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No. Unit Custom Battle Cost
Custom Battle Cost
Recruitment Cost
Recruitment Cost
Upkeep Cost
Upkeep Cost
Number of Units
Hit Points
This determines how many hits a unit can withstand alongside armour and melee defence.
The weight of the unit.
How resistant a unit is to missile fire and melee attacks.
A unit with high leadership is less likely to rout in the face of danger.
Leadership is improved by experience in battle.
This is how fast a unit moves.
Melee Attack
This determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.
Battle-hardened troops will gain experience through melee, improving this skill.
Melee Defence
This determines the chance of a unit being hit whilst in melee.
This only works in melee and provides no protection from missiles!
Weapon Strength
The damage caused by a unit's weapon, split between base and armour piercing.
Armour-piercing damage is always applied; base damage can be blocked by armour.
Charge Bonus
This increases a unit's melee attack and damage when charging.
The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.
Once this has been exhausted the unit will be forced to switch to melee to continue fighting.
After the battle, ammunition is fully replenished.
A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons are still more accurate at shorter ranges.
Missile Strength
The damage caused by a missile attack, split between base and armour piercing.
Armour-piercing damage is always applied, base damage can be blocked by armour.
1 Slann Mage-Priest (High)
Lords / Wizard / wh2_main_lzd_cha_slann_mage_priest_high_0
Slann Mage-Priest (High)
These Slann mystics bring ruin to the foe's armies and devastation to its cities.
650 1000 250 1 7552 2600 45 85 34 24 32 320 14
No. Unit Custom Battle Cost
Custom Battle Cost
Recruitment Cost
Recruitment Cost
Upkeep Cost
Upkeep Cost
Number of Units
Hit Points
This determines how many hits a unit can withstand alongside armour and melee defence.
The weight of the unit.
How resistant a unit is to missile fire and melee attacks.
A unit with high leadership is less likely to rout in the face of danger.
Leadership is improved by experience in battle.
This is how fast a unit moves.
Melee Attack
This determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.
Battle-hardened troops will gain experience through melee, improving this skill.
Melee Defence
This determines the chance of a unit being hit whilst in melee.
This only works in melee and provides no protection from missiles!
Weapon Strength
The damage caused by a unit's weapon, split between base and armour piercing.
Armour-piercing damage is always applied; base damage can be blocked by armour.
Charge Bonus
This increases a unit's melee attack and damage when charging.
The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.
Once this has been exhausted the unit will be forced to switch to melee to continue fighting.
After the battle, ammunition is fully replenished.
A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons are still more accurate at shorter ranges.
Missile Strength
The damage caused by a missile attack, split between base and armour piercing.
Armour-piercing damage is always applied, base damage can be blocked by armour.
1 Skink Oracle
Heroes / Wizard / wh2_dlc17_lzd_cha_skink_oracle_troglodon_0
Skink Oracle
The future is written for those with the knowledge to read it.
1900 2150 538 1 7120 100 95 65 33 39 46 415 50 20 120 800
1 Saurus Scar-Veteran
Heroes / Melee Specialist / wh2_main_lzd_cha_saurus_scar_veteran_0
Saurus Scar-Veteran
Armed with spears and carrying bronze shields, these veteran warriors are the best warriors the Al Saurim have to offer.
700 1000 200 1 4168 1100 85 75 34 38 47 380 32
1 Saurus Scar-Veteran (Cold One)
Heroes / Melee Specialist / wh2_main_lzd_cha_saurus_scar_veteran_1
Saurus Scar-Veteran (Cold One)
Armed with spears and carrying bronze shields, these veteran warriors are the best warriors the Al Saurim have to offer.
1000 1000 275 1 4628 100 100 75 33 43 42 400 52
1 Saurus Scar-Veteran (Carnosaur)
Heroes / Melee Specialist / wh2_main_lzd_cha_saurus_scar_veteran_2
Saurus Scar-Veteran (Carnosaur)
Armed with spears and carrying bronze shields, these veteran warriors are the best warriors the Al Saurim have to offer.
1850 1900 475 1 7544 100 95 75 33 41 40 420 50
1 Skink Chief
Heroes / Missile Specialist / wh2_main_lzd_cha_skink_chief_0
Skink Chief
Where he hunts, the air is alive with poison darts, fired seemingly from nowhere at all.
