HomeHome / Divide et Impera / Ptolemaike Nobles (Imperator Augustus) / Buildings / Village (Iron)
Village (Iron) Ptolemaike Nobles (Imperator Augustus)Ptolemaike Nobles (Imperator Augustus) Minor Settlement (Iron) Level 2

Village (Iron)

For most people, their village is the whole world.

Based on agriculture, fishing, trade, or mining small communities supported the growth of Greek city-states and the later Hellenic empires, providing every raw material needed. Villages only happen where there is something worth exploiting, and the best placed ones soon grow into larger towns. In the Greek world, such settlements could be as varied as the hamlets of the Spartan perioikoi, who helped keep the helots enslaved inside the state and acted as intermediaries with the outside world, to the "thousand golden cities" of Bactria which thrived on agriculture and flourishing trade in Asia Minor.

Minor Settlement (Iron)

Hamlet (Iron)
Hamlet (Iron)
Minor Settlement (Iron) Level 0
Village (Iron)
Village (Iron)
Minor Settlement (Iron) Level 1
Trade Hub (Iron)
Trade Hub (Iron)
Minor Settlement (Iron) Level 2
Village (Iron)

Building Name

Village (Iron)

Level Name


Building Chain

Minor Settlement (Iron)

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



-2 food (this_region)
338 wealth from manufacturing (industry) (this_building)
+1 growth per turn (this_province)
-4% land unit recruitment cost (this_province)
+1 army recruitment capacity (this_province)
+1% research rate (this_faction)
25 iron (this_building)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
+10 line of sight across borders (this_region)
+0.5% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class (this_building)
+1 army recruitment capacity (this_province)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
+10 line of sight across borders (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

200 Native Townsfolk
200 Native Townsfolk
Native Townsfolk
Melee Infantry
200 Native Militia
200 Native Militia
200 Native Militia
200 Native Militia
200 Native Militia
Native Militia
Hoplite/Pike Infantry
200 Greek Spearmen
200 Greek Spearmen
Greek Spearmen
Hoplite/Pike Infantry
175 Native Archers
175 Native Archers
175 Native Archers
Native Archers
Missile Infantry

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
175 Gastraphetes
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_10_Crossbows)
(Crossbow Infantry)

This unit is the forerunner of medieval arbalesters. The gastraphetes crossbow, however, is more a handheld siege weapon than a battlefield weapon. The army of Syracuse was one of the first to use this weapon, with one unit of psiloi under the tyrant Dionisyus I. Later, this weapon would find its way into the Macedonian army of Alexander, used during several sieges by specially trained soldiers to kill city defenders.

175 1112 1112 14 200 4 15 26 10 8 34 8 20 45
175 Kestrosphendones
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_10_Dart_Slingers)
(Dart Slingers)

The kestros is a dart thrown by a specially made sling, or propelled by a staff on a sling. It takes a long time to reload, but allows for more deadly and accurate shots than any other weapon of the time if correctly used, thanks to the shape of the darts, which can fly straight and precise trajectories. This weapon is mentioned in a Polybian account about new weapons in the army of Perseus, shortly before the last open confrontation between the Macedonians and the Roman Republic (169-168 BCE).""""

175 516 516 13 100 9 7 28 10 10 35 8 20 45
300 Sikeliotai Pantodapoi
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_10_Greek_Colonist_Levies)
Sikeliotai Pantodapoi
(Syracusan Colonist Levies)

The heritage of the citizen-soldier runs deep in all Greeks, no matter what their home.

300 562 562 26 9 11 66 4 20 30
300 Sikelioi Milites
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_10_Italian_Levies)
Sikelioi Milites
(Sicilian Levies)

Angry Sicilians with spears should never be dismissed lightly.

300 568 568 15 9 10 65 8 20 35
175 Sikelioi Sphendonetai
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_10_Italian_Slingers)
Sikelioi Sphendonetai
(Sicilian Slingers)

Even in the hands of levies, slings are dangerous weapons.

