Insubres (Rise of the Republic)
The Insubres are wise and ancient. They arrived in Italy long ago and settled in its northwestern part. Their neighbours, the Etruscans, are probably the most influential civilisation in this part of the world, and the communication between them has proved highly beneficial for the Insubres. They have adopted some Etruscan cultural and military traditions and raised their prestige and prosperity as a result. A trade in natural resources and slaves was established early on, and became the basis for growth, both economic and cultural. Another strong influence came from the Greeks, who have been trading with Gallic people for centuries. The Insubres’ ambitions are focused on providing a safe, bright future for everyone in the community. Their long coexistence with other cultures has contributed strongly to their affinity for and expertise in diplomacy, and as trade or military partners. To persevere, the Insubres must overcome the ambitions and desires of their neighbours, both close and distant.
Campaign Map
Faction Name Insubres (Rise of the Republic) |
Campaign main_invasion |
Culture rom_Barbarian |
Subculture sc_rom_gaul |
Military Group inv_insurbes |
Faction Group inv_faction_group_gallic_tribes |
Faction Group
The Gauls are an influential, vigorous people, not just warriors but master craftsmen too.
(NOT DISPLAYED) Enables local recruitment of dignitaries
(NOT DISPLAYED) Pre-siege: siege tower
Fearsome Gauls: +15% income from raiding and sacking
Terrors of the Night: Can always choose to fight night battles
+100% movement range for all fleets
Political Parties
Initial Power: 35
No Effect
Initial Power: 35
No Effect
Initial Power: 35
No Effect
Initial Power: 35
No Effect
Initial Power: 35
No Effect
Initial Power: 35
No Effect
Initial Power: 35
(NOT DISPLAYED) Enables local recruitment of champions
(NOT DISPLAYED) Enables local recruitment of spies
Barbarian Tact: +30 to diplomacy with all factions
Government Actions: periodically ask the Council of Druids to assist in civil affairs
将领 |
Gallic Elder Swordsmen
(inv_ins_gallic_elder_swordsmen) 近战步兵
Gallic Heavy Spearmen
(inv_ins_gallic_heavy_spearmen) 枪步兵
Noble Horsemen
(inv_sen_noble_horsemen) 近战骑兵 |
近战步兵 |
Gallic Elder Swordsmen
(inv_ins_gallic_elder_swordsmen) 近战步兵
Longsword Warriors
(inv_ins_longsword_warriors) 近战步兵
Native Aequi Swordsmen
(inv_local_aequi_swordsmen) 近战步兵
Native Bruttii Tribesmen
(inv_local_brutii_tribesmen) 近战步兵
Native Carthaginian Infantry
(inv_local_carthaginian_infantry) 近战步兵
Native Italian Hillmen
(inv_local_italian_hillmen) 近战步兵
Native Italian Swordsmen
(inv_local_italian_swordsmen) 近战步兵
Native Latin Tribesmen
(inv_local_latin_tribesmen) 近战步兵
Native Ligurian Axe Warriors
(inv_local_ligurian_axe_warriors) 近战步兵
Native Ligurian Swordsmen
(inv_local_ligurian_swordsmen) 近战步兵
Native Lucanian Warriors
(inv_local_lucanian_warriors) 近战步兵
Naked Native Warriors
(inv_local_naked_warriors) 近战步兵
Native Sabine Warriors
(inv_local_sabine_warriors) 近战步兵
Native Samnite Infantryman
(inv_local_samnite_infantryman) 近战步兵
Native Sardi Hillmen
(inv_local_sardi_hillmen) 近战步兵
Native Sicilian Tribesmen
(inv_local_sicilian_tribesmen) 近战步兵
Native Umbrian Hillmen
