​現​地​の​州)
+2 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
37 ​親​切​な​拷​問​人 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_law_torturer_2)
True False True False +1 ​駐​留​軍​に​よ​る​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
38 ​拷​問​人 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_law_torturer)
True False True False +1 ​駐​留​軍​に​よ​る​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
39 ​隠​者 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_magic_hermit_2)
True False True False -5% ​神​殿​の​建​設​費 (​現​地​の​州)
40 ​隠​者 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_magic_hermit)
True False True False +1 ​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
41 ​降​霊​術​師 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_magic_magician)
True False True False -5% ​神​殿​の​建​設​費 (​現​地​の​州)
42 ​ユ​ダ​ヤ​人​の​神​秘​家 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_magic_miracle_max)
True False True False +1 ​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
43 ​エ​ジ​プ​ト​人​の​神​秘​家 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_magic_mystic_egypt)
True False True False +1 ​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
44 ​医​者 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_medic_doctor)
True False True False -1 ​負​傷​回​復​に​掛​か​る​ター​ン​数 (this_agent)
45 ​エ​ジ​プ​ト​人​の​医​者 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_medic_egyptian)
True False True False -1 ​負​傷​回​復​に​掛​か​る​ター​ン​数 (this_agent)
46 ​内​科​医 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_medic_physician)
True False True False -1 ​負​傷​回​復​に​掛​か​る​ター​ン​数 (this_agent)
47 ​海​軍​の​優​れ​た​弓​兵 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_navy_archer)
True False True False +5% ​全​支​援​艦​の​射​程 (​提​督​の​場​合)
48 ​艦​載​砲​の​専​門​家 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_navy_artillerist)
True False True False +5% ​全​て​の​重​兵​器​艦​の​分​あ​た​り​の​射​撃​数 (​提​督​の​場​合)
49 ​キ​ャ​ビ​ン​ボー​イ Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_navy_cabin_boy)
True False True False +1 ​艦​隊​を​率​い​る​際​の​狡​猾 (​提​督​の​場​合)
50 ​大​き​な​汗​ま​み​れ​の​鼓​手 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_navy_drummer)
True False True False +5% ​全​艦​の​衝​角​の​威​力 (​提​督​の​場​合)
51 ​経​験​豊​か​な​水​兵 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_navy_marine)
True False True False +5% ​全​て​の​白​兵​艦​の​近​接​攻​撃 (​提​督​の​場​合)
52 ​熟​練​の​プ​ロ​レ​ウ​テ Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_navy_master_greek_lookout)
「​船​が​見​え​る​ぞ! ​取​り​舵!」
True False True False +5% ​全​艦​の​戦​闘​時​に​お​け​る​速​度 (​提​督​の​場​合)
53 ​腕​の​立​つ​ア​ウ​レ​テ Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_navy_master_greek_musician)
True False True False +5% ​全​艦​の​戦​闘​時​に​お​け​る​速​度 (​提​督​の​場​合)
54 ​熟​練​の​ト​イ​カ​ル​コ​ス Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_navy_master_greek_rower)
True False True False +5% ​全​艦​の​戦​闘​時​に​お​け​る​速​度 (​提​督​の​場​合)
55 ​熟​練​の​ト​リ​エ​ラ​ル​コ​ス Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_navy_master_greek_trireme_capt)
True False True False +5% ​全​艦​の​戦​闘​時​に​お​け​る​速​度 (​提​督​の​場​合)
56 ​海​を​知​り​尽​く​し​た​ギ​リ​シ​ア​人 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_navy_master_greek)
True False True False +5% ​全​艦​の​戦​闘​時​に​お​け​る​速​度 (​提​督​の​場​合)
57 ​航​海​士 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_navy_master_navigator)
True False True False +1 ​視​界 (​提​督​の​場​合)
58 ​漕​手​長 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_navy_master_rower)
True False True False +5% ​全​艦​の​戦​闘​時​に​お​け​る​速​度 (​提​督​の​場​合)
59 ​海​を​知​り​尽​く​し​た​ロー​ド​ス​人 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_navy_master_seaman_rhodes)
True False True False +5% ​全​艦​の​戦​闘​時​に​お​け​る​速​度 (​提​督​の​場​合)
60 ​暗​殺​団​の​頭​首 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_spy_master_assassin)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
61 ​泥​棒​集​団​の​頭​首 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_spy_master_thief)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
62 ​異​国​の​毒​使​い Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_spy_poisoner_east)
True False True False +1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
63 ​絹​商​人 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_trade_silk)
True False True False +5% ​全​商​業​に​よ​る​収​入 (​現​地​の​州)
64 ​香​辛​料​商​人 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_trade_spices)
True False True False +5% ​全​商​業​に​よ​る​収​入 (​現​地​の​州)
65 ​優​れ​た​ワ​イ​ン​醸​造​業​者 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_trade_vintner)
True False True False +5% ​全​商​業​に​よ​る​収​入 (​現​地​の​州)
66 ​剣​闘​士​の​裏​切​り​者 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_traitor_slave_gladiator)
True False True False +2% ​反​乱​軍​と​戦​闘​時、​全​部​隊​の​士​気 (this_general_force)
67 ​残​酷​な​妻 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_brutal)
False False True True +1 ​奴​隷​の​不​満 (​現​地​の​州)
+2 ​権​威 (this_agent)
68 ​教​養​あ​る​妻 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_educated)
False False True True +3 ​狡​猾​に​基​づ​く​工​作​員​の​行​動​に​対​す​る​警​備(​狡​猾​ボー​ナ​ス) (this_general)
69 ​有​能​な​妻 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_efficient)
False False True True +5% ​交​易​協​定​に​よ​る​関​税​収​入 (​勢​力​全​体)
+1 ​権​威 (this_agent)
70 ​思​わ​せ​ぶ​り​な​妻 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_flirt)
False False True True -1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+5 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
71 ​模​範​的​な​妻 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_goddess)
False False True True +1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+5 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+2 ​熱​意 (this_agent)
72 ​知​的​な​妻 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_intelligent)
False False True True +5% ​研​究​速​度 (​勢​力​全​体)
+2 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
73 ​ケ​チ​な​妻 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_mean)
False False True True -5% ​維​持​費 (this_general_force)
-2 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
74 Brutal Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_brutal)
Brutal Wife
"I've had all the slaves flogged. One died out of sheer spite. I need money, dear. I'm off to the slavers'."
