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(bad) Character Traits

No. Trait Icon Name Effects
1 pel_disgrace Level 1
This man has failed so often that he is barely fit for command
-2 gravitas per turn (this_agent)
-2 public order per turn (local province)
-10% morale for all units (this_general_force)
2 r2_sp_trait_all_ambusher_bad Level 1
Rotten Luck
Despite his best efforts, this man's ambushes never work as planned.
-5% chance of successfully launching an ambush (this_general_force)
Level 2
This man might as well put up a sign saying "ambush ahead".
-10% chance of successfully launching an ambush (this_general_force)
Level 3
Incompetent Ambusher
This man couldn't organise a piss-up in the temple of Bacchus, let alone a surprise attack.
-15% chance of successfully launching an ambush (this_general_force)
3 r2_sp_trait_all_attacker_bad Level 1
Indifferent Attacker
This man lacks confidence when attacking.
-5% morale for all units during offensive battles (army only)
Level 2
Poor Attacker
This man has problems organising an attack.
-10% morale for all units during offensive battles (army only)
Level 3
Incompetent Attacker
This man can turn victory into humiliating defeat!
-15% morale for all units during offensive battles (army only)
4 r2_sp_trait_all_attacker_sea_bad Level 1
This man is uncertain of water. And battle.
-5% fleet morale when attacking at sea (this_general_force)
Level 2
Poor Admiral
This man's mother is a better admiral.
-10% fleet morale when attacking at sea (this_general_force)
Level 3
All At Sea
Command at sea has given this man a shiny helmet. But nothing else.
-20% fleet morale when attacking at sea (this_general_force)
5 r2_sp_trait_all_background_inbred Level 1
In the Family
Some people lack the traditional number of grandparents.
-1 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+3 public order (local province)
6 r2_sp_trait_all_background_slave Level 1
Freed Slave
"I understand the servile mind, and its plotting…"
Reduces slave population decline (local province)
+2 public order per turn (local province)
7 r2_sp_trait_all_background_ugly Level 1
"My mother loved me. I think…"
-1 authority (this_agent)
-3% morale for all enemy units (this_general)
8 r2_sp_trait_all_background_very_inbred Level 1
Unfortunate Parentage
When close relatives become parents the results can be unfortunate.
-2 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+6 public order (local province)
9 r2_sp_trait_all_background_very_very_inbred Level 1
Keeping a bloodline pure is not always a good idea.
-3 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+10 public order (local province)
10 r2_sp_trait_all_battle_scarred Level 1
Cut to ribbons, this man somehow lived. Poor fellow.
-5% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force)
+5% melee defence skill for the commander's unit (this_agent)
Level 2
Women and children fear to look upon his face.
-10% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force)
+10% melee defence skill for the commander's unit (this_agent)
Level 3
Evil Eye
Some scars go deep, all the way to the soul.
-15% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force)
+15% melee defence skill for the commander's unit (this_agent)
11 r2_sp_trait_all_besieger_bad Level 1
Gate Keeper
This man can defend a settlement. Alone, if needs must.
-5% attritional losses when under siege (this_general)
Level 2
Like the Pillar
This man's defensive skills are worthy of an epic poem.
-10% attritional losses when under siege (this_general)
Level 3
None Shall Pass!
Give this man a wall and he'll hold it against the gods!
-20% attritional losses when under siege (this_general)
12 r2_sp_trait_all_defender_bad Level 1
Indifferent Defender
This man lacks confidence when defending.
-5% morale for all units during defensive battles (this_general_force)
Level 2
Poor Defender
Defence is not part of this man's art of war.
-10% morale for all units during defensive battles (this_general_force)
Level 3
Incompetent Defender
This man has no discernable talent for defence.
-15% morale for all units during defensive battles (this_general_force)
13 r2_sp_trait_all_defender_sea_bad Level 1
Indifferent Naval Defender
This man threw the book of naval tactics overboard. The fool.
-5% fleet morale when defending at sea (this_general_force)
Level 2
Poor Sea Defender
This man couldn't defend his mother's honour, let alone a fleet.
-10% fleet morale when defending at sea (this_general_force)
Level 3
Incompetent Naval Defender
Seagull droppings have more defensive ability.
