HomeAna Sayfa / Divide et Impera / İceniler / Özel Muharebe Birimler
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
200 Pritanoi Ambactoi
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (Bri_Ambactoi)
Pritanoi Ambactoi
(British Ambactoi)

These swordsmen are the other half of the chariot team, along with the Arioi foot nobles, and best serve them in a supporting role. They back up the swordsmen's attack with javelins and can form a shield wall for their masters to retreat behind. They profit from long hours of regular weapons-drill and are disciplined, sturdy troops, who are not easily discomfited.

200 1338 1338 268 44 11 17 84 16 20 65
200 Kahraman Asiller
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (Bri_Heroic_Nobles)
Kahraman Asiller
"Kandan gelenler", soyluluklarını düşman hayatlarıyla satın almalılar.
200 1157 1157 231 42 11 15 78 12 20 60
200 Rycalawre
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (Bri_Rycalawre)
(Kingly Champions)

The British tribes' best warriors are not so much trained, as they are proven. The Rycalawre are nearly fearless and even hungrier for glory than younger men. They have already felt the rewards of victory and have many heads to their credit. Years of warfare often leave their bodies scarred but their spirit as sturdy as tempered steel. They are wealthy, powerful men, but they were not necessarily born as such. When a young warrior begins to attract prestige for himself (often by having a mound of heads to his name) he also begins attracting favours and gifts from his chief. These favours, like armour, weapons, jewellery, and slaves, allow him to be outfitted in equipment superior to that of lesser men.

200 1335 1335 267 44 11 15 80 16 20 65
30 Arioi
Süvari / Savaş Arabası / (Bri_Arioi)
(Noble Chariots)

Chariots and horses are the pride of every noble as they are a sign of great prestige. However when the battle truly commences, the commander must be on foot, both to direct his forces and to show himself no less brave than his men. Armed with fine swords and shields and some clad in excellent mail coats, this small band of nobles and aristocrats must pay for their privileged positions with their blood.

30 1800 1800 360 33 11 31 50 18 20 65
100 Kahraman Biniciler
Süvari / Yakın Süvari / (Bri_Heroic_Riders)
Kahraman Biniciler
Aptallık derecesinde cesur olan bu savaşçılar, kabilelerinin kahramanlarıdır.
100 1924 1924 385 36 9 28 57 12 20 60
100 Marcacoi
Süvari / Yakın Süvari / (Bri_Marcacoi)
(Britannic Heavy Cavalry)

Armed with the best swords, shields, and armour, these experienced horsemen can hit very hard indeed. They are best used in conjunction with the lighter armed and javelin-throwing cavalry of the retainers and tribesmen in the trimarcisia style of the Galatians that Pausanias describes.

100 2095 2095 419 40 11 24 59 16 20 60
Yakın Piyade
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
200 Pritanoi Ambactoi
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (Bri_Ambactoi)
Pritanoi Ambactoi
(British Ambactoi)

These swordsmen are the other half of the chariot team, along with the Arioi foot nobles, and best serve them in a supporting role. They back up the swordsmen's attack with javelins and can form a shield wall for their masters to retreat behind. They profit from long hours of regular weapons-drill and are disciplined, sturdy troops, who are not easily discomfited.

200 1338 1338 268 44 11 17 84 16 20 65
300 Pusucular
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (Bri_Ambushers)
Beklenmeyenler; ciritler ve kılıçlar kuşanmışlar, hiç hoş karşılanmazlar.
300 571 571 114 38 11 17 69 1 20 45
300 Botroas
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (Bri_Botroas)
(Britannic Medium Infantry)

The Botroas (Boat-rows) are the basic medium infantry of southern Britain and Transalpine Gaul. They are well-trained, with a fair amount of experience, and good quality swords, with javelins to soften an enemy before a charge. Like nearly all Celtic warriors, they are loyal to a tribal head; a leader who is himself bound to a more prestigious noble and, by extension, also the king. These men form the core of the southern armies, and like most Celtic shock infantry, the brunt of their attack is in the charge.

