The art of alchemy is a dangerous one, where the practitioners expose themselves to great risk by performing hazardous experiments in either the name of science, or greed. With the inherent risks involved dealing with dangerous compounds, the Alchemist’s Lab serves as a place for scholarly types to conduct tests in relative safety, as well as share their findings with one another to further the art.
煉金術是門危險藝術,術士們在科學獻身精神和人類貪婪本性的激勵下,不惜冒生命危險進行各種可怕試驗。正是為了降低這種相異物質成分合成過程中的危險性,煉金實驗室為各種學術實驗提供了相對安全的場所,同時此地科學家們亦互相交流心得,推動科學進步。 |