Dismounted Hasham 步行哈珊衛隊 heavy infantry Elite warriors chosen from amongst the Mamluks to be the Sultan's personal regiment and bodyguard. 哈珊衛隊皆從馬穆魯克軍中精英遴選而出,充任蘇丹貼身衛隊,只有在巴格達方能組建。
Dismounted Hasham 步行哈珊衛隊 heavy infantry Elite warriors chosen from amongst the Mamluks to be the Sultan's personal regiment and bodyguard. 哈珊衛隊皆從馬穆魯克軍中精英遴選而出,充任蘇丹貼身衛隊,只有在巴格達方能組建。
Dismounted Hasham 步行哈珊衛隊 heavy infantry Elite warriors chosen from amongst the Mamluks to be the Sultan's personal regiment and bodyguard. 哈珊衛隊皆從馬穆魯克軍中精英遴選而出,充任蘇丹貼身衛隊,只有在巴格達方能組建。
Dismounted Hasham 步行哈珊衛隊 heavy infantry Elite warriors chosen from amongst the Mamluks to be the Sultan's personal regiment and bodyguard. 哈珊衛隊皆從馬穆魯克軍中精英遴選而出,充任蘇丹貼身衛隊,只有在巴格達方能組建。
Muslim Swordsmen 穆斯林劍士 light infantry The Muslim Swordsmen are highly religious men. On the battlefield they fight with sword and shield. 穆斯林劍士皆為狂熱信徒,使用長劍和盾牌進行作戰。
Muslim Swordsmen 穆斯林劍士 light infantry The Muslim Swordsmen are highly religious men. On the battlefield they fight with sword and shield. 穆斯林劍士皆為狂熱信徒,使用長劍和盾牌進行作戰。
Muslim Swordsmen 穆斯林劍士 light infantry The Muslim Swordsmen are highly religious men. On the battlefield they fight with sword and shield. 穆斯林劍士皆為狂熱信徒,使用長劍和盾牌進行作戰。
Muslim Swordsmen 穆斯林劍士 light infantry The Muslim Swordsmen are highly religious men. On the battlefield they fight with sword and shield. 穆斯林劍士皆為狂熱信徒,使用長劍和盾牌進行作戰。
Janissary Archers 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵 missile infantry Janissary archers shower the enemy with arrows, weakening and breaking formations before the infantry move in. 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵率先箭下如雨,在步兵衝擊前即可大量殺傷敵軍。
Janissary Archers 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵 missile infantry Janissary archers shower the enemy with arrows, weakening and breaking formations before the infantry move in. 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵率先箭下如雨,在步兵衝擊前即可大量殺傷敵軍。
Janissary Archers 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵 missile infantry Janissary archers shower the enemy with arrows, weakening and breaking formations before the infantry move in. 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵率先箭下如雨,在步兵衝擊前即可大量殺傷敵軍。
Ottoman Infantry 奧斯曼步兵 missile infantry Hardy soldiers, well armed and well armoured, they fight with both bows and swords. 奧斯曼步兵極為強悍,盔甲精良,箭術劍法無一不精。
Ottoman Infantry 奧斯曼步兵 missile infantry Hardy soldiers, well armed and well armoured, they fight with both bows and swords. 奧斯曼步兵極為強悍,盔甲精良,箭術劍法無一不精。
Ottoman Infantry 奧斯曼步兵 missile infantry Hardy soldiers, well armed and well armoured, they fight with both bows and swords. 奧斯曼步兵極為強悍,盔甲精良,箭術劍法無一不精。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Hasham 哈珊衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite warriors chosen from amongst the Mamluks to be the Sultan's personal regiment and bodyguard. 哈珊衛隊皆從馬穆魯克軍中精英遴選而出,充任蘇丹貼身衛隊,只有在巴格達方能組建。
Naffatun 那法擲油兵 missile infantry These men throw deadly pots of flaming Naphtha that can seep through any armour. 那法擲油兵奮力擲出點燃的那法油罐,其油脂可滲入敵軍盔甲猛烈燃燒。
Naffatun 那法擲油兵 missile infantry These men throw deadly pots of flaming Naphtha that can seep through any armour. 那法擲油兵奮力擲出點燃的那法油罐,其油脂可滲入敵軍盔甲猛烈燃燒。