300 517 517 103 34 11 15 67 1 20 45
200 Calawre
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (Bri_Calawre)

All the Celtic cultures follow hero worshipping traditions, and the Britons are no different. Among the southern tribes especially, there are warriors of exceedingly great skill, who use Gallic equipment. The Calawre (Call-a-oo-re) are not typically considered to be recognized champions, but they are wealthy and skilled. They have good armour and high-quality Gallic swords. They are called champions more on account of their appearance than their abilities on the battlefield, where in reality they serve as an all-purpose heavy infantry. They are adept and professional warriors, but their cost - in terms of equipment and training - limits their numbers.

200 1188 1188 238 45 11 15 69 12 20 60
300 Seçilmiş Kılıç Güruhu
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (Bri_Chosen_Sword_Band)
Seçilmiş Kılıç Güruhu
Bu adamlar, kanıtlanmış bir cesaret ve silahta iyi bilenmiş maharetleriyle savaşırlar.
300 800 800 160 38 11 15 73 6 20 50
300 Kluddobro
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (Bri_Kluddobro)
(Sword Bearers)

Kluddobro (Klith-ab-ree) are British shortswordsmen. The shortsword is a common weapon, essentially a very long knife or dagger, and used by hunters, and carried by many as a form of self-defense. Warriors using shortswords are not typically very well trained, if at all. However, they are readily available, cheap, and have a good charge. They are extremely vulnerable at range.

300 455 455 91 30 11 15 56 1 20 45
300 Boyalı Olanlar
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (Bri_Painted_Ones)
Boyalı Olanlar
Boyaları zalimliklerini yansıtan bu acımasız askerler, oldukça tehlikelidirler.
300 589 589 118 40 11 17 60 1 20 60
200 Rycalawre
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (Bri_Rycalawre)
(Kingly Champions)

The British tribes' best warriors are not so much trained, as they are proven. The Rycalawre are nearly fearless and even hungrier for glory than younger men. They have already felt the rewards of victory and have many heads to their credit. Years of warfare often leave their bodies scarred but their spirit as sturdy as tempered steel. They are wealthy, powerful men, but they were not necessarily born as such. When a young warrior begins to attract prestige for himself (often by having a mound of heads to his name) he also begins attracting favours and gifts from his chief. These favours, like armour, weapons, jewellery, and slaves, allow him to be outfitted in equipment superior to that of lesser men.

200 1335 1335 267 44 11 15 80 16 20 65
300 Teceitos
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (Bri_Teceitos)
(Britannic Axemen)

The Teceitos are an often overlooked component of a Celtic army. Many Celtic warriors are buried with axes - particularly in Britain and Eastern Europe - despite the fact that axes are neither as prestigious nor as admired as swords and spears. The Teceitos wear leather or padded vests and bronze or iron helmets to help protect themselves. They are light enough to move swiftly over the battlefield, allowing them to flank heavy infantry, and strike them from the flanks or rear. Using axes as well as javelins, the Teceitos are especially useful for breaking up heavy infantry. They are also a great asset to chariots, being able to follow them into breaches in the enemy's line.

300 884 884 177 39 11 15 69 8 20 55
200 Druid Asilleri
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (Bri_Druidic_Nobles)
Druid Asilleri
Druidler etrafa büyülü varlıklarının etkilerini yayarlar ve yenmesi güç savaşçılardır.
200 1157 1157 231 42 11 17 78 12 20 75
200 Kluddargos
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (Bri_Kluddargos)
(Sword Masters)

Kluddargos (Klud-arr-gus) are British champions who use very specialized weapons. Their two-handed longswords have especially heavy blades and require years of practice to master. Able to afford such weapons, they can also afford high-quality armour, including very fine-quality chain shirts. Like other heroes and champions, they march to battle to inspire their fellow tribesmen, but their weapons also give them a tactical purpose: to annihilate enemy armour. Their swords are truly fierce and destructive: their great swings split helmets, smash shields, and collapse cuirasses into the body. The heads they collect will surely be from grotesquely mangled bodies, obliterated by the force of their blows, and the wielders of such weapons will often take satisfaction in finding their foes' bodies left in such a state.