-20% fleet morale when defending at sea (this_general_force)
14 r2_sp_trait_all_disinherited Level 1
Loss of status and prestige has made this man bitter, envious and discontented.
-1 influence per turn for your political party (factionwide)
15 r2_sp_trait_all_fears_barbarians Level 1
Fears Savage Barbarians
Random "bar-bar-bar" gibberings echo through this man's dreams.
+5% melee defence skill for all units during battles against barbarian tribes (army only)
-5% morale for all units during battles against barbarian tribes (army only)
16 r2_sp_trait_all_fears_carthage Level 1
Fears Savage Carthaginians
"They put the child into Tanit's arms. He rolled into the fire. And they just let it happen!"
+5% melee defence skill for all units during battles against Carthage (army only)
-5% morale for all units during battles against Carthage (army only)
17 r2_sp_trait_all_fears_easterners Level 1
Fears Brutal Easterners
"They poured molten gold down his throat. I was bricking it, I can tell you."
+5% melee defence skill for all units during battles against eastern factions (army only)
-5% morale for all units during battles against eastern factions (army only)
18 r2_sp_trait_all_fears_egyptians Level 1
Fears Morbid Egyptians
"They worship the dead. It's just not right."
+5% melee defence skill for all units during battles against Egypt (army only)
-5% morale for all units during battles against Egypt (army only)
19 r2_sp_trait_all_fears_greeks Level 1
Fears Effete Greeks
This man's every night is torn apart by the Furies, egged on by shrieking Greeks…
+5% melee defence skill for all units during battles against Hellenic factions (army only)
-5% morale for all units during battles against Hellenic factions (army only)
20 r2_sp_trait_all_fears_romans Level 1
Fears Heartless Romans
The word "Roman" alone brings this man out in a cold sweat.
+5% melee defence skill for all units during battles against Rome (army only)
-5% morale for all units during battles against Rome (army only)
21 r2_sp_trait_all_fears_successors Level 1
Fears Incestuous Successors
"They keep marrying their own sisters and poisoning each other. Gives me the willies!"
+5% melee defence skill for all units during battles against Successor kingdoms (army only)
-5% morale for all units during battles against Successor kingdoms (army only)
22 r2_sp_trait_all_feck Level 1
Foul Mouthed
"What of it, shit-for-brains?"
This man carouses too much with sailors in the port - move him before he adopts their foul ways! (this_agent)
Level 2
Rude, Crude & Probably Lewd
"I'll swear as much as I want, you utter front bottom!"
+1 zeal (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
-2 public order (local province)
Level 3
Even Gods Blush
"I say there IS a god of swearing, you great, puke-stained shit-elf!"
+1 zeal (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
-4 public order (local province)
23 r2_sp_trait_all_infertile Level 1
This man makes poor choices in his bed partners. That's all it is. Oh, yes.
-1 growth per turn (local province)
Level 2
This man seems unlikely to fathter a new generation.
-2 growth per turn (local province)
Level 3
Children are not a terribly visible product of this man's loins.
-3 growth per turn (local province)
24 r2_sp_trait_all_lazy Level 1
Why do today what can be put off until next week?
Long stays in friendly provinces have sapped this man’s dedication to his duties – give him a taste of the march! (this_agent)
Level 2
"Why should I? Those slaves are standing idle."
+1 cunning (this_agent)
+6% construction costs (local province)
Level 3
If he could find someone else to move his bowels for him, he would.
+1 cunning (this_agent)
+12% construction costs (local province)
25 r2_sp_trait_all_leader_lewd Level 1
Endless revelations of perversity, real and imagined, eventually grow boring.
Bread and Games Edict:
-1 public order (local province)
Level 2
Even the gods of lust and love would turn their backs on this man.
-1 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
-2 public order (local province)
Level 3
Lewd Beyond Reason
Even the briefest encounter with this vile pervert sees most folk running to the bathhouse to scrape themselves clean.
-1 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
-3 public order (local province)
26 r2_sp_trait_all_leader_miser Level 1
Careful with Cash
Money does not grow on trees, or swim the seas!
-2% unit recruitment cost (in_all_your_forces)
Level 2
"Why should I open my purse? What purpose does it serve?"
