Royal Military Academy 皇家軍事學院
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Empire 1.3 帝國 1.3
Crimean Khanate
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Indiaman (Trade Ship)
Indiaman (Trade Ship)
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Class 兵種 Indiaman Recruitable regions 招募地區 Worldwide
Men 兵員數 54 Required technology 招募需求科技
Guns 火炮數 12 Turns to build 招募回合 2
Firepower 火力 36 Unit limit 數量限制 0
Range 射程 500
Accuracy 準確度 36
Reloading Skill 裝彈技巧 4
Ammo. 彈藥數
Hull Strength 船體強度 1938
Speed 速度 16
Maneuver. 操作性 Low
Morale 士氣
Recruit. Cost 招募費用 600
Upkeep Cost 維持費用 50
Unit Description 兵種描述
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Indiaman (Trade Ship) The Indiaman is a three-masted, square-rigged sailing ship of some 1000 tons displacement. Although work for the relatively small crew is hard, there are compensations: they can trade goods in their own right, and make excellent profits by doing so.

Unusually for a merchant ship, an Indiaman carries cargo, passengers, and a good number of guns. Intended to sail from Europe to the other side of the world and back carrying valuable – sometimes priceless – cargoes, these ships have to be able to defend themselves. The passengers expect some creature comforts, being both officers of the owning trade companies and assorted “gentlemen” seeking their fortunes in foreign parts.

Historically, East Indiamen resembled ships of the line, both in their general configuration and paintwork. At the Battle of Pulo Aura (1804), the ambiguous appearance and aggressive handling of a squadron of British Indiamen completely humbugged the French admiral, Charles-Alexandre Linois. He withdrew in the face of “superior” forces. Commodore Nathaniel Dance, of the British Company fleet, received a knighthood and a handsome reward for his cunning.

National navies purchased Indiamen and converted them into troopships or warships.

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Require buildings 需求建築
No. Card
Building level
1 Trading Port port-trade 0 0
Shipping goods of any kind by land is difficult and expensive. Any item that has to travel more than a few miles goes by ship wherever possible.
2 Commercial Port port-trade 1 0
Adding warehouses additional docks and even the services of the excisemen to a port increases the amount of trade that can be done. Now cargoes can be consolidated and shipped onwards.
3 Commercial Basin port-trade 2 0
With the addition of exchanges, shipping agents, customs houses, even more warehouses and even more docks, a basin becomes an economic powerhouse.
4 Global Trading Company port-trade 3 0
A massive enterprise controlling a nation’s trade to one part of the globe, or in certain commodities.
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