400 400 100 1 3572 160 30 60 46 33 36 310 16 82 100 375
1 Skink Priest (Beasts)
Heroes / Wizard / wh2_main_lzd_cha_skink_priest_beasts_0
Skink Priest (Beasts)
Enacting the will of their Slann overlords, magical fury is unleashed upon the Old Ones' foes.
250 600 150 1 3256 250 30 55 46 22 26 280 10
1 Skink Priest (Heavens)
Heroes / Wizard / wh2_main_lzd_cha_skink_priest_heavens_0
Skink Priest (Heavens)
Enacting the will of their Slann overlords, magical fury is unleashed upon the Old Ones' foes.
250 600 150 1 3256 250 30 55 46 22 26 280 10
No. Unit Custom Battle Cost
Custom Battle Cost
Recruitment Cost
Recruitment Cost
Upkeep Cost
Upkeep Cost
Number of Units
Hit Points
This determines how many hits a unit can withstand alongside armour and melee defence.
The weight of the unit.
How resistant a unit is to missile fire and melee attacks.
A unit with high leadership is less likely to rout in the face of danger.
Leadership is improved by experience in battle.
This is how fast a unit moves.
Melee Attack
This determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.
Battle-hardened troops will gain experience through melee, improving this skill.
Melee Defence
This determines the chance of a unit being hit whilst in melee.
This only works in melee and provides no protection from missiles!
Weapon Strength
The damage caused by a unit's weapon, split between base and armour piercing.
Armour-piercing damage is always applied; base damage can be blocked by armour.
Charge Bonus
This increases a unit's melee attack and damage when charging.
The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.
Once this has been exhausted the unit will be forced to switch to melee to continue fighting.
After the battle, ammunition is fully replenished.
A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons are still more accurate at shorter ranges.
Missile Strength
The damage caused by a missile attack, split between base and armour piercing.
Armour-piercing damage is always applied, base damage can be blocked by armour.
160 Skink Cohort
Infantry / Cudgel Infantry / wh2_main_lzd_inf_skink_cohort_0
Skink Cohort
The diligent workforce of the Lizardmen Empire, good for throwing into melee as fodder.
300 300 75 160 8000 90 30 55 46 20 24 25 10
120 Red Crested Skinks
Infantry / Great Axe Infantry / wh2_dlc12_lzd_inf_skink_red_crested_0
Red Crested Skinks
These Skinks are differentiated by their impressive red crests, but are also stronger and cleverer than their lesser cousins.
575 575 144 120 8040 80 30 62 46 26 19 24 21
90 Chameleon Stalkers
Infantry / Shock Infantry / wh2_dlc17_lzd_inf_chameleon_stalkers_0
Chameleon Stalkers
The forces of Chaos cannot defend against what they cannot see.
650 675 169 90 5940 70 40 65 48 22 36 25 25 2 50 67
100 Saurus Spears
Infantry / Spear Infantry / wh2_main_lzd_inf_saurus_spearmen_0
Saurus Spears
The charge will fall upon them and be repelled by resolute hands bearing resolute polearms.
750 750 188 100 10200 190 60 75 31 24 32 42 10
100 Saurus Warriors
Infantry / Mace Infantry / wh2_main_lzd_inf_saurus_warriors_0
Saurus Warriors
The standard, hardy warriors of the Lizardmen battleline. Their clubs are inelegant, but effective.
750 750 188 100 10200 190 60 75 31 29 28 52 16
100 Saurus Spears (Shields)
Infantry / Spear Infantry / wh2_main_lzd_inf_saurus_spearmen_1
Saurus Spears (Shields)
Watch as the foe throws itself upon these warriors' spears. Those who survive must then face shield and claw.
800 800 200 100 10200 190 60 75 31 24 38 42 10
100 Saurus Warriors (Shields)
Infantry / Mace Infantry / wh2_main_lzd_inf_saurus_warriors_1
Saurus Warriors (Shields)
Holding the line against the enemy charge, braced with shields and fierce with primordial determination.
800 800 200 100 10200 190 60 75 31 29 34 52 16
100 Temple Guards
Infantry / Halberd Infantry / wh2_main_lzd_inf_temple_guards
Temple Guards
The Lizardmen elite, charged to defend their sacred grounds, skewering interlopers at the end of their halberds.
1200 1200 300 100 10700 210 85 85 31 31 38 42 14
100 Temple Guards
Infantry / Halberd Infantry / wh2_main_lzd_inf_temple_guards_nakai
Temple Guards
The Lizardmen elite, charged to defend their sacred grounds, skewering interlopers at the end of their halberds.
