HomeHome / Divide et Impera / Vivisci / Buildings / Fortified Timber Camp
Fortified Timber Camp VivisciVivisci Minor Settlement (Timber) Level 4

Fortified Timber Camp

This timber camp has been fortified and reinforced for protection.

Roman and Greek historians often described the barbarian tribes as wandering people who lived for the hunt and knew little of farming and construction. Nothing could be further from the truth. A number of structures have been discovered that show that so-called 'barbarians' had a firm grasp of building techniques and were able to construct homes and defences that have survived for thousands of years. Brochs, dry stone buildings found in Scotland, survived the harsh weather and provide interesting information about the people who built them. Many were multi-storey dwellings and historians still debate their use: some believe they were defensive structures; others argue they may have been prestige buildings, symbols of wealth and power.

Minor Settlement (Timber)

Barbarian Hamlet (Timber)
Barbarian Hamlet (Timber)
Minor Settlement (Timber) Level 0
Barbarian Village (Timber)
Barbarian Village (Timber)
Minor Settlement (Timber) Level 1
Barbarian Town (Timber)
Barbarian Town (Timber)
Minor Settlement (Timber) Level 2
Barbarian Pagus (Timber)
Barbarian Pagus (Timber)
Minor Settlement (Timber) Level 3
Fortified Timber Camp
Fortified Timber Camp
Minor Settlement (Timber) Level 3
Timber Trade Camp
Timber Trade Camp
Minor Settlement (Timber) Level 3
Fortified Timber Camp

Building Name

Fortified Timber Camp

Level Name


Building Chain

Minor Settlement (Timber)

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource


Require Technology

Dry Stone Construction
Dry Stone Construction


-7 food (this_region)
338 wealth from manufacturing (industry) (this_building)
+15% wealth from industry (all regions)
+2 growth per turn (this_province)
-9 public order(squalor) (this_province)
+1 army recruitment capacity (this_province)
100 timber (this_building)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
+1 siege hold-out time (this_region)
+10 line of sight across borders (this_region)
+1% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class (this_building)
+1 army recruitment capacity (this_province)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
+10 line of sight across borders (this_region)
dei_corruption_hidden (this_faction)

Provides Garrison Army

300 Gallic Warriors
300 Gallic Warriors
300 Gallic Warriors
300 Gallic Warriors
300 Gallic Warriors
300 Gallic Warriors
Gallic Warriors
Melee Infantry
175 Gallic Slingers
175 Gallic Slingers
175 Gallic Slingers
175 Gallic Slingers
Gallic Slingers
Missile Infantry
200 Gallic Swordsmen
200 Gallic Swordsmen
200 Gallic Swordsmen
Gallic Swordsmen
Melee Infantry
200 Gallic Tribesmen
200 Gallic Tribesmen
Gallic Tribesmen
Spear Infantry

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
120 Parasim Numidim
Cavalry / Missile Cavalry / (AOR_14_Numidian_Cavalry)
Parasim Numidim
(Numidian Cavalry)

Numidians are expert mounted skirmishers, able to strike and withdraw quickly.

120 898 898 15 90 9 7 30 10 22 34 2 20 35
300 Mitnag'him Numidim
Melee Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_14_Numidian_Javelinmen)
Mitnag'him Numidim
(Numidian Javelinmen)

These skirmishers can harass an enemy battleline, or keep enemy skirmishers at bay.

300 433 433 15 90 7 5 30 10 6 39 1 20 30
175 Qala'im Numidim
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_14_Numidian_Slingers)
Qala'im Numidim
(Numidian Slingers)

Tribesmen that are employed in the army due to their skill with the slingshot.

