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Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Anduin_Vale
Lower Anduin Vale Anduin Vale Upper Anduin Vale Wrakyaburg |
Bandits light infantry Sinister outlaws with long blades and round shields.
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Dale Long Lake Celduin East Celduin Dorwinion |
Bandits light infantry Sinister outlaws with long blades and round shields.
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Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Dwarves1
Naugrim Ered Luin |
Mercenary Transport Ship light ship Mercenary Transport Ship. Available to the highest bidder!
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Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Eriador
Arthedain - North Downs Bree-land Cardolan South Downs Arthedain - Weather Hills Minhiriath Lake Evendim North Arthedain |
Bandits light infantry Sinister outlaws with long blades and round shields.
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Lossarnach East Lebennin Belfalas Anfalas Lamedon Dor-er-Ernil Pinnath-Gelin Tarlangs Neck Andrast West Lebennin Ringló Vale |
Bandits light infantry Sinister outlaws with long blades and round shields.
Mercenary Transport Ship light ship Mercenary Transport Ship. Available to the highest bidder!
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Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Gondor2
Anorien Cair Andros Western Osgiliath Eastern Osgiliath |
Bandits light infantry Sinister outlaws with long blades and round shields.
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Harad Umbar South Umbar Far Harad Gobel Ancalimon Near Harad Amrun East Harondor North Umbar |
Mercenary Transport Ship light ship Mercenary Transport Ship. Available to the highest bidder!
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Mercenary pool 僱傭池 High_Elves
Gulf of Lune Forlindon Harlindon Emyn Beraid |
Mercenary Transport Ship light ship Mercenary Transport Ship. Available to the highest bidder!
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Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Ithilien
South Ithilien Ithilien West Harondor Harondor |
Mercenary Transport Ship light ship Mercenary Transport Ship. Available to the highest bidder!
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Lothlorien Celebrant |
Bandits light infantry Sinister outlaws with long blades and round shields.
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Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Rhovanion
Rhovanion North Rhovanion East Rhovanion |
Rhovanion Hunters heavy infantry Made up of villagers and ordinary folk, these men are superior hunters and are excellent at ambushes.
Rhovanion Rider heavy cavalry Strong and fast medium cavalry with small shields and sharp spears.
Rhovanion Spearmen spearmen infantry Spearmen are commoners and peasants who fight for the freedom of their country.
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Druwaith Iaur East Enedwaith Lond Angren |
Mercenary Transport Ship light ship Mercenary Transport Ship. Available to the highest bidder!