No. |
類型 |
名稱 |
門檻 |
說明 |
效果 |
隱藏 |
稱號 |
獲得條件 |
1 |
AgentPiety |
聖靈降世 |
1 |
事務官隱藏天賦 |
虔誠+10 |
隱藏 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant Affects : AgentPiety 1 Chance : 100 % |
2 |
ExoticTastes |
放任自流 |
1 |
只有俗人才會對交易的結果斤斤計較 |
商業才能-1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : AgentType = merchant TradingExotic Trait MerchantExoticCorrupt = 1 Affects : ExoticTastes 1 Chance : 15 % |
大言欺人 |
3 |
此人總是吹噓自己有很多珍奇貨物,但從無人得見那些充滿異國情調的珍品 |
商業才能-2 |
華而不實 |
6 |
此人專喜經營奢華之物,但商譽甚低,且疑心頗重 |
商業才能-2,個人安全-1 |
3 |
FastAgent5 |
步履輕便 |
1 |
隱藏 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant CharacterAge > 60 Affects : FastAgent5 1 Chance : 100 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant CharacterAge <= 60 CharacterAge > 35 Affects : FastAgent5 1 Chance : 100 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant CharacterAge <= 35 CharacterAge > 25 Affects : FastAgent5 1 Chance : 100 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant CharacterAge <= 25 Affects : FastAgent5 1 Chance : 100 % |
4 |
H_MerchantOfHanse |
漢薩成員 |
1 |
這位商人屬於漢薩同盟成員 |
商業才能+2,行軍能力+20% |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant FactionLeaderTrait H_Founder_Of_Hanse > 0 Affects : H_MerchantOfHanse 1 Chance : 20 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant FactionLeaderTrait H_Descendant_Of_Hanse > 0 Affects : H_MerchantOfHanse 1 Chance : 10 % |
5 |
LegalDealer |
瞭解商法 |
1 |
此人通常對交易雙方國家法律都會有所瞭解,以免商業糾紛 |
商業才能+1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant SettlementBuildingExists >= town_hall Affects : LegalDealer 1 Chance : 33 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant Trait LegalDealer = 1 Affects : LegalDealer 1 Chance : 33 % |
精通商法 |
3 |
此人精通商業法規,能迅速看出合同條款的法律漏洞 |
商業才能+2 |
6 |
MerchantExoticCorrupt |
瓷器奸商 |
1 |
自遠東而來的異國貨物總能令歐洲居民如醉如癡,這位狡詐商人深知此點,因此時常滿天開價 |
商業才能-1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : CharacterNumTurnsIdle = 10 AgentType = merchant NoActionThisTurn TradingExotic Trait MerchantExoticPure = 0 Trait MerchantExoticCorrupt = 0 Affects : MerchantExoticCorrupt 2 Chance : 30 % |
7 |
MerchantExoticPure |
瓷器富商 |
1 |
自遠東而來的異國貨物總能令歐洲居民如醉如癡,這位睿智商人深知此點,因此時常坐地起價 |
商業才能+1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : CharacterNumTurnsIdle = 10 AgentType = merchant NoActionThisTurn TradingExotic Trait MerchantExoticPure = 0 Trait MerchantExoticCorrupt = 0 Affects : MerchantExoticPure 1 Chance : 100 % |
8 |
MerchantsGuildMember |
商業行會中階成員 |
1 |
王國中成立的商業大師行會,令此人商業才能顯著提高 |
商業技能+1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant SettlementBuildingExists >= m_merchants_guild Affects : MerchantsGuildMember 2 Chance : 100 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant FactionBuildingExists = gm_merchants_guild Affects : MerchantsGuildMember 3 Chance : 100 % |
9 |
MerchantsGuildTrained |
商業行會低階成員 |
1 |
王國中成立的商業行會,令此人商業才能明顯提高 |
商業技能+1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant SettlementBuildingExists >= merchants_guild Affects : MerchantsGuildTrained 1 Chance : 100 % |
10 |
MerchantTurnsAlive |
青春年少 |
1 |
此人青春年少,渾身充滿活力 |
