High Elf aristocrats are precise and calculating, and they bring this nature to the battlefield.The noble families of Ulthuan have led the High Elves through times of peace and conflict for thousands of years. They pride themselves on a deep sense of honour, as well as the mastery of both diplomacy and war as art forms. The High Elves believe an existence lived without precision to be hollow, and scarcely preferable to death. Any Elven aristocrat is just at home fighting with sword in bloody melee as he is loosing deathly-accurate arrows from afar, or even dictating the strategy from a greater distance still. Depending on their wealth and the kingdom of their birth, the princes and princesses of Ulthuan fight in many different ways. Those of Tiranoc typically do battle from the back of swift-wheeled chariots, while the lords of Lothern often stand, spear and bow in hand, amidst the ranks of the Sea Guard. Those with the greatest wealth might ride upon a Great Eagle or Griffon or, in the case of the mightiest princes and princesses of Caledor, a Dragon. Such steeds are invariably a symbol of status, as well as lending a brutal advantage in the midst of battle.
Unit Name Prince |
Main Unit Key wh2_main_hef_cha_prince_0 |
Land Unit Key wh2_main_hef_cha_prince_0 |
Land Unit Group Parents Lords |
Land Unit Group Sword Infantry |
Caste Lord |
Category Melee Infantry |
Class Command |
Custom Battle Cost 850 |
Recruitment Cost 850 |
Upkeep Cost 213 |
Number of Units 1 |
4068 |
├ Mount 0 |
├ Mount Entity |
├ Mount Hit Points |
├ Num Mounts hu1d_elf_sword_and_shield |
├ Man Entity wh2_main_hef_infantry_hero_prince_blood |
├ Man Hit Points 8 |
├ Num Men 1 |
└ Bonus Hit Points 4060 |
500 |
└ Man Mass 500.0000 |
80 |
├ Armour wh2_main_plate_80 |
├ Shield wh_missile_block_55_metal |
└ Missile Block Chance 55 |
Leadership 80 |
36 |
└ Man Speed 36 |
Melee Attack 60 |
60 |
400 |
├ Melee Weapon wh2_main_hef_prince_sword |
├ Base Weapon Damage 260 |
├ Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage 140 |
├ Bonus vs. Large 0 |
└ Bonus vs. Infantry 0 |
Charge Bonus 30 |
Martial Prowess
High Elves excel as warriors, having trained in martial disciplines for the equivalent of many men's lifetimes.
Melee Attack +2
Melee Defence +12 -
Even the greatest foes can be laid low with terrible injuries, and the greater the damage done, the less able they will be to effectively continue the fray.
Speed x 90%
Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage x 80%
Base Weapon Damage x 80% -
Deadly Onslaught
Such is the power and ferocity of the champion, that those who stand in his way will falter against the warrior's impact.
Charge Bonus x 160%
Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage x 125%
Base Weapon Damage x 125% -
There are those who wish nothing more than to be at the heart of battle, seeking foes to vanquish.
Speed x 125% -
Stand Your Ground!
On the battlefield, the craven's path is an easy one, but for those champions that choose to stand? Fortune will surely favour them and their troops.
Melee Defence +24
Leadership +16
This unit provides a leadership bonus to nearby allies. Units within range of both the Lord's aura and an encouraging unit will receive the larger of the two bonuses. -
Hide (forest)
This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.
Strengths & Weaknesses
- Armoured & Shielded
Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Armour-Piercing damage. Shields have a chance of blocking arrows, bolts, rifle shots and similar small arms fire - but only in a forward facing arc. - Melee Expert
Melee Experts might have a very strong melee attack or melee defence, or high values in both. Some also have melee-focused skills like [[img:ui/battle ui/ability_icons/charge_defense.png]]Charge Defence. Use them to counter other strong melee units. When facing them, it is best to take them out before they can enter melee.
Faction Availability | |
Immortal Empires |