Dacia (Imperator Augustus) Craftsmen Level 1
Craftsman's House
A lifetime of smashing things is oddly good practice for making them.Isolating a single form of ‘barbarian’ art in this period is nearly impossible. In a time distinguished by frequent population movements, conquests, and new trade, ideas spread and fused rapidly to create new visual styles. The Celts, for example, were actually the largest producers of Roman style pottery in the ancient world and, likewise, the abstract animal patterns that are considered typically Celtic actually originated with the Germans. However, most barbarian art was united by its focus on geometric patterns and rejection of narrative and figurative depiction.
Building Name Craftsman's House |
Level Name barb_craftsmen_1 |
Building Chain Craftsmen |
Building Level 1 |
Create Time 2 |
Create Cost 1000 |
70 wealth from manufacturing (industry) (this_building)Provides Garrison Army
Recruitable Units
No Recruitable Units
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