-4% unit recruitment cost (in_all_your_forces)
Level 3
"I take no joy from spending money. It is always a waste of coin!"
-6% unit recruitment cost (in_all_your_forces)
27 r2_sp_trait_all_leader_paranoid Level 1
"I'm followed. Everywhere. And not by servants."
Your general, garrisoned in a troubled province, is feeling his nerves begin to fray – move him before he cracks! (this_agent)
Level 2
"There! Behind the tapestry! And there! Everywhere!"
+1 cunning (this_agent)
-1 zeal (this_agent)
+10% chance of evading enemy agents (this_agent)
Level 3
"I have enemies. More than you can count. And that's just inside these walls!"
+1 cunning (this_agent)
-1 zeal (this_agent)
+15% chance of evading enemy agents (this_agent)
28 r2_sp_trait_all_leader_spender Level 1
"Generosity pleases the gods and me."
Your leader relaxes in the city while the treasury bleeds - use him to fill your coffers before he spends the rest! (this_agent)
Level 2
Overly Generous
"Money is of no earthly use if it sits in my purse."
-6% tax rate (all provinces)
Level 3
Foolish with Money
"Give this fellow the run of the lesser purse, there's a good man!"
-12% tax rate (all provinces)
29 r2_sp_trait_all_leader_unjust Level 1
"Your case is denied. Leave your bribe as you go."
-2 public order per turn (all provinces)
Level 2
Justice for None
"I have considered this petition. Ask again, and you will need a will."
-4 public order per turn (all provinces)
Level 3
"YOU! Execute them faster! Stop being nice about it!"
-6 public order per turn (all provinces)
30 r2_sp_trait_all_noctophobia Level 1
Fear of the Dark
There were strange noises in the dark. This man remembers them all.
-5% morale for all units during night battles (this_general_force)
Level 2
Night Terrors
Darkness is not a friend. Never that.
-10% morale for all units during night battles (this_general_force)
Level 3
This man is terrified by the long, long hours of night.
-15% morale for all units during night battles (this_general_force)
31 r2_sp_trait_all_personal_cowardice Level 1
This man runs from a battle before it is strictly necessary. Or lost.
-1 zeal (this_general)
Level 2
Fear hinders this man in battle. Fear of battle.
-2 zeal (this_general)
Level 3
This man's timidity in combat is well known, the big wendy.
-4 zeal (this_general)
32 r2_sp_trait_all_siege_defender_bad Level 1
Incompetent Siege Defender
This man has lost more than one city but has, sadly, escaped with his life.
+5% attritional losses when under siege (this_general)
Level 2
His defence skills are legendary, but not in a good way.
+10% attritional losses when under siege (this_general)
Level 3
Cowers Behind Walls
Woe betide any city left in the care of this man!
+20% attritional losses when under siege (this_general)
33 r2_sp_trait_all_unhealthy Level 1
Childhood illness casts its shadow over this man.
Allowing this man to languish in grime-ridden slums will lead only to disaster – move him before he sickens! (this_agent)
Level 2
"As mother said, it pays to look after your health…"
-2 zeal (this_agent)
-10% campaign map movement range (this_general)
Level 3
Even picking up a sword exhausts this poor fellow.
-3 zeal (this_agent)
-20% campaign map movement range (this_general)
34 r2_sp_trait_barbarian_drink Level 1
"This ale cup! It's too small!"
This idle man’s drinking has become a habit whilst stationed here – remove him and thus the temptation! (this_agent)
Level 2
More Ale
"Sod off! Find your own bucket of ale!"
+4% morale for all units (this_general_force)
-2 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+4 public order (local province)
Level 3
All the Ale
"Are you looking at my drink, you bastard? Did you spill my girl?"
+6% morale for all units (this_general_force)
-3 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+8 public order (local province)
35 r2_sp_trait_barbarian_sweary Level 1
Strong oaths make this man a 'character'. And rude.
Drinking and carousing is good for morale, but if he stays here your general’s profanity will lose him respect! (this_agent)
Level 1
This man cannot speak without using the foulest curses.
-2 authority (this_agent)
+10% morale for all units during offensive battles (this_general_force)
Level 2
Appalling foulness constantly drips from this man's tongue.
