HomeAna Sayfa / Divide et Impera / Boiuslar (Anibal Kapılarda) / Binalar / Barbar Beldesi (Altın)
Barbar Beldesi (Altın) Boiuslar (Anibal Kapılarda)Boiuslar (Anibal Kapılarda) Küçük Yerleşim Yeri (Altın) Level 4

Barbar Beldesi (Altın)

İnsanlar beraber çalıştığında zenginlik artar.

Romalı ve Yunan tarihçiler genellikle barbar kabilelerini avlanmak için yaşayan ve çiftçilik ile inşa konusunda az şey bilen avare insanlar olarak tanımlamışlardır. Bunun gerçekle yakından uzaktan alakası yoktur. “Barbarların” inşa teknikleri konusunda sağlam bir birikimlerinin olduğunu ve binlerce yıl ayakta kalmış evler ve savunma yapıları yapabildiklerini gösteren birkaç yapı bulunmuştur.

İskoçya’da bulunan, sert taş yapılar olan Brochlar, sert İskoçya havasına rağmen ayakta kalmış ve onları yapan insanlar hakkında ilginç bilgiler edinilmesini sağlamışlardır. Bunların çoğu, çok katlı yapılardı ve tarihçiler asıl kullanımları hakkında tartışmaya devam etmektedirler. Kimisi savunma için kullanılan yapılar olduklarına inanırken, kimisi de bunların itibar yapıları, yani servet ve güç sembolleri olabileceğini ileri sürmektedirler.

Küçük Yerleşim Yeri (Altın)

Barbar Mezrası (Altın)
Barbar Mezrası (Altın)
Küçük Yerleşim Yeri (Altın) Level 0
Barbar Köyü (Altın)
Barbar Köyü (Altın)
Küçük Yerleşim Yeri (Altın) Level 1
Barbar Kasabası (Altın)
Barbar Kasabası (Altın)
Küçük Yerleşim Yeri (Altın) Level 2
Barbar Beldesi (Altın)
Barbar Beldesi (Altın)
Küçük Yerleşim Yeri (Altın) Level 3
Barbar Beldesi (Altın)

Building Name

Barbar Beldesi (Altın)

Level Name


Building Chain

Küçük Yerleşim Yeri (Altın)

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource


Require Technology

Kuru Taş Yapılanma
Kuru Taş Yapılanma


-8 gıda (this_region)
İmalâttan 1098 zenginlik (sanayi) (this_building)
Tur başına +2 büyüme (this_province)
+1 ordu yetiştirme kapasitesi (this_province)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
%+4 vergi oranı (tüm eyaletler)
Haraç Toplama Tebliği:
%+3 vergi oranı (this_province)
Göz Boyama Şenlikleri Tebliği:
%+6 kültürel binalardan sağlanan zenginlik (this_province)
Sınırlar boyunca +10 görüş açısı (this_region)
+1% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class (this_building)
120 gold talents (this_building)
+1 ordu yetiştirme kapasitesi (this_province)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
Sınırlar boyunca +10 görüş açısı (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

300 Gallic Warriors
300 Gallic Warriors
300 Gallic Warriors
300 Gallic Warriors
300 Gallic Warriors
300 Gallic Warriors
Gallic Warriors
Yakın Piyade
175 Gallic Slingers
175 Gallic Slingers
175 Gallic Slingers
175 Gallic Slingers
Gallic Slingers
Menzilli Piyade
200 Gallic Swordsmen
200 Gallic Swordsmen
200 Gallic Swordsmen
Gallic Swordsmen
Yakın Piyade
200 Gallic Tribesmen
200 Gallic Tribesmen
Gallic Tribesmen
Mızraklı Piyade

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
300 Clona Tekonac
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (AOR_12_North_Iberian_Axemen)
Clona Tekonac
(Asturian Axemen)

The Astures and Cantabrii are groups of indigenous tribes with similar Celtic-influenced but distinctive cultures, well-known for their fierceness, lust for freedom, and indomitable character.

300 797 797 38 11 11 70 6 20 40
200 Milites Ilergetum
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (AOR_12_North_Iberian_Illergetan_Soldiers)
Milites Ilergetum
(Illergetan Soldiers)

These Iberians wear a helmet of typical Ilergetan design, with the characteristic neck guard, padded armour and large scutum adopted from the Gallic tribes across the Pyrenees. For weapons, they use javelins and a longsword, most likely imported from Gaul through the Greek colony of Emporion. Greek and Phoenician elements are also abundant in their culture, foreign motifs being common in their art. While not an elite contingent in the Ilergetan army, these troops are good quality. They are brave and relatively well-equipped, dependable line infantry.