175 452 452 5 165 5 20 21 10 6 32 3 20 25
200 Thureophoroi Indohellenikoi
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_23_hellenic_medium_inf)
Thureophoroi Indohellenikoi
(Indo-Hellenic Thureos Spears) These spearmen are the lightest component of the regular Indo-Greek phalanx line, equipped with a fairly light linothorax and pteryges, and an equally light helm, though a heavy thureos shield and bronze greaves afford them substantially greater defensive coverage then the traditional hoplitai of distant Hellas.
200 968 968 28 9 11 71 12 20 55
175 Peltastai Indohellenikoi
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_23_hellenic_peltasts)
Peltastai Indohellenikoi
(Indo-Hellenic Peltasts) Gone is the close phalanx formation and the long spear, replaced by a somewhat looser but more skilled melee formation. They wear Phrygian style helmets, light cotton Thracian trousers, and carry javelins, in addition to a smaller and lighter shield. The Indo-Greeks have adapted quite well to the environment of India and have prospered. Many have become Buddhists, though they still remain fierce warriors, true to their Hellenic forefathers.
175 701 701 14 85 8 5 27 9 10 48 12 20 50
36 Elephantes Indikoi
Elephants / Elephant / (AOR_23_Indian_War_Elephants)
Elephantes Indikoi
(Indian War Elephants)

The most exotic and temperamental of beasts, these huge animals will trample any enemy underfoot and even scare away other smaller elephants!

36 2400 2400 12 6 16 42 12 105 25
120 Taxilan Agema
Cavalry / Melee Cavalry / (AOR_23_iranian_heavy_cav)
Taxilan Agema
(Indo-Iranian Heavy Cavalry) These Indo-Iranian horsemen combine elements of both Hellenic weaponry and armour mastery, as well as the excellent Indian iron forging traditions. Wearing a Hellenic facemask and leather cuirass, and armed with a small aspis shield, as well as a spear and kopis for close work, their equipment alone would classify them as heavy cavalry.
120 2088 2088 39 9 33 57 14 20 60
120 Kamboja Asvaka Ksatriya
Cavalry / Melee Cavalry / (AOR_23_iranian_light_cav)
Kamboja Asvaka Ksatriya
(Indo-Iranian Light Cavalry) Master horsemen and horse traders, Kambojas never leave an opportunity to plunder using their light cavalry. Living on both sides of the Khyber Pass, they are a part of the Arya races which stormed and conquered India, some 1500 years before. Their helmet is an evolved Boiotian one, and their primary cuirass is a quilted silk one. Their weapons are clearly Hellenic: a round aspis shield, a short kontos spear that could be held underarm in a couched stance, and a sturdy kopis for when the spear gives way.""
120 1778 1778 34 9 24 50 12 20 50
175 Thanvare Payahdag
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_23_Persian_Archers)
Thanvare Payahdag
(Persian Archers)

Archers should be valued for ability to strike down a distant foe.

175 508 508 9 165 5 15 18 7 6 22 1 20 25
120 Khuveshavagan
Cavalry / Shock Cavalry / (AOR_23_Persian_Cavalry)
(Persian Cavalry)

A good cavalry charge can break the most ardent of enemies.

120 1940 1940 32 9 35 33 20 20 45
300 Gund-i Palta
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_23_Persian_Levies)
Gund-i Palta
(Persian Levies)

Cheap spearmen are not necessarily poor spearmen and should make any horseman behave with a little respect.

300 351 351 22 9 11 52 1 20 35
100 Kappadokioi Xistophoroi
Cavalry / Shock Cavalry / (AOR_29_Cappadocian_Lancers)
Kappadokioi Xistophoroi
(Cappadocian Lancers)

Long spears give these cavalrymen a fearsome charge.

100 2243 2243 36 9 42 48 20 20 50
256 Chalyboi Doryphoroi
Melee Infantry / Hoplite/Pike Infantry / (AOR_29_chalybes_spearmen)
Chalyboi Doryphoroi
(Chalybes Spearmen)

The armour of these spearmen consists of a leather helmet, greaves, and a long quilted linen tunic. Instead of the leather pteryges of a Greek corselet, the Chalybes have plaited cords to provide protection below the cuirass. Their main weapon is a long spear. They are useful against light infantry, but their lack of shields means they are vulnerable to enemy arrows.

256 615 615 34 9 10 35 6 20 50
120 Paphlagonikoi Hippeis
Cavalry / Missile Cavalry / (AOR_29_Paphlagonian_Cavalry)
Paphlagonikoi Hippeis
(Paphlagonian Cavalry)

These speedy, light cavalrymen can do good service in harrying the enemy.

