Tzarina Katarin (War Bear)
Tzarina Katarin is the greatest Ice Witch for generations, capable of arcane feats not seen since the Khan-Queens of old.Ascending to the throne and crown in the wake of her father's bloody death fighting against the hordes of Chaos, Katarin has wasted no time cementing her grip upon Kislev. She is, in every way, a totalitarian ruler. She is stern and unflinching and will readily have rivals removed by agents of the crown if she cannot win them over with cold reason. The base of Katarin's power, beyond hereditary right, is her extraordinary magical prowess. She is the greatest Ice Witch for generations, capable of magical feats more deadly and devastating than any other Ice Witch in Kislev.
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Unit Name Tzarina Katarin (War Bear) |
Main Unit Key wh3_main_ksl_cha_katarin_2 |
Land Unit Key wh3_main_ksl_cha_katarin_2 |
Land Unit Group Parents ![]() |
Land Unit Group ![]() |
Caste Lord |
Category War Beast |
Class Command |
Custom Battle Cost 1000 |
Recruitment Cost 1450 |
Upkeep Cost 362 |
├ Mount 1 |
├ Mount Entity |
├ Mount Hit Points |
├ Num Mounts hu1_wh3_katarin_be1_warbear_staff_and_sword |
├ Man Entity wh3_main_ksl_katarin_hero_blood |
├ Man Hit Points 8 |
├ Num Men 1 |
└ Bonus Hit Points 5080 |
└ Man Mass 800.0000 |
├ Armour wh2_main_plate_75 |
├ Shield none |
└ |
└ Man Speed 46 |
├ Melee Weapon wh3_main_ksl_war_bear_katarin |
├ |
├ |
├ |
└ |
Ice Shard
A mighty spike of the hardest ice blasts forth to impale ranks of enemies like a well-aimed cannonball from below. -
By Our Blood
Kislevite warriors are inherently stronger than weak-hearted Empire-men, who know nothing of the hardship and strife of lives lived on the unforgiving steppes. -
Even the greatest foes can be laid low with terrible injuries, and the greater the damage done, the less able they will be to effectively continue the fray.Speed x 90%
Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage x 80%
Base Weapon Damage x 80%
Arcane Conduit
A strong mind is needed to channel the Winds of Magic. Those that have such a gift become arcane conduits – funnelling the magical tempests to their cause. -
Stand Your Ground!
On the battlefield, the craven's path is an easy one, but for those champions that choose to stand? Fortune will surely favour them and their troops.Melee Defence +24
Leadership +16
Causes Fear
This unit frightens all enemy units, reducing theirleadership when nearby. It is also immune to fear. Fear penalties do not stack.
This unit provides aleadership bonus to nearby allies. Units within range of both the
Lord's aura and an encouraging unit will receive the larger of the two bonuses.
Hide (forest)
This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.
Strengths & Weaknesses
- Spellcaster
This unit can cast spells. - Armoured
Armoured units can block damage from any source apart fromArmour-Piercing damage.
- Decent Melee Combatant
Despite being primarily a missile unit or spellcaster, this unit can also hold its own ground when fighting in melee. - Armour-Piercing
The damage ofarmour-piercing weapons mostly ignores the armour of the target, making them the ideal choice against heavily-armoured enemies. They are often heavier and attack at a slower rate though, making them less efficient against poorly-armoured targets.
Faction Availability | |
The Realm of Chaos | |
The Lost God |