200 847 847 36 11 13 71 8 20 40
300 Gestikapoinann
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (AOR_12_North_Iberian_Levies)
(Asturian Levies)

Gestikapoinann are equipped with light leather armour combined with a small bronze breastplate, a leather galea helmet, and a rather large shield that gives them their name.

300 452 452 24 9 10 52 3 20 35
100 Ambakaro Epones
Süvari / Yakın Süvari / (AOR_12_North_Iberian_Medium_Cavalry)
Ambakaro Epones
(Lusitanian Medium Cavalry)

Although not numerous in Lusitanian armies, these medium skirmishing cavalrymen are fundamentally valuable as scouts, using the agility and speed of their horses.

100 1302 1302 32 11 20 34 6 20 35
200 Scortamareva
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (AOR_12_North_Iberian_Medium_Spearmen)
(Lusitanian Medium Spearmen)

These men are some of the most well-equipped and heavily armoured warriors the Lusitani can muster.

200 765 765 24 9 11 70 10 20 45
175 Clona Gosnasio
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (AOR_12_North_Iberian_Skirmishers)
Clona Gosnasio
(Cantabrian Skirmishers)

These warriors are the most poorly armed men of the northern Iberian Celts, and as such make up the bulk of the forces those tribes can field in a time of war.

175 493 493 15 90 8 5 24 9 6 50 1 20 25
18 Elephantes Hulaioi Liboukoi
Filler / Fil / (AOR_18_African_Elephants)
Elephantes Hulaioi Liboukoi
(African Elephants)

These powerful beasts plough through enemy lines with terrifying force.

18 1600 1600 10 6 14 42 12 95 30
200 Aithiopikoi Pelekuphoroi
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (AOR_18_axum_nobles)
Aithiopikoi Pelekuphoroi
(Noble Axemen of Axum)

Raised from among the higher social groups of the Aethiopians, these noblemen are armed with a double headed axe and a shield. Highly skilled, these men can easily break through an enemy line of lower quality infantry. They can inflict substantial damage, even to well-protected enemies.

200 619 619 42 11 17 64 1 20 50
175 Blemmyai Toxotai
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (AOR_18_blemmyes_archers)
Blemmyai Toxotai
(Blemmyes Archers)

Blemmyes archers form the majority of the Axumite army. They are equipped with a bow, a quiver and a knife. Archer warbands are used to harass and break up enemy formations, so that other warriors can then get in amongst their enemies.

175 442 442 9 165 5 15 20 11 6 26 1 20 35
120 Aithiopikoi Hippakontistai
Süvari / Yakın Süvari / (AOR_18_Ethiopian_Horse_Skirmishers)
Aithiopikoi Hippakontistai
(Ethiopian Horsemen)

Armed with javelins and swords, these Aethopian cavalrymen can bring swift death to unprepared opponents.

120 1183 1183 26 11 24 34 4 20 35
300 Hanatim Kushim
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (AOR_18_Ethiopian_Levies)
Hanatim Kushim
(Ethiopian Levies)

These tribesmen are swift, deadly warriors armed with spears.

300 355 355 22 9 6 56 1 20 35
200 Eklektoi Aithiopikoi
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (AOR_18_ethiopian_shock_infantry)
Eklektoi Aithiopikoi
(Ethiopian Axemen)

These fierce soldiers fight with the heaviest of the infantry. They wield large double-bladed axes and fight as powerful shock infantry. They wear a mail vest and leather greaves in addition to a long tunic. Fighting without helmets or shields, these men crash into an enemy line ferociously, using their large stature and raw power to push through enemies with reckless abandon.

200 1182 1182 48 11 17 29 12 20 55
300 Mistophoroi Kushitoi
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (AOR_18_kushite_tribal_warriors)
Mistophoroi Kushitoi
(Kushite Painted Warriors)

The tribal warriors from the Kushite kingdom are described by Herodotus as half-painted in vermillion and white. They are fierce and versatile, used mostly as heavy skirmishers, fighting with clubs, axes and short spears.