175 476 476 5 165 5 20 18 7 6 44 1 20 25
300 Lugoae Vocontae
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_11_Celtic_Levies)
Lugoae Vocontae
(Celtic Levies)

During periods of strife and war, it is sometimes necessary to call upon ordinary citizens to organize as militia. Called Lugoae, militia in Celtic societies are farmers, craftsmen, fishermen, and so on, called to brief military service in periods of crisis. They may train a few times a year to fight, and games and sports encourage a decent level of physicality, but they're still only militia, and can only be trusted to do so much.

300 496 496 21 9 10 65 4 20 30
120 Vocontae Epos
Cavalry / Melee Cavalry / (AOR_11_Celtic_Light_Cavalry)
Vocontae Epos
(Vocontii Cavalry)

Vocontae Epos constitute the bulk of Vocontii cavalry. Well-trained compared to many of their enemies’ cavalry, they are invaluable to any army. They throw javelins at a distance, depleting an enemy before charging with their main spears. They are trained to throw javelins, charge, and withdraw repeatedly, and they do it well. A bronze helmet, shield, and light weapons may not seem the equipment of any particularly great cavalry, but they are a solid medium cavalry force, capable of running down routers, defeating light cavalry, and skirmishing if necessary.

120 1216 1216 26 9 22 39 4 20 40
200 Keltohellenikoi Thorakitai
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (AOR_11_Celto_Hellenic_Infantry)
Keltohellenikoi Thorakitai
(Celto-Hellenic Infantry)

These shock infantry are Celto-Hellenic 'men-at-arms,' Celtic warriors of a mixed culture. While they are not of especially great station, they are capable warriors fighting in the Celtic manner, in a motley combination of Hellenic and Celtic gear and dress: long Celtic shields, a Greek helmet, a Celtic sword, and javelins. They soften up an opponent with their javelins and charge an enemy once they're weakened with the great force of Celtic warriors.

200 1263 1263 39 10 15 73 16 20 55
200 Massaloi Hoplitai
Melee Infantry / Hoplite/Pike Infantry / (AOR_11_Massalian_Hoplites)
Massaloi Hoplitai
(Massilian Hoplites)

Hoplites: no other word says Greeks at war in quite the same way.

200 1021 1021 29 9 13 62 12 20 40
200 Massaloi Thorakitai Hoplitai
Melee Infantry / Hoplite/Pike Infantry / (AOR_11_Massalian_Thorax_Hoplites)
Massaloi Thorakitai Hoplitai
(Massilian Thorax Hoplites)

These Massilian warriors are equipped in the traditional hoplite style, sporting heavy chainmail cuirasses.

200 1117 1117 30 9 13 70 14 20 40
300 Clona Tekonac
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (AOR_12_North_Iberian_Axemen)
Clona Tekonac
(Asturian Axemen)

The Astures and Cantabrii are groups of indigenous tribes with similar Celtic-influenced but distinctive cultures, well-known for their fierceness, lust for freedom, and indomitable character.

300 797 797 38 11 11 70 6 20 40
200 Milites Ilergetum
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (AOR_12_North_Iberian_Illergetan_Soldiers)
Milites Ilergetum
(Illergetan Soldiers)

These Iberians wear a helmet of typical Ilergetan design, with the characteristic neck guard, padded armour and large scutum adopted from the Gallic tribes across the Pyrenees. For weapons, they use javelins and a longsword, most likely imported from Gaul through the Greek colony of Emporion. Greek and Phoenician elements are also abundant in their culture, foreign motifs being common in their art. While not an elite contingent in the Ilergetan army, these troops are good quality. They are brave and relatively well-equipped, dependable line infantry.

200 847 847 36 11 13 71 8 20 40
300 Gestikapoinann
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_12_North_Iberian_Levies)
(Asturian Levies)

Gestikapoinann are equipped with light leather armour combined with a small bronze breastplate, a leather galea helmet, and a rather large shield that gives them their name.