False False True True +1 ​奴​隷​の​不​満 (​現​地​の​州)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+2 ​権​威 (this_agent)
75 Educated Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_educated)
Educated Wife
"Men, my darling, do not look at a woman's mind first. And I have a sharp mind…"
False False True True +3 ​狡​猾​に​基​づ​く​工​作​員​の​行​動​に​対​す​る​警​備(​狡​猾​ボー​ナ​ス) (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
76 Efficient Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_efficient)
Efficient Wife
"Within these doors, I run the household. You have enough with everything else!"
False False True True +5% ​交​易​協​定​に​よ​る​関​税​収​入 (​勢​力​全​体)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+1 ​権​威 (this_agent)
77 Flirtatious Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_flirt)
Flirtatious Wife
"He has eyes for me. This will work to our advantage, my darling…"
False False True True -1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+5 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+1 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
78 Domestic Goddess Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_goddess)
Domestic Goddess
"Ooohh! Yes! Cream…"
False False True True +1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+5 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+2 ​熱​意 (this_agent)
79 Intelligent Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_intelligent)
Intelligent Wife
"We can turn this to our advantage, my love. Just let me think…"
False False True True +5% ​研​究​速​度 (​勢​力​全​体)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+2 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
80 Mean Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_mean)
Mean Wife
"Your men do not need new boots - they had some three years ago. Are they eating the things?"
False False True True -5% ​維​持​費 (this_general_force)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-2 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
81 Political Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_political)
Political Wife
"No, no friends - everyone at the table tonight can be used. It will help us to better things..."
False False True True +3% ​汚​職 (​勢​力​全​体)
+1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
82 Protective Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_protective)
Protective Wife
"I've hired six new bodyguards, dear. All strapping fellows..."
False False True True +5% ​敵​の​工​作​員​か​ら​逃​げ​ら​れ​る​確​率 (this_general)
-1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
83 Acid-tongued Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_sharp_tongue)
Acid-tongued Wife
"He may be a general, but he's still an indolent, pathetic, little, horse-dung excuse of a man."
False False True True +3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-1 ​権​威 (this_agent)
+3 ​駐​留​軍​に​よ​る​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
84 Social-climbing Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_social_climber)
Social-climbing Wife
"You get over there and you say something NICE to HIS wife! Ingratiate yourself, fool!"
False False True True +3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-2 ​権​威 (this_agent)
+2 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
85 Spendthrift Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_spendthrift)
Spendthrift Wife
"What do you mean? Of course it's your money. You're in charge! Really! Men!"
False False True True +5% ​税​率 (​現​地​の​州)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-2 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
86 Superior Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_superior)
Superior Wife
"Do we have to entertain those awful, little people again? I hate counting the napkins afterwards..."
False False True True +1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-2 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
87 Unfaithful Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_unfaithful)
Unfaithful Wife
"Yes, I flirted with him - and more! Of course I did - I thought it might help your prospects."
False False True True -2 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
88 Unsuitable Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_unsuitable)
Unsuitable Wife
Some men marry for love... and others call them fools.
False False True True -1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
89 Wealthy Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_pol_wealthy)
Wealthy Wife
Some men marry for gold and silver... and others envy them!
False False True True +10% ​全​収​入​源​の​収​入 (​現​地​の​州)
+2 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
90 ​政​治​的​な​妻 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_political)
False False True True +3% ​汚​職 (​勢​力​全​体)
+1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
91 ​過​保​護​気​味​な​妻 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_protective)
False False True True +5% ​敵​の​工​作​員​か​ら​逃​げ​ら​れ​る​確​率 (this_general)
-1 ​ター​ン​毎​に​威​厳 (this_general)
92 ​辛​辣​な​妻 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_sharp_tongue)
False False True True -1 ​権​威 (this_agent)
+3 ​駐​留​軍​に​よ​る​治​安 (​現​地​の​州)
93 ​出​世​志​向​の​妻 Common / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_wife_social_climber)
False False True True -2 ​権​威 (this_agent)
+2 ​狡​猾 (this_agent)
94 ​プ​ル​ム​バ​ト​ゥ​ス Common / (r2_sp_anc_roman_army_darts)
True False True False
95 ​剣​闘​士​の​汗 Common / (r2_sp_anc_roman_item_aphrodisiac_sweat)
True False True False +1 ​ター​ン​毎​の​発​展 (​現​地​の​州)
+10 to chance of having children (this_agent)