-3 authority (this_agent)
+20% morale for all units during offensive battles (this_general_force)
36 r2_sp_trait_civilised_blood_feud Level 1
Acts of vengeance are understood by the gods.
+3 zeal (this_general)
37 r2_sp_trait_civilised_disciplinarian_bad Level 1
Kind words do not win battles.
-5% morale for all units during battles in foreign territory (this_general)
-1 authority (this_agent)
Level 2
Poor Disciplinarian
An easy nature is welcome until enemy swords are drawn.
-10% morale for all units during battles in foreign territory (this_general)
-2 authority (this_agent)
Level 3
Killing with Kindness
Soldiers need steel, not soft words.
-15% morale for all units during battles in foreign territory (this_general)
-3 authority (this_agent)
38 r2_sp_trait_civilised_leader_harsh Level 1
Kindness is a womanly weakness.
-3% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force)
Level 2
Use the clamps. The tiny clamps. The ones with teeth.
-6% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force)
Level 3
A Byword for Cruelty
Your pain, your despair... are like honeyed wine to me.
-9% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force)
39 r2_sp_trait_civilised_sweary Level 1
Swears Like a Trooper
After long years campaigning, this man speaks like the soldiery.
Drinking and carousing is good for morale, but if he stays here your general’s profanity will lose him respect! (this_agent)
Level 2
Irredeemably Rude
His foul and inventive tongue endears this man only to his troops.
+5% morale for all units during offensive battles (this_general_force)
Level 3
Impossibly Profane
"There is a god of swearing. Yes, there f****** is!"
-1 authority (this_agent)
+10% morale for all units during offensive battles (this_general_force)
40 r2_sp_trait_civilized_adulterer Level 1
Casually Adulterous
"Nice dress. It'll look better on my bedroom floor."
A married man courts scandal if he spends too long garrisoned away from his wife and family – remove the temptation! (this_agent)
Level 2
Blatant Adulterer
"Don't be so provincial about these things."
-1 authority (this_agent)
+2 cunning (this_agent)
Level 3
Run For Your Wife!
"His wife, the commander's wife, the governor's wife. All nicely broken in, I find..."
-1 authority (this_agent)
+2 cunning (this_agent)
-1 gravitas per turn (this_agent)
41 r2_sp_trait_civilized_arse Level 1
There are pleasures of the flesh that only some enjoy.
-1 authority (this_agent)
Level 2
"It makes me happy."
-2 authority (this_agent)
Level 3
Foully Used
"The 'who' or 'what' doesn't matter. The 'how' usually does."
-3 authority (this_agent)
42 r2_sp_trait_civilized_atheist Level 1
Unsure about the Underworld
"Every time I offer sacrifice, I wonder why I bother…"
Far from any temple, your general doubts his beliefs – move him before he infects the populace with his malaise! (this_agent)
Level 2
"The temple? Why would I want to go there?"
-1 authority (this_agent)
-2 public order (local province)
Level 3
Public Atheist
"Do I look stupid enough to believe in big, bearded, angry men in the sky?"
-2 authority (this_agent)
-3 public order (local province)
43 r2_sp_trait_civilized_drink Level 1
Laugh, and the world laughs as you spill your drink.
This idle man’s drinking has become a habit whilst stationed here – remove him and thus the temptation! (this_agent)
Level 2
After boozing his evenings away, this man cannot stand without his slaves.
+4% morale for all units (this_general_force)
-2 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+4 public order (local province)
Level 3
Slave to Dionysus
"Drink! Drink! Why aren't you drinking, you bastards?"
+6% morale for all units (this_general_force)
-3 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+8 public order (local province)
44 r2_sp_trait_civilized_murderer Level 1
"No. You don't get to live through this."
-1 authority (this_agent)
+1 cunning (this_agent)
45 r2_sp_trait_civilized_xenophobe Level 1
Wary of Strangers
"Stranger. Strange, not usual. You see: the name's a clue."
Holed-up in your city, your general is suspicious of other cultures – foreign lands will broaden his horizons! (this_agent)
Level 2
Distrusts Outsiders
"Funny people. Not funny ha-ha. Funny wrong."
+1 authority (this_agent)
-4% tariff income from trade agreements (factionwide)
Level 3
"Get them out of my sight! I'll have none of their sort near me!"