120 754 754 14 85 8 5 24 10 20 27 2 20 30
200 Phrygioi Sagarisphoroi
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (AOR_29_phrygian_axemen)
Phrygioi Sagarisphoroi
(Phrygian Axemen)

These infantrymen are valuable assault infantry. They are generally better equuipped than Persian takabara troops, with a Phrygian helmet or soft cap, quilted armour, and wide crescent or Gerron wicker shields, quite similar to the greek Dipylon.

200 1022 1022 38 11 15 70 10 20 50
175 Pontikoi Toxotai
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_29_Pontic_Archers)
Pontikoi Toxotai
(Pontic Archers)

Archers are ideal for harassing the enemy from afar, and goading them into foolish action.

175 376 376 9 165 5 15 10 7 6 22 1 20 25
300 Pontikoi Haploi
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_29_Pontic_Levies)
Pontikoi Haploi
(Pontic Levies)

Levies are plentiful, and can stand in battle when properly commanded.

300 562 562 26 9 11 66 4 20 30
80 Corio Cunos Vidios
Melee Infantry / Special / (AOR_3_Celtic_Savage_Dogs)
Corio Cunos Vidios
(Celtic Savage Dogs)

The Celts are proud of their loyal hunting dogs. These ferocious animals can be trained for war, and rip out men's throats to break any resistance.

80 640 640 18 7 15 26 8 20 35
120 Leuce Epos
Cavalry / Melee Cavalry / (AOR_3_Gallic_Light_Cavalry)
Leuce Epos
(Gallic Cavalry)

Leuce Epos constitute the bulk of Gallic cavalry. Well-trained compared to many of their enemies’ cavalry, they are invaluable to any army. They throw javelins at a distance, depleting an enemy before charging with their main spears. They are trained to throw javelins, charge, and withdraw repeatedly, and they do it well. A bronze helmet, shield, and light weapons may not seem the equipment of any particularly great cavalry, but they are a solid medium cavalry force, capable of running down routers, defeating light cavalry, and skirmishing if necessary.

120 1216 1216 26 9 22 39 4 20 40
100 Remi Mairepos
Cavalry / Melee Cavalry / (AOR_4_Belgae_Heavy_Cavalry)
Remi Mairepos
(Belgae Heavy Cavalry)

The Remi are famed horsemen; their Mairepos (Mar-ep-os; “Great Horses”) are able to smash infantry. Brave, unrelenting, and powerful, they can ride over opposition and rout numerically superior enemies. Their equipment is good quality, and their skills are unquestionable.

100 1965 1965 34 9 28 54 16 20 50
175 Sotaroas Argos
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_4_Belgae_Hunters)
Sotaroas Argos
(Belgae Hunters)

The skills of the hunt, hiding and a sudden strike, are the skills of a warrior.

175 391 391 8 155 5 15 18 7 6 29 1 20 25
300 Eburonae Lugoae
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_4_Belgae_Levies)
Eburonae Lugoae
(Belgae Levies)

During periods of strife and war, it is sometimes necessary to call upon ordinary citizens to organize as militia. Called Lugoae, militia in Celtic societies are farmers, craftsmen, fishermen, and so on, called to brief military service in periods of crisis. They may train a few times a year to fight, and games and sports encourage a decent level of physicality, but they're still only militia, and can only be trusted to do so much.

300 496 496 21 9 10 65 4 20 30
300 Batacorii
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_4_Belgae_Spearmen)
(Belgae Spear Warriors)

Batacorii are the rank-and-file warriors of the Belgae, a group of extremely fierce and highly independent Gallo-Germanic tribes living in Northern Gaul, who are well-trained and experienced in war. Shunning the comforts often afforded the members of 'civilised' states, they pride themselves on their rugged way of life, their toughness of mind and body, and their skill at arms.

300 693 693 24 9 10 73 8 20 35
120 Reidonez
Cavalry / Melee Cavalry / (AOR_5_Germanic_Cavalry)
(Germanic Cavalry)

Reidonez ride small and sometimes poor quality horses, though they are excellent light cavalry. They are useful as scouts as well as skirmishers. However, like many Germanic warriors, they can lack battle-discipline and be overeager to enter battle against worthy opponents. This can lead them to be headstrong and difficult to restrain before a fight, as personal glory gained in battle is always welcome. Honour and standing come from fighting, and sometimes the urge for glory overwhelms their good sense!