1200 1200 300 100 10700 210 85 85 31 31 38 42 14
100 Legion of Chaqua (Saurus Spears)
Infantry / Spear Infantry / wh2_dlc12_lzd_inf_saurus_warriors_ror_0
Legion of Chaqua (Saurus Spears)
Ignominious defeat at perfidious Skaven hands has only strengthened the already-steely resolve of Chaqua's surviving Saurus.
1100 1100 275 100 10200 190 75 85 31 31 48 42 10
120 Cohort of Sotek (Red Crested Skinks)
Infantry / Great Axe Infantry / wh2_dlc12_lzd_inf_skink_red_crested_ror_0
Cohort of Sotek (Red Crested Skinks)
Having survived the Skaven onslaught that destroyed their home, now they follow the Serpent-God, to the very End Times if necessary.
825 825 206 120 8040 80 30 100 46 33 25 24 21
100 Star Chamber Guardians (Temple Guard)
Infantry / Halberd Infantry / wh2_dlc12_lzd_inf_temple_guards_ror_0
Star Chamber Guardians (Temple Guard)
Only the strongest spawnings, in both mind and body, are fit to guard the Old Ones' Star Chambers.
1550 1550 388 100 10700 210 85 95 31 39 48 42 14
Missile Infantry
No. Unit Custom Battle Cost
Custom Battle Cost
Recruitment Cost
Recruitment Cost
Upkeep Cost
Upkeep Cost
Number of Units
Hit Points
This determines how many hits a unit can withstand alongside armour and melee defence.
The weight of the unit.
How resistant a unit is to missile fire and melee attacks.
A unit with high leadership is less likely to rout in the face of danger.
Leadership is improved by experience in battle.
This is how fast a unit moves.
Melee Attack
This determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.
Battle-hardened troops will gain experience through melee, improving this skill.
Melee Defence
This determines the chance of a unit being hit whilst in melee.
This only works in melee and provides no protection from missiles!
Weapon Strength
The damage caused by a unit's weapon, split between base and armour piercing.
Armour-piercing damage is always applied; base damage can be blocked by armour.
Charge Bonus
This increases a unit's melee attack and damage when charging.
The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.
Once this has been exhausted the unit will be forced to switch to melee to continue fighting.
After the battle, ammunition is fully replenished.
A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons are still more accurate at shorter ranges.
Missile Strength
The damage caused by a missile attack, split between base and armour piercing.
Armour-piercing damage is always applied, base damage can be blocked by armour.
160 Skink Cohort (Javelins)
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / wh2_main_lzd_inf_skink_cohort_1
Skink Cohort (Javelins)
These Skinks are trained to hurl javelins true enough to blunt a charging foe.
400 400 100 160 8000 90 30 55 46 20 24 25 10 3 80 16
120 Skink Skirmishers
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / wh2_main_lzd_inf_skink_skirmishers_0
Skink Skirmishers
More reliable than others of their class, a blowpipe-primed unit can fell scores of unsuspecting enemies.
400 400 100 120 6000 70 30 50 48 16 14 25 8 26 70 13
90 Chameleon Skinks
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / wh2_main_lzd_inf_chameleon_skinks_0
Chameleon Skinks
Unseen on the battlefield, but felt when their deadly darts bring down enemies in their droves.
650 650 163 90 4860 70 30 58 48 20 22 25 10 26 80 20
Cavalry & Chariots
No. Unit Custom Battle Cost
Custom Battle Cost
Recruitment Cost
Recruitment Cost
Upkeep Cost
Upkeep Cost
Number of Units
Hit Points
This determines how many hits a unit can withstand alongside armour and melee defence.
The weight of the unit.
How resistant a unit is to missile fire and melee attacks.
A unit with high leadership is less likely to rout in the face of danger.
Leadership is improved by experience in battle.
This is how fast a unit moves.
Melee Attack
This determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.
Battle-hardened troops will gain experience through melee, improving this skill.
Melee Defence
This determines the chance of a unit being hit whilst in melee.
This only works in melee and provides no protection from missiles!
Weapon Strength
The damage caused by a unit's weapon, split between base and armour piercing.
Armour-piercing damage is always applied; base damage can be blocked by armour.
Charge Bonus
This increases a unit's melee attack and damage when charging.
The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.
Once this has been exhausted the unit will be forced to switch to melee to continue fighting.
