1 |
鋒利雪刃 |
Item |
由於完成高度危險任務,這位刺客被賞賜一把殺氣四溢、鋒銳無比的利刃 |
刺客技能+1 |
When to test : AssassinationMission Condition : MissionSucceeded AgentType = assassin Chance : 3 % |
2 |
簡陋手槍 |
Item |
危險致命的秘密火藥武器,極少有人能防禦它的猝然轟擊 |
刺客技能+1,城邑秩序+2 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin SettlementBuildingExists >= gunsmith Chance : 33 % |
3 |
刺客行會總會長 |
pks_aguild |
此人外表平平無奇,諸多兇案目擊者寧可飽受酷刑甚至死亡威脅,也指天誓日證明此人無辜 |
刺客技能提高,行軍能力提高 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : AgentType = assassin not FactionwideAncillaryExists assassingm FactionBuildingExists >= assassins_guild Chance : 75 % |
4 |
投毒者 |
Politics |
投毒是一種令對手無聲消失的精妙藝術 |
事務官技能+2 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin FactionBuildingExists >= m_alchemists_guild Chance : 20 % |
5 |
資深罪犯 |
Security |
罪犯可為你完成某些骯髒工作,只是代價略微昂貴 |
事務官技能+1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin SettlementBuildingExists >= assassins_guild Chance : 20 % |
6 |
刺客新秀 |
Security |
可轉移 |
無人會懷疑舉止笨拙的幼童,因此他們執行暗殺任務極為有效 |
刺客技能+1 |
When to test : AssassinationMission Condition : MissionSucceeded AgentType = assassin Chance : 5 % |
7 |
宴會大臣 |
security |
宴會大臣負責安排各類宮廷宴會。若宴會中有人不慎失足河中,帶著喜悅的死亡,畢竟亦不失貴族體面 |
事務官技能+1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = assassin SettlementName Venice SettlementBuildingExists >= coaching_house Chance : 25 % |
8 |
孌童 |
Sex |
可轉移 |
並非所有男人都覺得異性具有魅力…… |
事務官技能+1 |
When to test : AssassinationMission Condition : MissionSucceeded AgentType = assassin Chance : 5 % |
9 |
妓女 |
Sex |
某些女人的魅力,可以使她們輕易踏入高手刺客亦無法潛入的臥室 |
事務官技能+1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : SettlementBuildingExists >= coaching_house AgentType = assassin Chance : 20 % |
10 |
名妓 |
Sex |
對國王而言,這個女士的迷人之處並非在於身份高貴,而是妖艷動人,但尚未迷人到可繼承國王任何遺產的地步 |
事務官技能+2 |
When to test : AssassinationMission Condition : MissionSucceeded AgentType = assassin Chance : 10 % |