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Drangiana Drangiana Units

Field Artillery

With a long range and able to cause great damage, field artillery can be moved slowly around the battlefield, but are very weak if engaged in melee.

Field Artillery
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
40 Greek Bastion Ballista
Siege Engine / Field Artillery / (Gre_Ballista_Bastion)
Greek Bastion Ballista
Only a slack-jawed barbarian would not use such an efficient engine of death!
40 560 560 110 180 460 3 9 24 6 14 10 40 40
40 Greek Ballista
Siege Engine / Field Artillery / (Gre_Ballista)
Greek Ballista
Only a slack-jawed barbarian would not use such an efficient engine of death!
40 1560 560 110 180 420 3 9 24 6 14 10 45 40
40 Greek Scorpion
Siege Engine / Field Artillery / (Gre_Cheiroballistra)
Greek Scorpion
Cruel bolts, fired over long distances, do much to weaken the enemy's resolve.
40 520 520 100 120 350 6 9 24 6 14 10 45 35
40 Greek Heavy Onager
Siege Engine / Field Artillery / (Gre_Large_Onager)
Greek Heavy Onager
Subtlety is not an onager's strongest point. Destruction is.
40 1790 790 160 230 480 2 9 24 6 14 10 45 40
40 Greek Bastion Onager
Siege Engine / Field Artillery / (Gre_Onager_Bastion)
Greek Bastion Onager
The crashing arrival of a large rock does much to humble arrogant foes.
40 580 580 120 200 400 4 9 24 6 14 10 40 40
40 Greek Onager
Siege Engine / Field Artillery / (Gre_Onager)
Greek Onager
The crashing arrival of a large rock does much to humble arrogant foes.
40 1580 580 120 200 350 3 9 24 6 14 10 45 40