+1 authority (this_agent)
-6% tariff income from trade agreements (factionwide)
46 r2_sp_trait_female_all_agent_deployed_foreign_corrupt Level 1
Knowingly Corrupt
"I look for advantage. What woman does not?"
-2% tax rate (local province)
Level 2
"The gold was just resting in my purse."
-4% tax rate (local province)
Level 3
Right and wrong: two sides of the same, golden, spendable coin.
-6% tax rate (local province)
-1 public order per turn (local province)
47 r2_sp_trait_female_all_background_slave Level 1
Freed Slavegirl
"I understand the servile mind, and its plotting…"
Reduces slave population decline (local province)
+2 public order per turn (local province)
48 r2_sp_trait_female_all_feck Level 1
A Cruel Tongue
A vicious tongue has a point.
This woman carouses too much with sailors in the port - move her before she adopts their foul manners! (this_agent)
Level 2
Openly Rude
"Look at the state of you, General Tiny Bollocks..."
+1 zeal (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
-2 public order (local province)
Level 3
Foul Mouthed
"Gods shit on us all! Am I talking to a walking scrotum?"
+1 zeal (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
-4 public order (local province)
49 r2_sp_trait_female_all_unhealthy Level 1
Childhood illness casts a shadow over this woman.
Allowing this woman to languish in grime-ridden slums will lead only to disaster – move her before she sickens! (this_agent)
Level 2
"As mother said, it pays to look after your health…"
-2 zeal (this_agent)
-10% campaign map movement range (this_general)
Level 3
Picking up a grape exhausts this poor woman.
-3 zeal (this_agent)
-20% campaign map movement range (this_general)
50 r2_sp_trait_female_barbarian_blokes Level 1
"Him: not bad. Him: ugh, smelly. Him: twice. His dad was fun…"
Bread and Games Edict:
+2 growth per turn (local province)
Level 2
"Go on, go on, go on, go on. You will. You will, you will, you will."
Bread and Games Edict:
+4 growth per turn (local province)
Level 3
Utterly Insatiable
"Well, hello. Aren't I the lucky girl? Bring your friend..."
Bread and Games Edict:
+8 growth per turn (local province)
51 r2_sp_trait_female_barbarian_drink Level 1
"This ale cup! It's too small!"
This idle woman’s drinking has become a habit whilst stationed here – remove her and thus the temptation! (this_agent)
Level 2
More Ale
"Sod off! Find your own bucket of ale!"
+4% morale for all units (this_general_force)
-2 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+4 public order (local province)
Level 3
All the Ale
"Leave 'im, Arminius. He's not wurf it! I'll do 'im! I will..."
+6% morale for all units (this_general_force)
-3 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+8 public order (local province)
52 r2_sp_trait_female_civilized_adulterer Level 1
Casually Adulterous
"Nice armour. It'll look better on my bedroom floor."
A married man courts scandal if he spends too long garrisoned away from his wife and family – remove the temptation! (this_agent)
Level 2
Blatant Adulterer
"Don't be so stupidly provincial about these things."
-1 authority (this_agent)
+2 cunning (this_agent)
Level 3
Husbands Ahoy!
"Husbands. All nicely broken in and ready for a change, I find..."
-3 authority (this_agent)
+2 cunning (this_agent)
53 r2_sp_trait_female_civilized_blokes Level 1
Likes Men
"Any woman who says she doesn't… well, leaves more for me!"
Bread and Games Edict:
+2 growth per turn (local province)
Level 2
Man Eater
"Men! Bring me some more!"
Bread and Games Edict:
+4 growth per turn (local province)
Level 3
Handmaid to Priapus
"The particularly rude statues? Particularly? How charming!"
Bread and Games Edict:
+8 growth per turn (local province)
54 r2_sp_trait_female_civilized_drink Level 1
A man does not become more attractive as the amphora is drained.
This idle woman’s drinking has become a habit whilst stationed here – remove her and thus the temptation! (this_agent)
Level 2
Drinking lying down saves a lot of tedious falling over.
+4% morale for all units (this_general_force)
-2 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+4 public order (local province)
Level 3
Handmaid to Dionysus
"Why aren't you drinking? Weaklings! Utter men, the lot of you!"
