Calculated using factor includes: Attack factor of Primary and Seconary weapon, Charging bonus factor, Missile damage, Range of missile and Missile ammunition, Mount type, Number of the soldier, Hit points of man, Number of enging, Weapon attributes(ap, bp, Against calvary bonus, Area damage...etc), Morale, Discipline, Training, Unit attributes(Scare, Stakes...etc), Formations(Wedge, Schiltrom, Spear wall)...etc 綜合攻擊力計算公式包含: 主副武器之格鬥攻擊力, 衝鋒攻擊加成, 遠程攻擊力, 射程及彈藥數, 座騎種類, 士兵數量, 生命值, 火炮數量, 武器特殊屬性(破甲, 穿刺, 對抗騎兵加成, 範圍殺傷...等), 士氣, 紀律, 訓練, 兵種特殊屬性(驚嚇, 木樁...等), 特別陣形加分(楔形, 刺蝟, 槍牆)...等
Calculated using factor includes: Unit class and category, Mount type, Engine type, Ship type, Extra fatigue suffered by the unit in hot climates, Scrub, Sand, Forest, Snow, Hide attributes...etc 綜合機動力計算公式包含: 兵種, 座騎種類, 攻城器具種類, 船隻種類種類, 炎熱對疲勞度的影響, 灌木叢地形影響, 沙地, 森林, 雪地, 各種地形隱蔽屬性...等
Calculated using factor includes: Cost of unit to construct, Cost of upkeep, Cost of upgrading weapons, Cost of upgrading armour, Free upkeep...etc 費用成本計算公式包含: 招募價格, 維持費用, 武器升級費用, 護甲升級費用, 免維持費特性...等
Calculated using factor includes: Number of views, Number of ratings, Rating average, Number of comments, Number of photos...etc 人氣指數公式包含: 瀏覽數, 評分次數, 評分等級, 發表評論數, 發表圖片數
Calculated using factor depend on what parameters you choice, checking the box on top of this table, average score will recalculate dynamic. Now score are average of: 綜合得分依據所選擇的參數有所不同, 加以平均而得, 可以勾選本表格頂端的核取方塊來選擇不同參數, 目前綜合得分公式包含:
Grande Carrack 卡拉克巨艦 light ship A supremely powerful warship. Sporting heavy cannon broadsides and a thick hull. Can travel across the ocean. 卡拉克巨艦是龐大的精銳戰艦,配備大口徑舷炮和堅固艦身,能進行遠洋作戰。
A large capital ship armed with broadside firing cannons. Capable of travelling across the ocean. 卡拉克戰艦側舷密集排列舷炮,適合遠洋航行。
Baghlah 巴格拉戰船 light ship Arabic long distance sailing ship, with mounted swivel guns, useful for transporting troops and supplies. 巴格拉戰船是阿拉伯式遠程運輸艦,配有舷炮,極為適合運輸部隊和軍需物資。
Arabic long distance sailing ship, with mounted swivel guns, useful for transporting troops and supplies. 巴格拉戰船是阿拉伯式遠程運輸艦,配有舷炮,極為適合運輸部隊和軍需物資。
Galleass 加利斯戰艦 light ship The strongest galley available to generals. With cannons facing all the way around the prow, it can devastate most opposition. 加利斯戰艦是海軍威力最大的戰艦,其艦炮可全方位射擊,足以摧毀任何敵軍。
The strongest galley available to generals. With cannons facing all the way around the prow, it can devastate most opposition. 加利斯戰艦是海軍威力最大的戰艦,其艦炮可全方位射擊,足以摧毀任何敵軍。
Mercenary Galley 僱傭加列戰船 light ship A Mercenary Galley. Available to the highest bidder! 僱傭加列戰船,價高者得,童叟無欺。
A Mercenary Galley. Available to the highest bidder! 僱傭加列戰船,價高者得,童叟無欺。
Lanternas 蘭特納戰艦 light ship A superior version of the war galley equipped with gunpowder weapons. Large, heavier and more durable than a war galley. 蘭特納戰艦是加列戰艦配備火炮後的改進型號。與加列戰艦相比,蘭特納戰艦更為體積龐大,噸位沉重,防禦堅固以及武裝精良。