(inv_local_umbrian_hillmen) 近战步兵
Native Volsci Warriors
(inv_local_volsci_warriors) 近战步兵
Gallic Axemen
(inv_sen_gallic_axemen) 近战步兵
Tribeless Warriors
(inv_sen_tribeless_warriors) 近战步兵
Young Swords
(inv_sen_young_swords) 近战步兵 |
远程步兵 |
Highland Hunters
(inv_ins_highland_hunters) 远程步兵
Native Iapygian Archers
(inv_local_apulian_archers) 远程步兵
Native Iapygian Javelinmen
(inv_local_apulian_javelinmen) 远程步兵
Native Bruttii Slingers
(inv_local_brutii_slingers) 远程步兵
Native Greek Archers
(inv_local_greek_archers) 远程步兵
Native Italian Skirmishers
(inv_local_italian_skirmishers) 远程步兵
Native Italian Slingers
(inv_local_italian_slingers) 远程步兵
Native Lucanian Ambushers
(inv_local_lucanian_ambushers) 远程步兵
Native Sabine Skirmishers
(inv_local_sabine_skirmishers) 远程步兵
Native Sardi Bowmen
(inv_local_sardi_bowmen) 远程步兵
Gallic Hunters
(inv_sen_gallic_hunters) 远程步兵
Gallic Skirmishers
(inv_sen_gallic_skirmishers) 远程步兵
Tribeless Slingers
(inv_sen_tribeless_slingers) 远程步兵 |
枪步兵 |
Gallic Heavy Spearmen
(inv_ins_gallic_heavy_spearmen) 枪步兵
Native Carthaginian Spearmen
(inv_local_carthaginian_spearmen) 枪步兵
Native Etruscan Spearmen
(inv_local_etruscan_spearmen) 枪步兵
Native Greek Militia
(inv_local_greek_militia) 枪步兵
Native Latin Spearmen
(inv_local_latin_spearmen) 枪步兵
Native Umbrian Spearmen
(inv_local_umbrian_spearmen) 枪步兵
Native Volsci Spearmen
(inv_local_volsci_spearmen) 枪步兵
Gallic Spearmen
(inv_sen_gallic_spearmen) 枪步兵
Tribeless Spearmen
(inv_sen_tribeless_spearmen) 枪步兵 |
近战骑兵 |
Native Aequi Horsemen
(inv_local_aequi_horsemen) 近战骑兵
Native Campanian Cavalry
(inv_local_campanian_cavalry) 近战骑兵
Native Ligurian Horsemen
(inv_local_ligurian_horsemen) 近战骑兵
Gallic Axe Cavalry
(inv_sen_gallic_axe_cavalry) 近战骑兵
Gallic Horsemen
(inv_sen_gallic_horsemen) 近战骑兵
Noble Horsemen
(inv_sen_noble_horsemen) 近战骑兵 |
远程骑兵 |
African Cavalry
(inv_local_african_cavalry) 远程骑兵
Native Veneti Raiders
(inv_local_veneti_raiders) 远程骑兵
Gallic Horse Skirmishers
(inv_sen_gallic_horse_skirmishers) 远程骑兵 |
战车 |
Gallic Chariots
(inv_sen_chariots) 战车 |
大象 |
African Elephants
(inv_local_african_elephants) 大象 |
提督 |
中型突袭海盗船 - Gallic Elder Swordsmen
(inv_sen_medium_assault_raider_gallic_elder_swordsmen) 近战舰 |
近战舰 |
希腊式突袭四桡舰 - Carthaginian Hoplites
(inv_car_specialport_greek_four_hoplites) 近战舰
波斯式突袭六桡舰 - Sacred Band
(inv_car_specialport_greek_four_sacred_band) 近战舰
波斯式突袭二桡舰 - Carthaginian Infantry
(inv_car_specialport_greek_two_Infantry) 近战舰
波斯式突袭二桡舰 - Carthaginian Hoplites
(inv_car_specialport_greek_two_hoplites) 近战舰
波斯式突袭二桡舰 - Sword Militia
(inv_car_specialport_greek_two_sword_militia) 近战舰
中型突袭海盗船 - Longsword Warriors
(inv_ins_medium_assault_raider_longsword_warriors) 近战舰
中型突袭海盗船 - Gallic Elder Swordsmen
(inv_sen_medium_assault_raider_gallic_elder_swordsmen) 近战舰
突袭海盗船 - Gallic Axemen
(inv_sen_raider_melee_gallic_axemen) 近战舰
突袭海盗船 - Tribeless Warriors
(inv_sen_raider_melee_tribeless_warriors) 近战舰 |
远程舰 |
希腊式三桡大帆船 - Carthaginian Javelinmen
(inv_car_specialport_greek_two_halfer_car_specialportthaginian_javelin) 远程舰
弓箭海盗船 - Highland Hunters
(inv_ins_raider_ranged_highland_hunters) 远程舰
弓箭海盗船 - Tribeless Slingers
(inv_sen_barbarian_raider_tribeless_slingers) 远程舰
弓箭海盗船 - Gallic Hunters
(inv_sen_raider_ranged_gallic_hunters) 远程舰 |