Militia Barracks
City/Castle 城市/城堡 |
City levels 城市建築等級 |
Castle levels 城堡建築等級 |
Town Watch The Town Watch have the minimum equipment and resources needed to train infantry.
Garrison Quarters A garrison is a source of much military wisdom and skill for new recruits to the army.
Town Guard A Town Guard trains recruits and can provide enough basic arms for infantry units from stores.
Drill Square Drill is a necessary evil in the life of a soldier. It can make the long days of garrison duty seem, if anything, longer…
City Watch A City Watch can employ some professional warriors to train recruits, and can equip them from its armoury.
Barracks Barracks house recruits and garrison troops in some small comfort, but then the life of soldier is supposed to be hard.
Militia Drill Square A Militia Drill Square provides the space needed for training large bodies of men to carry out military evolutions.
Armoury An armoury allows for the recruitment, training and equipping of the finest infantry soldiers.
Militia Barracks Militia Barracks provide for every aspect of infantry training, turning recruits into well-drilled soldiers.
Armoury An armoury allows for the recruitment, training and equipping of the finest infantry soldiers.
Army Barracks Army Barracks are the first training facilities capable of training full-time professional soldiers.
Armoury An armoury allows for the recruitment, training and equipping of the finest infantry soldiers.
Royal Barracks Royal Barracks are military training facilities backed by the ruling treasury, necessary to recruit elite units with exceptional outfitting costs.
Armoury An armoury allows for the recruitment, training and equipping of the finest infantry soldiers.
Building class 建築類型 |
city barracks
Convert to 轉換建築類型 |
castle_barracks LEVEL 4
Building level 建築等級 |
LEVEL 4 militia_barracks
Material 材料 |
Capability 建築效果 |
law_bonus bonus 3
Faction capability 勢力效果 |
Construction 建造時間 |
Cost 建造花費 |
Requires condition 其他建造條件 |
and event_counter huge_city_barracks 1
Recruit units 招募兵種 |
No. |
Card 兵種 |
Name 名稱 |
Start quantity 初始數量 |
Replenishment rate 補充率 |
Max quantity 最大數量 |
Experience 經驗值 |
Requires condition 其他招募條件 |
1 |
Gondor Militia heavy infantry Strong militia units with solid shields and swords.
Gondor Militia |
1 |
0.2 |
2 |
0 |
and region_religion numenorian 15 |
Strong militia units with solid shields and swords. |
2 |
Axemen of Lossarnach heavy infantry Experienced warriors protected by a chain mail and armed with a tall two-handed axe. REQUIRES LOSSARNACH
Axemen of Lossarnach |
1 |
0.25 |
2 |
0 |
and hidden_resource lossarnach |
Experienced warriors protected by a chain mail and armed with a tall two-handed axe. REQUIRES LOSSARNACH |
3 |
Pelargir Marines heavy infantry Well equipped infantry, armed with javelins, sword and shield. REQUIRES PELARGIR
Pelargir Marines |
1 |
0.34 |
3 |
0 |
and hidden_resource pelargir |
Well equipped infantry, armed with javelins, sword and shield. REQUIRES PELARGIR |
4 |
Gondor Spearmen spearmen infantry Professional heavy spearmen protected with shields and plate armour and armed with a solid spear.
Gondor Spearmen |
1 |
0.34 |
3 |
0 |
and region_religion numenorian 60 |
Professional heavy spearmen protected with shields and plate armour and armed with a solid spear. |
5 |
Gondor Infantry heavy infantry Professional heavy infantry, armed with swords and shields, with excellent morale and stamina.
Gondor Infantry |
1 |
0.34 |
3 |
0 |
and region_religion numenorian 60 |
Professional heavy infantry, armed with swords and shields, with excellent morale and stamina. |
6 |
Citadel Guard spearmen infantry Elite spearmen with heavy armour and strong shields.
Citadel Guard |
1 |
0.2 |
2 |
0 |
and region_religion numenorian 70 |
Elite spearmen with heavy armour and strong shields. |
7 |
Dismounted Swan Knights heavy infantry Well armoured, elite unit blessed with unwavering morale. REQUIRES DOL AMROTH
Dismounted Swan Knights |
1 |
0.25 |
2 |
0 |
and hidden_resource amroth |
Well armoured, elite unit blessed with unwavering morale. REQUIRES DOL AMROTH |