A superior version of the war galley equipped with gunpowder weapons. Large, heavier and more durable than a war galley. 蘭特納戰艦是加列戰艦配備火炮後的改進型號。與加列戰艦相比,蘭特納戰艦更為體積龐大,噸位沉重,防禦堅固以及武裝精良。
Caravel 卡拉維爾快艦 light ship A small, highly manoeuvrable, three-masted ship used by Spain and Portugal for long voyages of exploration. 卡拉維爾快艦是小型三桅快艦,易於操縱,西班牙和葡萄牙人常將其用於遠洋探險。
War Galleys are larger than normal galleys. Equipped with ballista or catapults. 加列戰艦比戰船更為巨大,上置弩炮或投石器。
Gun Holk 霍克炮艦 light ship An upgraded Holk, armed with cannons in the fore castle and extra marines armed with gunpowder weapons. 霍克炮艦在霍克戰艦基本設計上進行改進,前後甲板安置重型火炮,同時配備大量火槍部隊。
An upgraded Holk, armed with cannons in the fore castle and extra marines armed with gunpowder weapons. 霍克炮艦在霍克戰艦基本設計上進行改進,前後甲板安置重型火炮,同時配備大量火槍部隊。
Dromon 德羅蒙戰艦 light ship Used by the Byzantine Empire since the 6th century, with a central tower with a firing platform for marines. 德羅蒙戰艦是六世紀來拜占庭帝國獨有戰艦,甲板上建有塔樓,為水兵們提供射擊平台。
Used by the Byzantine Empire since the 6th century, with a central tower with a firing platform for marines. 德羅蒙戰艦是六世紀來拜占庭帝國獨有戰艦,甲板上建有塔樓,為水兵們提供射擊平台。
Dhow 德霍戰船 light ship A ship already in use for a thousand years. The Dhow is a trading vessel that can carry troops. 德霍戰船上千年來一直是阿拉伯世界傳統船隻,多用於貿易貨運,但亦可搭載部隊。
A ship already in use for a thousand years. The Dhow is a trading vessel that can carry troops. 德霍戰船上千年來一直是阿拉伯世界傳統船隻,多用於貿易貨運,但亦可搭載部隊。
Holk 霍克戰艦 light ship An upgraded Cog equipped with small artillery pieces in the fore and aft castles and a durable oak hull. 霍克戰艦乃柯克改進型號,船體以橡木建成,前後甲板安置小型火炮。
An upgraded Cog equipped with small artillery pieces in the fore and aft castles and a durable oak hull. 霍克戰艦乃柯克改進型號,船體以橡木建成,前後甲板安置小型火炮。
Dragon Boat 龍首戰艦 light ship A larger version of the longship, able to carry more men as well as grappling hooks for boarding actions. 龍首戰艦是維京長艦的改進船種,能搭載更多船員,同時可發射抓鉤以便接舷惡戰。
A small trading vessel armed with a basic armament of soldiers and archers. 柯克戰船是小型貿易貨船,配備少量步兵和弓箭兵。
Longboat 維京長船 light ship Usually used as a Viking troop carrier. These ships carry Scandinavian raiding parties across Europe. 維京長船用於運輸部隊,將血紅斯堪的納維亞戰旗插遍歐洲每寸土地。
Usually used as a Viking troop carrier. These ships carry Scandinavian raiding parties across Europe. 維京長船用於運輸部隊,將血紅斯堪的納維亞戰旗插遍歐洲每寸土地。
Lad'Ya 拉德亞戰船 light ship Early Russian ship created near Novgorod. Carries soldiers and catapults for raiding land and smashing sea targets. 拉德亞戰船最初出現於諾夫哥羅德,戰船配備水兵和投石器,可同時攻擊陸地和海上目標。
Early Russian ship created near Novgorod. Carries soldiers and catapults for raiding land and smashing sea targets. 拉德亞戰船最初出現於諾夫哥羅德,戰船配備水兵和投石器,可同時攻擊陸地和海上目標。
Pirate Ship 海盜戰船 light ship A Pirate ship! Commanded by a traitorous Admiral seeking fame and fortune! 海盜戰船控制在叛軍將領手中,為其個人榮譽和財富作戰。