300 452 452 24 9 10 52 3 20 35
175 Clona Gosnasio
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_12_North_Iberian_Skirmishers)
Clona Gosnasio
(Cantabrian Skirmishers)

These warriors are the most poorly armed men of the northern Iberian Celts, and as such make up the bulk of the forces those tribes can field in a time of war.

175 493 493 15 90 8 5 24 9 6 50 1 20 25
100 Curisi
Cavalry / Melee Cavalry / (AOR_13_South_Iberian_Cavalry)
(Iberian Cavalry)

Curisi are good medium cavalry that can perform well against light troops, but will generally get cut to pieces by superior spear infantry or heavy cavalry.

100 1551 1551 33 11 24 41 10 20 35
300 Iberi Milites
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_13_South_Iberian_Levies)
Iberi Milites
(Iberian Levies)

Iberi Milites are a reliable militia. Fast-moving and able to pepper the enemy with javelins before charging with their spears, they can be relied to beef up Iberian armies whenever numbers are paramount.

300 452 452 24 9 10 52 3 20 35
200 Loricati Scutarii
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (AOR_13_South_Iberian_Loricati)
Loricati Scutarii
(Iberian Loricati)

Iberian Scutarii are tough, fast, and well-equipped medium swordsmen that form the main battle line in Iberian armies. They are very dangerous against enemy light infantry and can hold their own against heavy troops.

200 1204 1204 40 11 13 76 14 20 50
300 Scutarii
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (AOR_13_South_Iberian_Scutarii)
(Iberian Scutarii)

Iberian Scutarii are tough, fast, and well-equipped medium swordsmen that form the main battle line in Iberian armies. They are very dangerous against enemy light infantry and can hold their own against heavy troops.

300 847 847 36 11 13 71 8 20 35
175 Iberi Funditores
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_13_South_Iberian_Slingers)
Iberi Funditores
(Iberian Slingers)

Some sling stones, in the right hands, are worth their weight in gold.

175 517 517 6 190 5 20 18 7 6 32 1 20 25
300 Corio Runo
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (AOR_2_Britannic_Ambushers)
Corio Runo
(Brythonic Hidden Warriors)

Unexpected warriors with javelins and swords are useful to any warlord.

300 571 571 38 11 17 69 1 20 35
175 Corio Telamon
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_2_Briton_Slingers)
Corio Telamon
(Britannic Slingers)

A good slinger is worth his weight in slingstones, many times over.

175 653 653 6 190 6 20 18 7 6 43 1 20 25
200 Thureophoroi Indohellenikoi
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_23_hellenic_medium_inf)
Thureophoroi Indohellenikoi
(Indo-Hellenic Thureos Spears) These spearmen are the lightest component of the regular Indo-Greek phalanx line, equipped with a fairly light linothorax and pteryges, and an equally light helm, though a heavy thureos shield and bronze greaves afford them substantially greater defensive coverage then the traditional hoplitai of distant Hellas.
200 968 968 28 9 11 71 12 20 55
175 Peltastai Indohellenikoi
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_23_hellenic_peltasts)
Peltastai Indohellenikoi
(Indo-Hellenic Peltasts) Gone is the close phalanx formation and the long spear, replaced by a somewhat looser but more skilled melee formation. They wear Phrygian style helmets, light cotton Thracian trousers, and carry javelins, in addition to a smaller and lighter shield. The Indo-Greeks have adapted quite well to the environment of India and have prospered. Many have become Buddhists, though they still remain fierce warriors, true to their Hellenic forefathers.
175 701 701 14 85 8 5 27 9 10 48 12 20 50
120 Kamboja Asvaka Ksatriya
Cavalry / Melee Cavalry / (AOR_23_iranian_light_cav)
Kamboja Asvaka Ksatriya
(Indo-Iranian Light Cavalry) Master horsemen and horse traders, Kambojas never leave an opportunity to plunder using their light cavalry. Living on both sides of the Khyber Pass, they are a part of the Arya races which stormed and conquered India, some 1500 years before. Their helmet is an evolved Boiotian one, and their primary cuirass is a quilted silk one. Their weapons are clearly Hellenic: a round aspis shield, a short kontos spear that could be held underarm in a couched stance, and a sturdy kopis for when the spear gives way.""
120 1778 1778 34 9 24 50 12 20 50
175 Thanvare Payahdag
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_23_Persian_Archers)
Thanvare Payahdag
(Persian Archers)

Archers should be valued for ability to strike down a distant foe.