行軍能力+100% |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant CharacterAge > 60 Affects : MerchantTurnsAlive 91 Chance : 100 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant CharacterAge <= 60 CharacterAge > 35 Affects : MerchantTurnsAlive 61 Chance : 100 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant CharacterAge <= 35 CharacterAge > 25 Affects : MerchantTurnsAlive 21 Chance : 100 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant CharacterAge <= 25 Affects : MerchantTurnsAlive 1 Chance : 100 % |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : AgentType = merchant Trait CharacterAges = 1 Affects : MerchantTurnsAlive 1 Chance : 100 % |
人到中年 |
20 |
此人已不復青年時代的敏捷深受,但思維卻更為銳利 |
行軍能力+75%,商業才能+1 |
年齒漸長 |
60 |
此人行動趨於遲緩,思維亦逐漸遲鈍 |
行軍能力+25%,商業才能+2 |
風燭殘年 |
90 |
此人無論身體或頭腦都已逐漸僵化 |
行軍能力-25%,個人安全-1 |
11 |
Monopolist |
獨佔經營 |
3 |
此人目前獲得對該市場獨佔經營權,最大程度保證利潤 |
商業才能+1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : AgentType = merchant TradingMonopoly Affects : Monopolist 1 Chance : 75 % |
控制市場 |
6 |
此人借助壟斷優勢,不斷開拓全新商機 |
商業才能+2 |
壟斷市場 |
12 |
此人常年壟斷市場,賺取驚人利潤,但亦引來不少惡意覬覦 |
商業才能+3,個人安全-1 |
12 |
NaturalMerchantSkill |
商業天賦 |
1 |
此人早期即顯示出不同尋常的運用金錢能力 |
商業才能+1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant Affects : NaturalMerchantSkill 1 Chance : 100 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant Trait NaturalMerchantSkill = 1 Affects : NaturalMerchantSkill 1 Chance : 33 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant Trait NaturalMerchantSkill >= 2 Affects : NaturalMerchantSkill 1 Chance : 33 % |
天生商才 |
2 |
此人天賦過人,能迅速判斷貨物的真實價值,並在交易中賺取最大利潤 |
商業才能+2 |
商業奇才 |
3 |
此人天賦奇才,深諳商業運作之道 |
商業才能+3 |
13 |
ReligiousMerchant |
重視信仰 |
1 |
此人的宗教信仰有時妨礙其進一步開拓商機 |
商業才能-1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : not AtSea AgentType = merchant SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral PopulationOwnReligion > 80 Affects : ReligiousMerchant 1 Chance : 20 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant Trait ReligiousMerchant >= 1 Affects : ReligiousMerchant 2 Chance : 25 % |
信仰頑固 |
3 |
商業往來中,此人更重視合作夥伴的精神信仰,而不是力圖達成最佳交易 |
商業才能-2 |
14 |
SecurityMerchant |
前呼後擁 |
1 |
此人僱傭大批護衛,以保證自身安全 |
個人安全+1 |
When to test : SufferAssassinationAttempt Condition : AgentType = merchant Affects : SecurityMerchant 1 Chance : 25 % |
護衛森嚴 |
3 |
僱傭護衛的成本,有時也是一筆小小的支出 |
商業才能-1,個人安全+2 |
15 |
ServesSelfMerchant |
中飽私囊 |
1 |
此人深知國家根本無法察覺其中飽私囊行為 |
商業才能-1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : AgentType = merchant DistanceCapital >= 60 Affects : ServesSelfMerchant 1 Chance : 3 % |
財富驚人 |
3 |
多年異鄉漂泊,這位商人積累了驚人財富,聊以慰懷 |
商業才能-2 |
16 |
ShadyDealer |
缺乏誠信 |
1 |
粗野生長環境培養出此人不夠誠信的商業作風 |
商業才能-1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant not SettlementBuildingExists >= town_hall Affects : ShadyDealer 1 Chance : 33 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant Trait ShadyDealer = 1 Affects : ShadyDealer 2 Chance : 33 % |
拙劣商人 |
3 |
此人任何一次交易多少都會出錯,從來不能順利完成 |
商業才能-2 |
17 |
WorldlyMerchant |
精通關稅 |
1 |
此人精研各國關稅條例,以免國際貿易中出現差錯 |
商業才能+1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : AgentType = merchant OnResource DistanceCapital >= 40 Affects : WorldlyMerchant 1 Chance : 20 % |
出色行商 |
3 |
此人精通各國商業習俗,無論遠近交易都得心應手 |
商業才能+2 |