+6% morale for all units (this_general_force)
-3 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+8 public order (local province)
55 r2_sp_trait_female_civilized_murderer Level 1
"You going to die. And I'm not sorry. No, not one bit."
-1 authority (this_agent)
+1 cunning (this_agent)
56 r2_sp_trait_female_greco_roman_humors_phlegm Level 1
Cold and uncharismatic, this woman is difficult to like.
-1 authority (this_agent)
+2 cunning (this_agent)
57 r2_sp_trait_female_greco_roman_humors_yellow_bile Level 1
This woman is quick to anger. And she remembers enemies. Oh, yes, she remembers…
+2 authority (this_agent)
+1 gravitas per turn (this_agent)
58 r2_sp_trait_female_roman_background_fighter Level 1
Former Gladiatrix
"Twenty-six dwarves sent to Charon. So I know one end of a sword from the other."
-2 authority (this_agent)
+2 cunning (this_agent)
+30% chance of wounding enemy agents in self-defence (this_agent)
59 r2_sp_trait_female_roman_dishonest Level 1
This woman cannot be trusted any further than her own door. And possibly not that far.
A settlement with high tax and low public order tempts your character – move him and avoid dishonesty! (this_agent)
Level 2
"Count the silverware if you invite her to dinner…"
-1 authority (this_agent)
+2 cunning (this_agent)
Level 3
Punic Faith
This woman is so despicable she might as well be from Carthage.
-2 authority (this_agent)
+3 cunning (this_agent)
60 r2_sp_trait_female_roman_drink Level 1
Fond of Wine
"There's nothing wrong with a little drinky!"
This idle woman’s drinking has become a habit whilst stationed here – remove her and thus the temptation! (this_agent)
Level 2
In Her Cups
"This wine makes even you look handsome, handsome…"
+4% morale for all units (this_general_force)
-2 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+4 public order (local province)
Level 3
Handmaid of Bacchus
"Bacchus! I like Bacchus! Try the red, dear… Do you like Bacchus?"
+6% morale for all units (this_general_force)
-3 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+8 public order (local province)
61 r2_sp_trait_female_roman_games_obsessive Level 1
Enjoys the Games
Love of the Games fills this woman's waking hours. And dreams.
The seduction of entertainment threatens your character’s focus – put her to work before she succumbs! (this_agent)
Level 2
Regular Games Attendee
"I love the way the Games show off manly... virtues..."
-10% tax rate (local province)
+4 public order (local province)
Level 3
Games Obsessive
"What could be nicer than a well-oiled gladiator? Or two..."
-15% tax rate (local province)
+8 public order (local province)
62 r2_sp_trait_female_roman_races_obsessive Level 1
Admires Charioteers
This woman enjoys the races: the sights, the smells, the excitement!
+1 zeal (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+5% wealth generated by cultural buildings (local province)
Level 2
Race Fan
"I may be a lady, but I am an authority on the use of the whip…"
+1 zeal (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+10% wealth generated by cultural buildings (local province)
Level 3
Loves Charioteers
Decorum is less important than a good seat at the races.
+1 zeal (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+20% wealth generated by cultural buildings (local province)
63 r2_sp_trait_female_roman_unroman Level 1
Foreign Fashions
Many disapprove of this woman's foreign affectations.
-1 influence per turn for your political party (factionwide)
Level 2
Foreign Obsessions
This woman delights in un-Roman things. Thank the gods her father cannot see it!
-2 influence per turn for your political party (factionwide)
Level 3
Foreign Vulgarity
"An interest in the exotic is one thing, but gods! Dressing in such a fashion..."
-3 influence per turn for your political party (factionwide)
64 r2_sp_trait_greco_roman_humors_black_bile Level 1
Smiling, even at another's misfortunes, does not come naturally to this old sour-face.
+2 authority (this_agent)
+1 gravitas per turn (this_agent)
65 r2_sp_trait_greco_roman_humors_phlegm Level 1
Cold and uncharismatic, this man is difficult to like.
-1 authority (this_agent)
+2 cunning (this_agent)
66 r2_sp_trait_greco_roman_humors_yellow_bile Level 1
This man is easy to annoy, anger and enrage. And he remembers his enemies. Oh, yes…
+1 gravitas per turn (this_agent)
+2 zeal (this_agent)
67 r2_sp_trait_non_roman_background_poor Level 1
Poor Background
A goatherd may rise to greatness if it is written.