175 508 508 9 165 5 15 18 7 6 22 1 20 25
300 Gund-i Palta
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_23_Persian_Levies)
Gund-i Palta
(Persian Levies)

Cheap spearmen are not necessarily poor spearmen and should make any horseman behave with a little respect.

300 351 351 22 9 11 52 1 20 35
80 Corio Cunos Vidios
Melee Infantry / Special / (AOR_3_Celtic_Savage_Dogs)
Corio Cunos Vidios
(Celtic Savage Dogs)

The Celts are proud of their loyal hunting dogs. These ferocious animals can be trained for war, and rip out men's throats to break any resistance.

80 640 640 18 7 15 26 8 20 35
300 Aeudi Lugoae
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_3_Gallic_Levies)
Aeudi Lugoae
(Gallic Levies)

During periods of strife and war, it is sometimes necessary to call upon ordinary citizens to organize as militia. Called Lugoae, militia in Celtic societies are farmers, craftsmen, fishermen, and so on, called to brief military service in periods of crisis. They may train a few times a year to fight, and games and sports encourage a decent level of physicality, but they're still only militia, and can only be trusted to do so much.

300 496 496 21 9 10 65 4 20 30
120 Leuce Epos
Cavalry / Melee Cavalry / (AOR_3_Gallic_Light_Cavalry)
Leuce Epos
(Gallic Cavalry)

Leuce Epos constitute the bulk of Gallic cavalry. Well-trained compared to many of their enemies’ cavalry, they are invaluable to any army. They throw javelins at a distance, depleting an enemy before charging with their main spears. They are trained to throw javelins, charge, and withdraw repeatedly, and they do it well. A bronze helmet, shield, and light weapons may not seem the equipment of any particularly great cavalry, but they are a solid medium cavalry force, capable of running down routers, defeating light cavalry, and skirmishing if necessary.

120 1216 1216 26 9 22 39 4 20 40
300 Gaelaiche
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_3_Gallic_Medium_Spearmen)
(Gallic Spearmen)

The Gaelaiche carry cheap equipment: Celtic longspears, javelins, and a shield. Their longspears are fair quality, with broad, sharp heads that cause deep, terrible gashes, and can be used to bring down horses as well. These weapons are accompanied by javelins thrown into an enemy position to disorient and kill a few foes. The Gaelaiche are mostly composed of the youngest Celtic warriors, but there is no shame in an older, experienced warrior fighting with a spear as well; the spear is a respected weapon in Celtic society.

300 693 693 24 9 10 73 8 20 35
175 Aeudi Gaeroas
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_3_Gallic_Skirmishers)
Aeudi Gaeroas
(Gallic Skirmishers)

Even the poorest of the tribe can fight for the tribe's honour and glory.

175 412 412 14 85 8 5 18 7 6 50 1 20 25
300 Bataroas
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (AOR_3_Gallic_Swordsmen)
(Gallic Swordsmen)

The Bataroas hail from a region the Romans call Transalpine Gaul (Gaul on the other side of the Alps). Raised from the Celtic warrior class, these Gauls are proud and experienced fighters who often value feats of impetuous valour over acts of more prudent common sense.

300 865 865 38 11 17 62 8 20 50
300 Kappadokioi Haploi
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_31_Cappadocian_Levies)
Kappadokioi Haploi
(Cappadocian Levies)

Levies can fight and are relatively cheap to maintain, but lack skill and conviction.