300 485 485 32 11 11 56 1 20 40
175 Meroi Toxotai
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (AOR_18_meroe_archers)
Meroi Toxotai
(Meroe Archers)

These men are equipped with the longbow, similar to some seen in ancient Egypt, as well as a quiver and knife. Their costume also seems to follow ancient Egyptian tradition. Their bows have a short range, but each warrior carries a good selection of hunting and war arrows, designed to cause massive bleeding and pierce armour respectively.

175 376 376 9 165 5 15 18 7 6 22 1 20 35
300 Meroi Aichmetai
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (AOR_18_meroe_spearmen)
Meroi Aichmetai
(Meroe Spearmen)

Armed with javelins, spear and shield, these troops can skirmish and face enemy infantry in melee. They already know that they are superb hunters and warriors, and do not need to prove their skills to anyone by attacking impetuously!

300 419 419 27 9 10 55 1 20 40
175 Aithiopikoi Toxotai
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (AOR_18_Nubian_Archers)
Aithiopikoi Toxotai
(Nubian Archers)

These bowmen are skilled enough to choose an eye to hit when they fire.

175 595 595 10 175 6 15 18 7 6 39 3 20 25
300 Corio Runo
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (AOR_2_Britannic_Ambushers)
Corio Runo
(Brythonic Hidden Warriors)

Unexpected warriors with javelins and swords are useful to any warlord.

300 571 571 38 11 17 69 1 20 35
175 Corio Telamon
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (AOR_2_Briton_Slingers)
Corio Telamon
(Britannic Slingers)

A good slinger is worth his weight in slingstones, many times over.

175 653 653 6 190 6 20 18 7 6 43 1 20 25
120 Myrcharn
Süvari / Yakın Süvari / (AOR_2_Casse_Light_Cavalry)
(Casse Cavalry)

The heads of family contingents, as well as local chiefs of roundhouses and farming communities, band together as cavalry, riding the same sturdy ponies that the noblemen ride.

120 1234 1234 27 9 22 39 4 20 40
300 Silurae Birnai
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (AOR_2_Siluri_Warband)
Silurae Birnai
(Silures Warband)

The Silurae Birnai (Sel-oor-ay Bern-ay) are a tribe from the south of Cambria. Renowned for their ferocity, skill, and discipline, they offer up fine spearmen to their lord: braver than most others, and more sturdy and skilled. They are, for all intents and purposes, little more than local spearmen, but with greater training and skill. The Silures act as both anti-infantry and anti-cavalry soldiers, and can also be used to pepper an enemy at distance with javelins. They are disciplined and capable of standing in orderly lines, and use tight formations at times to absorb enemy charges.

300 772 772 36 11 13 71 6 20 45
36 Elephantes Indikoi
Filler / Fil / (AOR_23_Indian_War_Elephants)
Elephantes Indikoi
(Indian War Elephants)

The most exotic and temperamental of beasts, these huge animals will trample any enemy underfoot and even scare away other smaller elephants!

36 2400 2400 12 6 16 42 12 105 25
120 Khuveshavagan
Süvari / Baskın Süvarileri / (AOR_23_Persian_Cavalry)
(Persian Cavalry)

A good cavalry charge can break the most ardent of enemies.

120 1940 1940 32 9 35 33 20 20 45
175 Thanvare Suguda
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (AOR_26_Bac_Archer_Spearmen)
Thanvare Suguda
(Sogdian Archer Spearmen)

These Sogdians are equipped with recurve bows and short spears to counter mounted enemies on the steppes.

175 614 614 9 165 5 15 20 9 10 33 1 20 40
300 Tabargan Suguda
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (AOR_26_Bac_Axemen)
Tabargan Suguda
(Sogdian Axemen)

Often hired to protect merchant caravans along the Silk Road, these soldiers wear native-style dress, and some are equipped with Scythian armour. They wield large poleaxes to fend off cavalry and infantry.

300 901 901 48 13 20 48 6 20 45
120 Savar-i Suguda
Süvari / Menzilli Süvari / (AOR_26_Bac_Camels)
Savar-i Suguda
(Sogdian Camel Riders)

Sogdians are renowned traders that brave the long journey along the Silk Road between Bactria and China. They ride hardy Bactrian camels and use bows to fend off bands of steppe nomads that may try to take their treasures.

120 815 815 10 150 5 15 27 13 20 34 2 30 35
175 Zubindar-i Suguda
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (AOR_26_Bac_Javelinmen)
Zubindar-i Suguda
(Sogdian Javelinmen)

These men risk their lives by closing with the enemy while carrying only the lightest of equipment. Most armies use poorly equipped levies as skirmishers, very often as javelinmen, since these troops require relatively little training and financial investment, relying mostly on widespread natural skills and scant gear.