After the battle, ammunition is fully replenished.
A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons are still more accurate at shorter ranges.
Missile Strength
The damage caused by a missile attack, split between base and armour piercing.
Armour-piercing damage is always applied, base damage can be blocked by armour.
32 Feral Cold Ones
Cavalry & Chariots / Cold One Cavalry / wh2_main_lzd_cav_cold_ones_feral_0
Feral Cold Ones
Untamed Cold Ones are far too unpredictable to be ridden into battle; simply point them at the foe and stay out of their way!
450 450 113 32 5024 700 90 55 70 25 24 46 28
48 Cold One Riders
Cavalry & Chariots / Cold One Cavalry / wh2_main_lzd_cav_cold_ones_1
Cold One Riders
Those able to ride Cold Ones charge headlong into enemy lines, thrashing with crude but effective clubs.
850 850 213 48 6096 100 90 75 33 31 28 50 32
48 Cold One Spear-Riders
Cavalry & Chariots / Cold One Spear Cavalry / wh2_main_lzd_cav_cold_one_spearmen_1
Cold One Spear-Riders
A pack of Cold Ones, ridden with skill, can charge powerfully into melee and remain there for some time.
1000 1000 250 48 6096 100 90 75 33 26 28 48 32
10 Ripperdactyl Riders
Cavalry & Chariots / Flying Cavalry / wh2_dlc12_lzd_cav_ripperdactyl_riders_0
Ripperdactyl Riders
Each rider fights with aggressive skill, but they pale in comparison to the viciousness of their mounts!
1100 1150 288 10 6170 70 45 65 48 44 25 126 52
48 Horned Ones
Cavalry & Chariots / Cavalry / wh2_main_lzd_cav_horned_ones_0
Horned Ones
Much rarer than other Cold Ones, these virtually-extinct Lustrian warriors fight with preternatural swiftness that belies their size.
1500 1500 375 48 7056 100 100 85 33 45 31 60 43
48 Horned Ones
Cavalry & Chariots / Cavalry / wh2_main_lzd_cav_horned_ones_0_nakai
Horned Ones
Much rarer than other Cold Ones, these virtually-extinct Lustrian warriors fight with preternatural swiftness that belies their size.
1500 1500 375 48 7056 100 100 85 33 45 31 60 43
48 Pok-Hopak Cohort (Cold One Spear-Riders)
Cavalry & Chariots / Cold One Spear Cavalry / wh2_dlc12_lzd_cav_cold_one_spearriders_ror_0
Pok-Hopak Cohort (Cold One Spear-Riders)
The Cold Ones upon which they ride instinctively recognise the same cold-blooded cunning within the hearts of these consummate warriors.
1300 1300 325 48 6096 100 90 85 33 34 36 48 32
10 Colossadon Hunters (Ripperdactyl Riders)
Cavalry & Chariots / Flying Cavalry / wh2_dlc12_lzd_cav_ripperdactyl_riders_ror_0
Colossadon Hunters (Ripperdactyl Riders)
The most experienced riders atop some of the least controllable beasts in existence? Prepare to meet your death!
1400 1400 350 10 6170 70 45 75 48 54 32 126 52
Monsters & Beasts
No. Unit Custom Battle Cost
Custom Battle Cost
Recruitment Cost
Recruitment Cost
Upkeep Cost
Upkeep Cost
Number of Units
Hit Points
This determines how many hits a unit can withstand alongside armour and melee defence.
The weight of the unit.
How resistant a unit is to missile fire and melee attacks.
A unit with high leadership is less likely to rout in the face of danger.
Leadership is improved by experience in battle.
This is how fast a unit moves.
Melee Attack
This determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.
Battle-hardened troops will gain experience through melee, improving this skill.
Melee Defence
This determines the chance of a unit being hit whilst in melee.
This only works in melee and provides no protection from missiles!
Weapon Strength
The damage caused by a unit's weapon, split between base and armour piercing.
Armour-piercing damage is always applied; base damage can be blocked by armour.
Charge Bonus
This increases a unit's melee attack and damage when charging.
The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.
Once this has been exhausted the unit will be forced to switch to melee to continue fighting.
After the battle, ammunition is fully replenished.
A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons are still more accurate at shorter ranges.
Missile Strength
The damage caused by a missile attack, split between base and armour piercing.
Armour-piercing damage is always applied, base damage can be blocked by armour.