200 1337 1337 267 56 13 19 55 12 20 65
Menzilli Piyade
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
175 Imannae
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (Bri_Imannae)
(Britannic Skirmishers)

The Imannae (Im-an-ay) are youths used throughout many less developed Celtic territories to ambush and disorient enemies. In an army, they generally act as a screen for the main force, disrupting the enemy formations with their javelins before the older warriors charge. They are actually more akin to a militia arm, and are employed by tribes in dire need of defense. They are best employed as hit-and-run soldiers for if they become embroiled in a melee they will surely break and flee.

175 428 428 86 14 85 7 7 18 9 11 51 1 20 35
175 Sotaroas
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (Bri_Sotaroas)
(Britannic Archers)

Britannic archers, Sotaroas (Sow-tah-rows), are useful without being exceptional. They are well trained, disciplined, and can attack at a fairly long range. While their skills are unremarkable, their ability to swiftly pepper an enemy with missiles is always of use. They are not designed to defeat an enemy force, or even truly damage one, but instead are intended to harass and distract their opponents. As such, they are good runners, who fire a few volleys as a distraction, and then withdraw to a safe position to hide. If caught in a melee, they will be slaughtered.

175 409 409 82 8 155 4 15 21 9 13 29 1 20 35
175 Uassedoi
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (Bri_Uassedoi)
(Britannic Slingers)

Comprised of the sons of higher-class men, the Uassedoi are not warriors ready for the front-line of battle. Still, they are unencumbered by heavy shields and can move in quickly with their spears against other light troops, or take up flanking positions with their slings. Many of these youths will someday take the places of their fathers and uncles, and this is where they begin their training.

175 809 809 162 6 190 6 20 21 9 13 66 1 20 40
Mızraklı Piyade
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
300 Cemmeinarn
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (Bri_Cemmeinarn)
(Marching Ones)

Cemmeinarn (Kem-ay-nayrn) are the mainstay of most midlander armies. They carry spears to be thrown before a charge, and engage in melee with well-made longspears. Except for a good shield they are not armoured, but are nevertheless capable in battle. Appropriately supported by skirmishers, they can be quite useful in engaging most threats, though they are incapable of lasting against truly heavy infantry. However, the Cemmeinarn can thwart a frontal attack if they stand together; their shields provide them good defense from the front, but from the flanks or rear, the Cemmeinarn are incapable of defending themselves well and will likely be slaughtered. The Cemmeinarn are only semi-professional warriors, and only the most experienced will readily hold together under the weight of a strong charge.

300 424 424 85 27 9 15 64 1 20 50
200 Seçilmiş Mızrak Güruhu
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (Bri_Chosen_Spear_Band)
Seçilmiş Mızrak Güruhu
Zincir zırh, bir savaşçının yüreğini ürpertmez ya da savaşa olan arzusunu yatıştırmaz.
200 673 673 135 28 9 15 76 6 20 50
300 Lugoae
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (Bri_Lugoae)
(Levy Troops)

During periods of strife and war, it is sometimes necessary to call upon ordinary citizens to organize as a militia. Militia in Celtic societies - known as the Lugoae - are farmers, craftsmen and fishermen, who are called to brief military service in periods of crisis. They may train a few times a year to fight and participate in games and sports to improve their physicality, but they're still only militia, and can only be trusted to do so much.

300 353 353 71 22 9 15 54 1 20 45
300 Mızrak Güruhu
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (Bri_Spear_Band)
Mızrak Güruhu
Mızraklar basit silahlardır ancak doğru ellere geçtiklerinde ölümcül olurlar.
300 391 391 78 24 9 15 71 1 20 45
300 Uirodusios
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (Bri_Uirodusios)
(Naked Spearmen)

The Uirodusios (Oo-row-doo-see-os) fight in the ancient Celtic style, stripped nude but for a torc, anklets, bangles, and sometimes a cloak. Though poorly armoured, not nearly as skilled as the Gaesatae mercenaries of Gaul, and not on drugs, they are still formidable and present a frightening visage that unnerves enemies. They Uirodusios should not be considered as elite, for they are often inexperienced warriors, though they do wish to acquire prestige and recognition through daring acts of bravery.