175 349 349 14 85 8 5 21 7 8 37 1 20 45
300 Baktrioi Pantodapoi
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (AOR_26_Baktrian_Levies)
Baktrioi Pantodapoi
(Baktrian Levies)

Spearmen are the backbone of an army; they keep cavalry at a respectful distance.

300 562 562 26 9 11 66 4 20 30
36 Elephantes Indikoi
Filler / Fil / (AOR_26_Indian_War_Elephants_Bactria)
Elephantes Indikoi
(Indian War Elephants)

The most exotic and temperamental of beasts, these huge animals will trample any enemy underfoot and even scare away other smaller elephants!

36 2400 2400 12 6 16 42 12 105 25
120 Jamsya Yukhuna Duna Purma
Süvari / Menzilli Süvari / (AOR_26_Yuezhi_Archers)
Jamsya Yukhuna Duna Purma
(Yuezhi Horse Archers)

These horsemen make up the backbone of the Yuezhi cavalry, as horse-archers. As such, they are armed with extremely powerful composite bows of the asymmetrical, or "Hunnic" style. Their qualities as archers are offset by their performance in melee, as they are lightly armed and wear little to no armour. Used wisely, these mounted archers are a danger to any ill-prepared enemy.

120 546 546 10 150 5 15 15 7 20 26 2 20 25
300 Roxolanoi Haploi
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (AOR_27_Roxolani_Levies)
Roxolanoi Haploi
(Roxolani Levies)

Spearmen are the backbone of an army; they keep cavalry at a respectful distance.

300 405 405 26 9 10 58 1 20 35
175 Skythioi Toxotai
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (AOR_27_Scythian_Archers)
Skythioi Toxotai
(Scythian Archers)

Men who cannot shoot go hungry on the steppes.

175 521 521 9 165 5 15 21 11 8 29 1 20 25
120 Skythioi Hippotoxotai
Süvari / Menzilli Süvari / (AOR_27_Scythian_Horse_Archers)
Skythioi Hippotoxotai
(Scythian Horse Archers)

These horse archers can pepper an enemy with arrows and fight off unwanted attention in close combat.

120 787 787 10 150 5 15 26 7 17 29 2 20 25
175 Paya Hinam Dunai Purma
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (AOR_27_Subeshi_Archers)
Paya Hinam Dunai Purma
(Subeshi Archers)

These archers wear a felt helmet, leather leggings, and a thick sheepskin coat with the wool turned inside-out, and carry a recurved composite bow. The bows they carry are a larger version of the Scythian recurved composite bow, enabling them to outrange, outshoot, and outpower other steppe nomad horse archers, making these foot bowmen the ideal counter to horse archers in a stationary exchange of missiles.

175 502 502 9 165 5 15 12 11 8 26 1 20 25
80 Corio Cunos Vidios
Yakın Piyade / Özel / (AOR_3_Celtic_Savage_Dogs)
Corio Cunos Vidios
(Celtic Savage Dogs)

The Celts are proud of their loyal hunting dogs. These ferocious animals can be trained for war, and rip out men's throats to break any resistance.

80 640 640 18 7 15 26 8 20 35
300 Aeudi Lugoae
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (AOR_3_Gallic_Levies)
Aeudi Lugoae
(Gallic Levies)

During periods of strife and war, it is sometimes necessary to call upon ordinary citizens to organize as militia. Called Lugoae, militia in Celtic societies are farmers, craftsmen, fishermen, and so on, called to brief military service in periods of crisis. They may train a few times a year to fight, and games and sports encourage a decent level of physicality, but they're still only militia, and can only be trusted to do so much.

300 496 496 21 9 10 65 4 20 30
120 Leuce Epos
Süvari / Yakın Süvari / (AOR_3_Gallic_Light_Cavalry)
Leuce Epos
(Gallic Cavalry)

Leuce Epos constitute the bulk of Gallic cavalry. Well-trained compared to many of their enemies’ cavalry, they are invaluable to any army. They throw javelins at a distance, depleting an enemy before charging with their main spears. They are trained to throw javelins, charge, and withdraw repeatedly, and they do it well. A bronze helmet, shield, and light weapons may not seem the equipment of any particularly great cavalry, but they are a solid medium cavalry force, capable of running down routers, defeating light cavalry, and skirmishing if necessary.