1 Feral Bastiladon
Monsters & Beasts / Monster / wh2_main_lzd_mon_bastiladon_0
Feral Bastiladon
Mighty, hulking reptiles, these 'Living Bastions' are wild and untamed. Better watch out!
650 650 163 1 7698 4000 140 60 40 22 28 250 34
16 Kroxigor
Monsters & Beasts / Monstrous Infantry / wh2_main_lzd_mon_kroxigors
The perfect shock troop smashes into enemy lines, devastating their confidence by inflicting many casualties.
1000 1000 250 16 8160 1400 100 70 46 30 32 100 22
16 Kroxigor
Monsters & Beasts / Monstrous Infantry / wh2_main_lzd_mon_kroxigors_nakai
The perfect shock troop smashes into enemy lines, devastating their confidence by inflicting many casualties.
1000 1000 250 16 8160 1400 100 70 46 30 32 100 22
4 Bastiladon (Ark of Sotek)
Monsters & Beasts / Support Monster / wh2_dlc12_lzd_mon_bastiladon_3
Bastiladon (Ark of Sotek)
This 'Living Bastion' has few predators save the terrain it must traverse, making it the ideal conveyor for the Ark of Sotek itself.
1000 1000 250 4 30792 4000 140 65 40 22 28 250 34
4 Bastiladon (Ark of Sotek)
Monsters & Beasts / Support Monster / wh2_dlc12_lzd_mon_bastiladon_3_nakai
Bastiladon (Ark of Sotek)
This 'Living Bastion' has few predators save the terrain it must traverse, making it the ideal conveyor for the Ark of Sotek itself.
1000 1000 250 4 30792 4000 140 65 40 22 28 250 34
4 Bastiladon (Revivification Crystal)
Monsters & Beasts / Support Monster / wh2_main_lzd_mon_bastiladon_1
Bastiladon (Revivification Crystal)
Carried atop the mightiest of beasts, the Revivification Crystal regenerates and heals combat-damaged units.
1000 1000 250 4 30792 4000 140 65 40 22 28 250 34
1 Feral Stegadon
Monsters & Beasts / Monster / wh2_main_lzd_mon_stegadon_0
Feral Stegadon
These mighty savages are armed and armoured by design; woe betide any being who encroaches on their territory!
1050 1100 275 1 9040 4000 110 60 50 30 32 420 70
16 Sacred Kroxigor
Monsters & Beasts / Monstrous Infantry / wh2_dlc13_lzd_mon_sacred_kroxigors_0
Sacred Kroxigor
These enormous, revered lizards are almost silent despite their size – causing great surprise among the foe, briefly, before they are ripped to shreds.
1250 1250 313 16 8992 1400 100 75 46 36 32 120 24
16 Sacred Kroxigor
Monsters & Beasts / Monstrous Infantry / wh2_dlc13_lzd_mon_sacred_kroxigors_0_nakai
Sacred Kroxigor
These enormous, revered lizards are almost silent despite their size – causing great surprise among the foe, briefly, before they are ripped to shreds.
1250 1250 313 16 8992 1400 100 75 46 36 32 120 24
1 Feral Carnosaur
Monsters & Beasts / Monster / wh2_main_lzd_mon_carnosaur_0
Feral Carnosaur
First come the vibrations; next the distant sound of destruction; finally, carnage is unleashed. Good luck.
1550 1600 400 1 7544 4000 95 60 75 45 40 420 50
16 Zoats
Monsters & Beasts / Monstrous Beasts / wh2_dlc16_wef_mon_zoats
Its origins and purpose are a mystery, but a Zoat’s legendary strength and innate power are known by all who share its battlefield.
1700 1700 425 16 8416 1700 60 75 64 30 40 100 28
1 Coatl
Monsters & Beasts / Flying Support Monster / wh2_dlc17_lzd_mon_coatl_0
Death and magic often linger among the clouds.
1700 1850 463 1 7620 2500 70 80 46 40 48 395 40
1 Geltblöm's Terror (Feral Carnosaur)
Monsters & Beasts / Monster / wh2_dlc17_lzd_mon_carnosaur_ror_0
Geltblöm's Terror (Feral Carnosaur)
All fear to tread where the apex predator lurks.
1950 2000 500 1 7544 4000 95 70 75 55 50 420 50
5 Ancient Stegadon (Engine of the Gods)
Monsters & Beasts / Support Monster / wh2_dlc12_lzd_mon_ancient_stegadon_1
Ancient Stegadon (Engine of the Gods)
This great beast has both the temperament and strength to bear the Engines of the Gods to battle and beyond.
