War Bear Riders
There is no more sacred an animal to the Motherland than the mighty bear. Its savage fury must be respected before it can be harnessed.Just as the people of Kislev worship Ursun, Bear-God of the Motherland, so too do they respect his kin which dwell in the wild lands and forests. These are no slave beasts to be whipped or abused – their riders honour them, and they return this honour. Only in this way can man and bear join their might to drive the hated slaves of Chaos howling back into the oblast.
Unit Name War Bear Riders |
Main Unit Key wh3_main_ksl_cav_war_bear_riders_1 |
Land Unit Key wh3_main_ksl_cav_war_bear_riders_1 |
Land Unit Group Parents Cavalry & Chariots |
Land Unit Group Bear Cavalry |
Caste Monstrous Cavalry |
Category War Beast |
Class Melee Cavalry |
Custom Battle Cost 1600 |
Recruitment Cost 1600 |
Upkeep Cost 400 |
Number of Units 16 |
8128 |
├ Mount 16 |
├ Mount Entity |
├ Mount Hit Points |
├ Num Mounts hu1c_wh3_kislev_be1_warbear_glaive |
├ Man Entity wh_main_war_beast_rider_standard_blood |
├ Man Hit Points 8 |
├ Num Men 16 |
└ Bonus Hit Points 500 |
100 |
└ Man Mass 100.0000 |
100 |
├ Armour wh2_main_plate_100 |
├ Shield none |
└ Missile Block Chance 0 |
Leadership 70 |
33 |
└ Man Speed 33 |
Melee Attack 46 |
34 |
110 |
├ Melee Weapon wh3_main_ksl_bear_glaive |
├ Base Weapon Damage 33 |
├ Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage 77 |
├ Bonus vs. Large 23 |
└ Bonus vs. Infantry 0 |
Charge Bonus 38 |
By Our Blood
Kislevite warriors are inherently stronger than weak-hearted Empire-men, who know nothing of the hardship and strife of lives lived on the unforgiving steppes.
Causes Fear
This unit frightens all enemy units, reducing their leadership when nearby. It is also immune to fear. Fear penalties do not stack. -
Hide (forest)
This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.
Strengths & Weaknesses
- Armoured
Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Armour-Piercing damage. - Armour-Piercing
The damage of armour-piercing weapons mostly ignores the armour of the target, making them the ideal choice against heavily-armoured enemies. They are often heavier and attack at a slower rate though, making them less efficient against poorly-armoured targets. - Anti-Large
Anti-large units have an advantage against targets that are at least as large as a horse. This advantage can be a damage bonus against large targets or an attack that focuses on a very small area. However, some units are simply better against large targets because their attacks are slow and easy to dodge by skilled melee combatants.
Faction Availability | |
The Realm of Chaos | |
The Lost God |