300 498 498 100 33 9 17 60 1 20 70
200 Drwdae
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (Bri_Drwdae)
(Britannic Druids)

The Drwdae (Droo-day) are not typically warriors; however, there are British warrior-druids. War is considered a fine profession, and even the best educated members of society sometimes engage in it. These particular Drwdae are warriors however, akin in many ways to the Carnutes of Gaul, insofar as they train a great deal and have the duty of protecting sacred places. They are extremely well motivated, disturbing to enemies, and inspiring to allies. Still, they are too few in number to fight alone and must be supported by others if they are to be effective on the battlefield.

200 1058 1058 212 34 9 15 83 12 20 70
Yakın Süvari
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
100 Kahraman Biniciler
Süvari / Yakın Süvari / (Bri_Heroic_Riders)
Kahraman Biniciler
Aptallık derecesinde cesur olan bu savaşçılar, kabilelerinin kahramanlarıdır.
100 1924 1924 385 36 9 28 57 12 20 60
100 Marcacoi
Süvari / Yakın Süvari / (Bri_Marcacoi)
(Britannic Heavy Cavalry)

Armed with the best swords, shields, and armour, these experienced horsemen can hit very hard indeed. They are best used in conjunction with the lighter armed and javelin-throwing cavalry of the retainers and tribesmen in the trimarcisia style of the Galatians that Pausanias describes.

100 2095 2095 419 40 11 24 59 16 20 60
120 Briton Keşif Binicileri
Süvari / Yakın Süvari / (Bri_Scout_Riders)
Briton Keşif Binicileri
Süvariler savaş meydanında dağılarak düşmanın zayıf noktalarını araştırabilirler.
120 1202 1202 240 24 9 20 48 2 20 45
100 Kıdemli Biniciler
Süvari / Yakın Süvari / (Bri_Veteran_Riders)
Kıdemli Biniciler
Bu atlılar çarpışmalara alışkındırlar ve tehlike karşısında geri çekilmezler.
100 1870 1870 374 33 9 28 52 14 20 55
Menzilli Süvari
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
120 Comnetsamoi
Süvari / Menzilli Süvari / (Bri_Comnetsamoi)
(Britannic Horse Skirmishers)

The heads of family contingents, as well as local chiefs of roundhouses and farming communities, band together to form units of light cavalry, mounted upon the same kind of sturdy ponies that the noblemen ride. They can be deadly accurate with their javelins, but will not withstand a melee engagement.

120 703 703 141 14 85 7 7 21 11 17 39 2 20 45
120 Myrcharn
Süvari / Menzilli Süvari / (Bri_Myrcharn)
(Britannic Skirmisher Cavalry)

The Myrcharn (Mur-churn) are British cavalrymen. These cavalry are essentially mounted skirmishers. The Britons are based upon infantry though, and cavalry are secondary. As light cavalry, the Myrcharn are incapable of staying in melee combat for long, though they are useful as mobile skirmishers. They can inflict damage to lightly armoured opponents and can also soften more heavily armoured enemies. Against longspears or a phalanx they will certainly collapse immediately and should be kept away from entering such encounters directly. That being said, they can be used to pepper such formations with their missiles.

120 817 817 163 14 85 7 7 26 11 20 44 2 20 45
Savaş Arabası
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
30 Arioi
Süvari / Savaş Arabası / (Bri_Arioi)
(Noble Chariots)

Chariots and horses are the pride of every noble as they are a sign of great prestige. However when the battle truly commences, the commander must be on foot, both to direct his forces and to show himself no less brave than his men. Armed with fine swords and shields and some clad in excellent mail coats, this small band of nobles and aristocrats must pay for their privileged positions with their blood.