120 1084 1084 26 11 20 34 2 20 35
175 Skutjanz
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_5_Germanic_Hunters)
(Germanic Hunters)

A deer or a man: the target still needs killing.

175 528 528 9 165 5 15 21 11 6 29 1 20 25
80 Jagon Hund
Melee Infantry / Special / (AOR_5_Germanic_Hunting_Dogs)
Jagon Hund
(Germanic Hunting Dogs)

Ferocious animals, trained to rip out men's throats to break any resistance.

80 640 640 18 7 15 26 8 20 35
300 Gaizoz Frije
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_5_Germanic_Levies)
Gaizoz Frije
(Germanic Levies)

Gaizoz Frije, whose name also means “Free Spears,” are composed largely of local farmers and hunters, Germanic freemen of the lowest rank, accustomed to frequent raids and tribal warfare from a young age. According to Germanic tradition, as soon as these men receive their gaizaz (spear) and skelduz (shield), they are frije (free) adults, charged with equal shares and responsibilities in the tribe. Frije also means one's own, for to belong is to fulfill the duties of being free.

300 420 420 27 9 11 60 1 20 35
300 Herunautoz
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (AOR_5_Germanic_Swordsmen)
(Germanic Swordsmen)

The Herunautoz come from such warlike tribes as the Heruskoz, Habukoz, Hattoz, and other numerous tribes of the Sweboz confederation. They are well-trained, experienced, and armed with high-quality swords and javelins to soften the enemy before their furious charge.

300 726 726 39 11 13 61 4 20 45
300 Noricene Lugoae
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_7_Alpine_Levies)
Noricene Lugoae
(Alpine Levies)

While ill-disciplined, these men are ferocious fighters in search of honour.

300 496 496 21 9 10 65 4 20 30
300 Kluddacorii
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (AOR_7_Alpine_Swordsmen)
(Alpine Swordsmen)

Tribes from the Alps and some nearby territories have swordsmen of their own: the Kluddacorii (Klod-ah-kur-ee-eye; “Sword Band”). These men often wear little in battle, removing anything that might be a hindrance except trousers and shoes, and fight using a powerful charge after throwing their javelins in an attempt to overwhelm an enemy position or break a gap in an opposing line. Warriors from these tribes are high-spirited and very eager to fight given the chance, so they have decent morale, but their lack of armour is a detriment in a prolonged engagement, or if they are flanked.

300 727 727 33 11 13 65 6 20 35
200 Gaelaiche
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (Cel_Gaelaiche)
(Light Spear Warriors)

The Gaelaiche are the most lightly equipped of the Celtic warrior class. They carry cheap equipment: Celtic longspears, javelins, and a shield. Their longspears are of fair quality, with broad, sharp heads that can cause deep, terrible gashes, and can also be used to bring down horses. These weapons are accompanied by javelins which can be thrown into an enemy position to disorient and kill a few foes. The Gaelaiche are mostly composed of the youngest Celtic warriors, but there is no shame in an older, experienced warrior fighting with a spear as well; the spear is a respected weapon in Celtic society.

200 391 391 24 9 10 71 1 20 50
300 Corio Arios
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (Cel_Levy_Freemen)
Corio Arios
(Levy Freemen)

The chance to win glory and position makes these men fierce opponents.

300 496 496 21 9 8 65 4 20 40
175 Iaosatae
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (Cel_Slingers)
(Celtic Slingers)

These slingers, eager for glory in battle, are highly effective skirmishers.

175 530 530 6 190 5 20 18 7 6 37 1 20 35
175 Corio Jovincos Gaballacos
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (Cel_Youths)
Corio Jovincos Gaballacos
(Celtic Youths)

These young men seek battle to enhance their status and to gain experience.

175 349 349 14 85 7 5 18 7 6 37 1 20 35
60 Baggage Train
Cavalry / Melee Cavalry / (Supply_Barbarian)
Baggage Train
Baggage trains, if attached to an army, grant additional supplies for a limited number of turns, varying for each campaign based on turns per year. A baggage train can supply armies even under harsh weather conditions, and is vital for prolonged military campaigns.
60 600 600 6 9 1 22 2 20 20