HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Seleucid / Technologies / Mercenaries
Mercenaries SeleucidSeleucid Management Tier 4


Silver turns the course of battle with as much certainty as iron.

Mercenaries have existed for thousands of years but the earliest written record of them dates back to the 7th century BC, when Greek hoplites sought employment as bodyguards serving Pharaohs and Greek tyrants alike. Mercenaries became a great way to bolster troop numbers during times of war, something to which the Carthaginians resorted during their war with Rome. They exploited their trade links to recruit troops from the Iberian peninsula and the Balearic islands. The Romans were more sparing with their use of mercenaries, but acknowledged the shortcomings within the Legion, notably archers and cavalry, by making up for the lack with carefully chosen mercenary troops.



Node Set

Management Tier 4






  • +5% replenishment rate for all armies and fleets
  • -15% mercenary recruitment costs
  • -15% mercenary upkeep costs
Requires Technologies HellenisationHellenisation
Enables Technologies Supply ReformsSupply Reforms
Enables Units Upgrade PeltastsPeltasts Cost 150 Upgrade To Light PeltastsLight Peltasts
Raiding Hemiolia - PeltastsRaiding Hemiolia - Peltasts Cost 150 Upgrade To Raiding Hemiolia - Light PeltastsRaiding Hemiolia - Light Peltasts
Assault Dieres - PeltastsAssault Dieres - Peltasts Cost 150 Upgrade To Assault Dieres - Light PeltastsAssault Dieres - Light Peltasts
Fire Pot Dieres - PeltastsFire Pot Dieres - Peltasts Cost 150 Upgrade To Fire Pot Dieres - Light PeltastsFire Pot Dieres - Light Peltasts
Pursuit Trihemiolia - PeltastsPursuit Trihemiolia - Peltasts Cost 150 Upgrade To Pursuit Trihemiolia - Light PeltastsPursuit Trihemiolia - Light Peltasts
Enables Buildings Mercenary CampMercenary Camp