120 1216 1216 26 9 22 39 4 20 40
175 Aeudi Gaeroas
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (AOR_3_Gallic_Skirmishers)
Aeudi Gaeroas
(Gallic Skirmishers)

Even the poorest of the tribe can fight for the tribe's honour and glory.

175 412 412 14 85 8 5 18 7 6 50 1 20 25
120 Reidonez
Süvari / Yakın Süvari / (AOR_5_Germanic_Cavalry)
(Germanic Cavalry)

Reidonez ride small and sometimes poor quality horses, though they are excellent light cavalry. They are useful as scouts as well as skirmishers. However, like many Germanic warriors, they can lack battle-discipline and be overeager to enter battle against worthy opponents. This can lead them to be headstrong and difficult to restrain before a fight, as personal glory gained in battle is always welcome. Honour and standing come from fighting, and sometimes the urge for glory overwhelms their good sense!

120 1084 1084 26 11 20 34 2 20 35
175 Skutjanz
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (AOR_6_Germanic_Hunters)
(Germanic Hunters)

A deer or a man: the target still needs killing.

175 528 528 9 165 5 15 21 11 6 29 1 20 25
300 Gaizoz Frije
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (AOR_6_Germanic_Levies)
Gaizoz Frije
(Germanic Levies)

Gaizoz Frije, whose name also means “Free Spears,” are composed largely of local farmers and hunters, Germanic freemen of the lowest rank, accustomed to frequent raids and tribal warfare from a young age. According to Germanic tradition, as soon as these men receive their gaizaz (spear) and skelduz (shield), they are frije (free) adults, charged with equal shares and responsibilities in the tribe. Frije also means one's own, for to belong is to fulfill the duties of being free.

300 420 420 27 9 11 60 1 20 35
175 Kovkasi Lernain Netadzik
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (AOR_62_Caucasian_Archers)
Kovkasi Lernain Netadzik
(Caucasian Archers)

Hardy men levied from the mountains to the north, these soldiers make decent archers.

175 376 376 9 165 5 15 18 7 6 22 1 20 25
300 Kavakaza Sparabara
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (AOR_62_Caucasian_Levies)
Kavakaza Sparabara
(Caucasian Levies)

Hardy men levied from the mountains to the north, these soldiers are capable of fighting in an organized battle line.

300 632 632 26 9 10 56 6 20 40
300 Kartveli Dashnit Meombrebi
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (AOR_62_Georgian_Medium_Swordmen)
Kartveli Dashnit Meombrebi
(Georgian Medium Infantry)

Highly trained and experienced, these men are shock troops of the highest calibre. They are armed with javelins, a short sword and a thureos shield, made popular in Anatolia with the coming of the Galatians. As true warriors, they understand the need for protection and wear a studded leather coat over a thick woolen tunic.

300 979 979 36 11 15 52 10 20 40
300 Ordoroi
Yakın Piyade / Yakın Piyade / (cel_boii_clubmen)
(Boii Clubmen)

These warriors are among the poorest in Boii society, but they are powerfully built and courageous. They use a wood mace or a club with a heavy metal or bone head, serving as a front-line assault troops.

300 490 490 32 11 13 66 1 20 40
300 Bagaudoi
Yakın Piyade / Mızraklı Piyade / (cel_boii_levy_spearmen)
(Boii Levy Spearmen)

Most of the time, only warriors regularly fight in battle. In the worst periods, however, when the tribe is under threat from their dangerous and aggressive neighbours, or when their convoys are attacked, every able man is called to arms. These levies can also be recruited to reinforce the lines, like in any Celtic battle line.

300 326 326 21 9 8 44 1 20 35
175 Acaunoroas
Menzilli Piyade / Menzilli Piyade / (cel_boii_slingers)
(Boii Slingers)

Slingers are some of the most common light support infantry. Cheap to equip and recruit among shepherds and hunters, the poor but skilled peasants are never short of ammunition.

175 442 442 6 190 5 20 21 11 6 25 1 20 35
60 Baggage Train
Süvari / Yakın Süvari / (Supply_Barbarian)
Baggage Train
Baggage trains, if attached to an army, grant additional supplies for a limited number of turns, varying for each campaign based on turns per year. A baggage train can supply armies even under harsh weather conditions, and is vital for prolonged military campaigns.
60 600 600 6 9 1 22 2 20 20