2000 2050 513 5 49270 100 130 75 33 26 32 480 70
5 Ancient Stegadon (Engine of the Gods)
Monsters & Beasts / Support Monster / wh2_dlc12_lzd_mon_ancient_stegadon_1_nakai
Ancient Stegadon (Engine of the Gods)
This great beast has both the temperament and strength to bear the Engines of the Gods to battle and beyond.
2000 2050 513 5 49270 100 130 75 33 26 32 480 70
1 Spirit of Tepok (Coatl)
Monsters & Beasts / Flying Support Monster / wh2_dlc17_lzd_mon_coatl_ror_0
Spirit of Tepok (Coatl)
On feathered wings of victory and vengeance.
1950 2100 525 1 7620 2500 70 90 46 50 59 395 40
1 Feral Dread Saurian
Monsters & Beasts / Colossal Monster / wh2_dlc13_lzd_mon_dread_saurian_0
Feral Dread Saurian
A reverberation of the past maybe, but one which brings resounding terror and screaming death, right now, to those unlucky enough to face them.
2300 2300 575 1 14992 12000 100 60 60 52 28 750 30
12 Dread Saurian
Monsters & Beasts / Colossal Monster / wh2_dlc13_lzd_mon_dread_saurian_1
Dread Saurian
This colossal predator is made all the more lethal by the team of blowpipe-wielding Skinks it carries atop its massive body.
3100 3100 775 12 179904 100 100 70 33 52 28 750 30
12 The Shredder of Lustria (Dread Saurian)
Monsters & Beasts / Colossal Monster / wh2_dlc13_lzd_mon_dread_saurian_ror_0
The Shredder of Lustria (Dread Saurian)
The Old Ones' enemies shall be torn to ribbons by this mighty predator and his Skink companions.
3700 3700 925 12 179904 100 100 80 33 64 36 750 30
16 Cohort of Huatl (Sacred Kroxigor)
Monsters & Beasts / Monstrous Infantry / wh2_dlc13_lzd_mon_sacred_kroxigors_ror_0
Cohort of Huatl (Sacred Kroxigor)
The City of Reawakening spawns the most dedicated warriors, eager to slaughter the beligerent, usurping younger races.
1600 1600 400 16 8992 1400 100 85 46 45 41 120 24
Missile Monsters & Beasts
No. Unit Custom Battle Cost
Custom Battle Cost
Recruitment Cost
Recruitment Cost
Upkeep Cost
Upkeep Cost
Number of Units
Hit Points
This determines how many hits a unit can withstand alongside armour and melee defence.
The weight of the unit.
How resistant a unit is to missile fire and melee attacks.
A unit with high leadership is less likely to rout in the face of danger.
Leadership is improved by experience in battle.
This is how fast a unit moves.
Melee Attack
This determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.
Battle-hardened troops will gain experience through melee, improving this skill.
Melee Defence
This determines the chance of a unit being hit whilst in melee.
This only works in melee and provides no protection from missiles!
Weapon Strength
The damage caused by a unit's weapon, split between base and armour piercing.
Armour-piercing damage is always applied; base damage can be blocked by armour.
Charge Bonus
This increases a unit's melee attack and damage when charging.
The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.
Once this has been exhausted the unit will be forced to switch to melee to continue fighting.
After the battle, ammunition is fully replenished.
A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons are still more accurate at shorter ranges.
Missile Strength
The damage caused by a missile attack, split between base and armour piercing.
Armour-piercing damage is always applied, base damage can be blocked by armour.
10 Terradon Riders
Missile Monsters & Beasts / Flying Missile Cavalry / wh2_main_lzd_cav_terradon_riders_0
Terradon Riders
These Lizardmen riders swoop down upon the enemy lines to harass them from above.
600 600 150 10 3640 70 15 55 48 26 22 65 16 26 90 67
10 Terradon Riders (Fireleech Bolas)
Missile Monsters & Beasts / Flying Missile Cavalry / wh2_main_lzd_cav_terradon_riders_1
Terradon Riders (Fireleech Bolas)
These Lizardmen riders swoop down upon the enemy lines to harass them from above.