30 1800 1800 360 33 11 31 50 18 20 65
60 Savaş Arabaları
Süvari / Savaş Arabası / (Bri_Chariots)
Savaş Arabaları
Ustalıkla kullanılan savaş arabaları, nizamlı düşman piyade saflarını kırabilirler.
60 1500 1500 300 26 11 28 44 2 20 55
Saha Ağır Silahı
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
40 Briton Balistası
Kuşatma Düzeneği / Saha Ağır Silahı / (Bri_Ballista)
Briton Balistası
Böylesine uzak mesafeden can alabilen bir silahta cazip olan birçok şey vardır.
40 2000 2000 400 69 435 2 40 13 22 39 4 20 45
40 Briton Akrep Balistası
Kuşatma Düzeneği / Saha Ağır Silahı / (Bri_Cheiroballistra)
Briton Akrep Balistası
Akrep balistaları ölümcül silahlardır ve düşmana çevrildiklerinde alınan zevk bambaşkadır.
40 1800 1800 360 39 365 2 33 11 18 26 4 20 45
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
120 Ağır Baskıncılar - Botroas
Orta Gemi / Yakın Gemi / (Bar_Heavy_Raider)
Ağır Baskıncılar - Botroas
Denizin onlara savurabileceği en kötüye bile dayanmak için inşa edilmiş, güçlü savaş gemileri.

Bir lordun komuta ettiği yerde, kılıç delicidir.

120 1062 1062 266 968 5 30 11 15 72 8 24 65
Yakın Gemi
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
120 Ağır Baskıncılar - Botroas
Orta Gemi / Yakın Gemi / (Bar_Heavy_Raider)
Ağır Baskıncılar - Botroas
Denizin onlara savurabileceği en kötüye bile dayanmak için inşa edilmiş, güçlü savaş gemileri.

Bir lordun komuta ettiği yerde, kılıç delicidir.

120 1062 1062 266 968 5 30 11 15 72 8 24 65
100 Orta Ani Saldırı Baskıncıları - Teceitos
Orta Gemi / Yakın Gemi / (Bar_Medium_Raider)
Orta Ani Saldırı Baskıncıları - Teceitos
Haşin denizlere dayanabilen bu gemilerin mürettebatı, düşman teknelerini her türlü hava koşulunda ele geçirebilir.

(Celtic Axemen)

The Teceitos are an often overlooked component of a Celtic army. Many Celtic warriors are buried with axes - particularly in Britain and Eastern Europe - despite the fact that axes are neither as prestigious nor as admired as swords and spears. The axe is a fine weapon, able to do great damage even through armour. Using axes as well as javelins, the Teceitos are especially useful for breaking up heavy infantry. They are also a great asset to chariots, being able to follow them into breaches in the enemy's' line.

100 688 688 172 23 11 11 66 6 20 50
80 Anî Saldırı Baskıncıları - Teceitos
Orta Gemi / Yakın Gemi / (Bar_Raider)
Anî Saldırı Baskıncıları - Teceitos
Düşman teknelerine bindirme yapabilecek yeterlilikteki mürettabatıyla kullanışlı gemiler.

(Celtic Axemen)

The Teceitos are an often overlooked component of a Celtic army. Many Celtic warriors are buried with axes - particularly in Britain and Eastern Europe - despite the fact that axes are neither as prestigious nor as admired as swords and spears. The axe is a fine weapon, able to do great damage even through armour. Using axes as well as javelins, the Teceitos are especially useful for breaking up heavy infantry. They are also a great asset to chariots, being able to follow them into breaches in the enemy's' line.

80 562 562 140 23 11 11 66 6 20 50
Menzilli Gemi
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
80 Menzilli Baskıncılar - Iaosatae
Orta Gemi / Menzilli Gemi / (Bar_Missile_Raider)
Menzilli Baskıncılar - Iaosatae
Bu gemiler düşman tayfasını hırpalamak için bir grup okçuyu da güvertesinde taşır.

Savaşta şan için istekli bu sapancılar, çok etkili avcı erleridir.

80 562 562 140 6 190 5 40 15 7 8 41 1 20 40