-5% tax rate (local province)
+4 public order per turn (local province)
68 r2_sp_trait_non_roman_dishonest Level 1
Do not trust this man any further than you can throw him.
A settlement with high tax and low public order tempts your character – move him and avoid dishonesty! (this_agent)
Level 2
Things are what they are. Water is wet. This man is not trustworthy.
-1 authority (this_agent)
+2 cunning (this_agent)
Level 3
Great Deceiver
This man is as despicably false as any Roman.
-2 authority (this_agent)
+3 cunning (this_agent)
69 r2_sp_trait_roman_background_poor Level 1
Novus Homo
"A lowly born but inherently worthy man may properly rise to eminence in the world."
-5% tax rate (local province)
+4 public order per turn (local province)
70 r2_sp_trait_roman_blood_feud Level 1
Acts of vengeance are properly Roman.
+3 zeal (this_general)
71 r2_sp_trait_roman_dishonest Level 1
This man cannot be trusted any further than he can be thrown. With an onager.
A settlement with high tax and low public order tempts your character – move him and avoid dishonesty! (this_agent)
Level 2
Count your fingers after shaking hands...
-1 authority (this_agent)
+2 cunning (this_agent)
Level 3
Punic Faith
This man is so despicable he might well be from Carthage.
-2 authority (this_agent)
+3 cunning (this_agent)
72 r2_sp_trait_roman_drink Level 1
Drink steadies the hand. Yes. It does.
This idle man’s drinking has become a habit whilst stationed here – remove him and thus the temptation! (this_agent)
Level 2
A little wine never hurt anyone.
+4% morale for all units (this_general_force)
-2 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+4 public order (local province)
Level 3
Dedicated Follower of Bacchus
"They seek him here, they seek him there! O! He's under the table..."
+6% morale for all units (this_general_force)
-3 authority (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+8 public order (local province)
73 r2_sp_trait_roman_eagle_lost Level 1
Having lost the eagle of his legion, this man is a disgrace.
-10% morale for all units (this_general)
Level 2
Utter Disgrace
Losing one eagle is bad luck, losing another is just plain carelessness.
-20% morale for all units (this_general)
74 r2_sp_trait_roman_games_obsessive Level 1
Enjoys the Games
Love of the Games makes this man popular with the plebs.
The seduction of entertainment threatens your character’s focus – put him to work before he succumbs! (this_agent)
Level 2
Regularly at the Games
"The Games demonstrate manly virtues, you know…"
-10% tax rate (local province)
+4 public order (local province)
Level 3
Games Obsessive
Womenfolk are of less interest than a well-oiled gladiator…
-15% tax rate (local province)
+8 public order (local province)
75 r2_sp_trait_roman_gladiator_obsessive_mermillo Level 1
"Murmillones forever! I spit on samnites!"
-5% unit recruitment cost (local province)
76 r2_sp_trait_roman_gladiator_obsessive_samnite Level 1
"Samnites forever! I spit on murmillones!"
Bread and Games Edict:
+10% wealth generated by cultural buildings (local province)
77 r2_sp_trait_roman_races_obsessive Level 1
Race Goer
This man enjoys the races, making him popular.
+1 zeal (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+5% wealth generated by cultural buildings (local province)
Level 2
Big Race Fan
An authority on horseflesh, and the use of the whip…
+1 zeal (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+10% wealth generated by cultural buildings (local province)
Level 3
Duty is less important than a good seat at the races.
+1 zeal (this_agent)
Bread and Games Edict:
+20% wealth generated by cultural buildings (local province)
78 r2_sp_trait_roman_unroman Level 1
Foreign Interests
Many disapprove of this man's foreign tastes.
-1 influence per turn for your political party (factionwide)
Level 2
Foreign Obsessions
This man delights in un-Roman things. Appalling chap.
-2 influence per turn for your political party (factionwide)
Level 3
Foreign Vulgarity
This man'th affected lithp ith howwid. And he callth himthelf a Wohman… Weahlly!
-3 influence per turn for your political party (factionwide)