300 351 351 22 9 11 52 1 20 35
300 Galatai Lugoae
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_31_Galatian_Levies)
Galatai Lugoae
(Galatian Levies)

The chance to win glory and position makes these men fierce opponents.

300 512 512 27 9 11 78 3 20 35
200 Erin-mesh Uriki
Melee Infantry / Hoplite/Pike Infantry / (AOR_33_akkadian_elite_guards)
Erin-mesh Uriki
(Akkadian Elite Infantry)

These Akkadian infantrymen wear some armour, helmets and light thorakes, and all carry aspis shields to go with their long spears. The Erin-mesh Uriki are drawn from the citizen rolls of Akkadian cities, and are customarily employed as guardians of cities and temples, and as emergency militia during wartime.

200 1344 1344 34 9 13 82 18 20 60
300 Kares Pezoi
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (AOR_33_Karian_Axemen)
Kares Pezoi
(Karian Axemen)

These lightly-armoured axemen can hack their way into the flanks and rear of enemies.

300 885 885 39 11 15 70 8 20 50
175 Mysoi Sphendonetai
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_33_Mysian_Slingers)
Mysoi Sphendonetai
(Mysian Slingers)

Witty slingers, and all Greeks have wit, often scratch OUCH! onto their shots.

175 449 449 6 190 5 20 18 7 6 32 1 20 25
300 Phrygioi Pantodapoi
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_33_Phrygian_Levies)
Phrygioi Pantodapoi
(Phrygian Levies)

Levies can fight and are relatively cheap to maintain, but lack skill and conviction.

300 562 562 26 9 11 66 4 20 30
300 Korinthoi Epistratoi Hoplitai
Melee Infantry / Hoplite/Pike Infantry / (AOR_35_Greek_Levies)
Korinthoi Epistratoi Hoplitai
(Corinthian Levy Hoplites)

Levies are plentiful, and can stand in battle when properly commanded.

300 562 562 23 9 11 56 4 20 30
200 Korinthoi Ekdromoi Hoplitai
Melee Infantry / Hoplite/Pike Infantry / (AOR_35_Greek_Light_Hoplites)
Korinthoi Ekdromoi Hoplitai
(Corinthian Light Hoplites)

Discipline is needed to carry a spear and bear a shield in the phalanx.

200 615 615 27 9 13 57 4 20 40
200 Korinthoi Thureophoroi
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_35_Greek_Thureos_Spears)
Korinthoi Thureophoroi
(Corinthian Thureos Spears)

These well-trained warriors are a flexible force of skirmishing spearmen.

200 765 765 30 9 10 67 8 20 40
175 Skutjanz
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (AOR_5_Germanic_Hunters)
(Germanic Hunters)

A deer or a man: the target still needs killing.

175 528 528 9 165 5 15 21 11 6 29 1 20 25
300 Noricene Lugoae
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (AOR_7_Alpine_Levies)
Noricene Lugoae
(Alpine Levies)

While ill-disciplined, these men are ferocious fighters in search of honour.

300 496 496 21 9 10 65 4 20 30
300 Machimoi Machairaphoroi
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (Egy_Infantry)
Machimoi Machairaphoroi
(Egyptian Swordsmen)

Egyptians, trained for close combat, are hardy and loyal in service to a true Pharaoh.

300 610 610 24 10 10 65 6 20 45
175 Machimoi Sphendonetai
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (Egy_Slingers)
Machimoi Sphendonetai
(Egyptian Slingers)

The sling is an ancient weapon; age has not made it less deadly.

175 644 644 5 165 5 20 20 7 6 41 6 20 35
200 Epistratoi Hoplitai
Melee Infantry / Hoplite/Pike Infantry / (Gre_Militia_Hoplites)
Epistratoi Hoplitai
(Levy Hoplites)

Any honest citizen can take up the shield and answer to the name of hoplite.

200 575 575 24 9 11 56 4 20 40