Royal Military Academy 皇家軍事學院
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Bomb Ketch
Bomb Ketch
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Good unit 強力推薦
Views 查看: 26808
Class 兵種 Bomb Ketch Recruitable regions 招募地區 Worldwide
Men 兵員數 42 Required technology 招募需求科技
Guns 火炮數 15 Turns to build 招募回合 5
Firepower 火力 67 Unit limit 數量限制 0
Range 射程 750
Accuracy 準確度 70
Reloading Skill 裝彈技巧 20
Ammo. 彈藥數
Hull Strength 船體強度 170
Speed 速度 18
Maneuver. 操作性 Low
Morale 士氣
Recruit. Cost 招募費用 1050
Upkeep Cost 維持費用 260
Unit Description 兵種描述
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Bomb Ketch All sailing ships rely on having their masts and sails in positions that give them a balanced and evenly weighted push from the wind. Bomb ketches are not handy sailing vessels, thanks to their compromised rigging and the weight of the mortar and its mounting. The design needs to keep the forward portion of the ship clear for firing the mortar.

The strength of a bomb is in its mortar. This can throw an explosive shell high into the air to plunge down on enemies. The fact that the shell is explosive rather than solid adds to its deadly qualities: men and structures are equally shredded by the arrival of a shell.

Duty aboard a “bomb” was not an enviable posting, and there was a good reason why bomb ketches were named after volcanoes, fire-gods or fearsome ideas. They had a nasty tendency to explode, thanks to the shells that they carried; fire aboard a mortar was far more dangerous than aboard any other type of sailing ship, as the ammunition as well as the propellant powder could go up! Despite this, all navies found them a useful ship to have, and the original French design was soon copied by all the sea-going European powers.

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Require buildings 需求建築
No. Card
Building level
1 Drydock pNavy 1 0
A dry dock is a man-made basin with a set of watertight gates. It allows the construction of many types of warships.
2 Steam Drydock pNavy 2 1
A steam drydock is a basin for shipbuilding and repair that can be pumped dry by steam power. Steam engines also power much machinery.
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