750 750 188 10 3640 70 15 55 48 26 22 65 16 22 80 66
32 Razordon Hunting Pack
Missile Monsters & Beasts / Monstrous Missile Beasts / wh2_dlc13_lzd_mon_razordon_pack_0
Razordon Hunting Pack
Just one Razordon is a deadly proposition; if there's a pack of them you should probably run away... now!
800 800 200 32 4160 700 90 55 70 20 29 46 20 18 100 96
32 Salamander Hunting Pack
Missile Monsters & Beasts / Monstrous Missile Beasts / wh2_dlc12_lzd_mon_salamander_pack_0
Salamander Hunting Pack
Almost too much lizard for their Skink handlers to handle, there's almost no holding these natural predators back!
850 850 213 32 4160 700 80 55 70 25 22 46 28 18 140 95
1 Ancient Salamander
Missile Monsters & Beasts / Missile Monster / wh2_dlc12_lzd_mon_ancient_salamander_0
Ancient Salamander
Moving just as swiftly on land as in the water, these giant, predatory reptiles spit corrosive venom before closing in for the kill.
1050 1050 263 1 6168 2000 95 65 75 32 29 365 30 25 160 378
4 Bastiladon (Solar Engine)
Missile Monsters & Beasts / Artillery Monster / wh2_main_lzd_mon_bastiladon_2
Bastiladon (Solar Engine)
The Solar Engine can disintegrate enemies with a beam of pure sunlight.
1200 1200 300 4 30792 4000 140 65 40 22 28 250 34 20 240 363
5 Stegadon
Missile Monsters & Beasts / Artillery Monster / wh2_main_lzd_mon_stegadon_1
From atop enormous and reverent Stegadons, their crew fire enormous bolts from giant crossbows, decimating enemy ranks.
1500 1550 388 5 46020 100 110 65 33 30 32 420 70 22 360 333
1 Feral Troglodon
Missile Monsters & Beasts / Missile Monster / wh2_dlc17_lzd_mon_troglodon_0
Feral Troglodon
Even the most feral of creatures can be of service to the Great Plan.
1600 1700 425 1 7120 3500 95 60 75 39 46 415 50 20 120 800
5 Ancient Stegadon
Missile Monsters & Beasts / Missile Monster / wh2_main_lzd_mon_ancient_stegadon
Ancient Stegadon
This ancient, revered beast is a fearsome sight on the battlefield - their giant blowpipes causing much destruction.
1900 1950 488 5 49270 100 130 75 33 26 32 480 70 10 115 550
1 The Pale Death (Feral Troglodon)
Missile Monsters & Beasts / Missile Monster / wh2_dlc17_lzd_mon_troglodon_ror_0
The Pale Death (Feral Troglodon)
Here lie the feral jaws of death.
1900 2000 500 1 7120 3500 95 70 75 49 57 415 50 20 120 976
10 Pahaux Sentinels (Terradon Riders)
Missile Monsters & Beasts / Flying Missile Cavalry / wh2_dlc12_lzd_cav_terradon_riders_ror_0
Pahaux Sentinels (Terradon Riders)
The keenest eyes, the sharpest reflexes, the coldest of hearts.
850 850 213 10 3640 70 15 65 48 34 29 65 16 26 90 81
5 The Thunderous One (Ancient Stegadon)
Missile Monsters & Beasts / Missile Monster / wh2_dlc12_lzd_mon_ancient_stegadon_ror_0
The Thunderous One (Ancient Stegadon)
Unfeasably large, even for an Ancient Stegadon, fear and dread accompanies this enormous specimen's ground-shaking stomp.
2400 2450 613 5 49270 100 130 85 33 34 41 480 70 10 115 671
32 The Umbral Tide (Salamander Hunting Pack)
Missile Monsters & Beasts / Monstrous Missile Beasts / wh2_dlc12_lzd_mon_salamander_pack_ror_0
The Umbral Tide (Salamander Hunting Pack)
This shadowy tide of poisonous, scaly reptiles rarely tire and are always hungry. Always.
1100 1100 275 32 4160 700 80 65 70 32 29 46 28 18 140 116
32 Amaxon Barbs (Razordon Hunting Pack)
Missile Monsters & Beasts / Monstrous Missile Beasts / wh2_dlc13_lzd_mon_razordon_pack_ror_0
Amaxon Barbs (Razordon Hunting Pack)
Hailing from deep within the Amaxon Basin, these reptiles instinctively hunt in a co-ordinated fashion, creating a savage synergy.
1075 1075 269 32 4160 700 90 65 70 27 37 46 20 18 100 117